Allergic Reaction


Active member
Oct 26, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
I woke up this morning and my dog was furiously itching her muzzle and both her eyes. She itched her left eye so much that there was blood and she wiped some of the blood on the walls. I took her to the vet and the vet said she was having an allergic reaction to something. Her muzzle and her left eye had blown up by the time we got to the vet's office. Last night her left eye was only slightly red so I am not sure if it was an allergy to the environment or a bug bite. The only thing she ate out of the ordinary was a single raw sunflower seed. But she chewed it for a bit and realized it was too chewy and then spat it out. The vet put her on a steroid and eye drops. In the future she said i can use benedryl. She is 3 years old and is on freeze dried raw, probiotic and sauerkraut. i hope this is a one time thing.
We stopped giving her some chew that we realized she was allergic to and we stopped that about 3 days ago. we gave her a cod skin 2 days ago and she had diahrea the next day so we wont give her that either. Lots of stuff happened in the last few days but would she blow up like this after several days of eating something she is allergic to? Anyone have this problem or any advice on how i can figure out what caused this? thanks
Louie's eyes got swollen and red a week or so ago and he had a few hives so I gave him Benadryl. I am guessing he got a bite or into something in the yard but never quite figured it out. He was fine the next day.
its been about 14 hours and she is still really swollen. i feel soo bad for her. all she want to do is itch her eye. he face is a ballon right now. i will see how she is tomorrow. the vet said 25mg tablets of benedryl twice a day are okay for my 45 pound dog.
I woke up this morning and my dog was furiously itching her muzzle and both her eyes. She itched her left eye so much that there was blood and she wiped some of the blood on the walls. I took her to the vet and the vet said she was having an allergic reaction to something. Her muzzle and her left eye had blown up by the time we got to the vet's office. Last night her left eye was only slightly red so I am not sure if it was an allergy to the environment or a bug bite. The only thing she ate out of the ordinary was a single raw sunflower seed. But she chewed it for a bit and realized it was too chewy and then spat it out. The vet put her on a steroid and eye drops. In the future she said i can use benedryl. She is 3 years old and is on freeze dried raw, probiotic and sauerkraut. i hope this is a one time thing.
We stopped giving her some chew that we realized she was allergic to and we stopped that about 3 days ago. we gave her a cod skin 2 days ago and she had diahrea the next day so we wont give her that either. Lots of stuff happened in the last few days but would she blow up like this after several days of eating something she is allergic to? Anyone have this problem or any advice on how i can figure out what caused this? thanks

Bovine colostrum would be good for her or Quercetin which is the natural version of Benadryl, without the harmful side effects.

Hopefully she improves soon!
its been about 14 hours and she is still really swollen. i feel soo bad for her. all she want to do is itch her eye. he face is a ballon right now. i will see how she is tomorrow. the vet said 25mg tablets of benedryl twice a day are okay for my 45 pound dog.
A cool wash cloth can help sooth the face too. How is he doing?
its been about 14 hours and she is still really swollen. i feel soo bad for her. all she want to do is itch her eye. he face is a ballon right now. i will see how she is tomorrow. the vet said 25mg tablets of benedryl twice a day are okay for my 45 pound dog.
You could give 2 tablets. It’s generally 1 mg per pound.
Yesterday, the vet gave her a steroid injection, some Benadryl and an Elizabethan Collar. A few hours later, my dog threw up. This morning her face was back to normal but she is still itching like crazy each time I take her collar off to feed her. She also threw up twice today. I contacted the vet about her throwing up, and the vet said to take her off the steroids for now and give her a bland diet of boiled turkey and 25mg of Benadryl every 8-10 hours. I am not sure if she is throwing up from the steroid or the Benadryl. I will continue to see how she does for the next few days.
how long do you think it will take my dog to recover and stop itching?
how long do you think it will take my dog to recover and stop itching?
It depends on what is causing the itching.... if a bug bite, it should be a couole days, anything else is depends on how you can control exposure to the allergen
We took her to the vet on Thursday, and she started showing signs of recovering on Saturday. Her one eye is still a little sore and swollen though. I think she was vomiting from the allergic reaction and not the steroid. I am still giving her 25 mg of Benadryl twice a day and boiled ground turkey. She is also still wearing the Elizabethan collar. Things are starting to look good. I think the vet visit was a waste of time and a waste of $400 but in the end, peace of mind is priceless. These dogs keep you on your feet :)
I was babying her a lot the whole time and gave her extra love. It was so sad and I felt so bad for her. Thanks everyone. I really depend on this forum for support and medical guidance(besides the advice of my vet of course).

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