Mar 5, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Vader and Reya
Hello everyone.
I have been reading the forum for a month or so but thought I would register as I have an issue and would like some input.
I currently have 2 EB Puppies male and female. I got the male, Vader first and he is 16 weeks and 25 lbs and I got him at 8 weeks. He is a sweet puppy and the vet really likes him and has no issues that I know of. He potty trained real quick, which could not have been easy as I work and he is home in his crate with a potty area.. But he has did great and other than wanting to chew the pee pad and anything that holds the pee pad really no issues.
His sister came back on the market and she is the puppy that I really wanted (she sold before I could get free and look at the pups) and thought they would do great together. But she sold as I made up my mind to get Vader a buddy, but I was going out that way toward the breeder and thought I would look at the new litter of puppies.. Enter Reya, she is a sweet little puppy herself and I could not resist.. (hind sight is 20/20).. So I have had Reya now for a week and she is 11 weeks and 12 lbs.

Veteran dog owners are rolling there eyes, and I definitely understand now.

It is not that they don't like each other. They do.. But Vader is trying to dominate the little puppy and she really isn't having any of it but her size is stopping her from being the Alpha dog. But she is okay about him being the Alpha dog, its that he isn't picking this up and wants to climb on top of her and pin her down. Then she gets the *** and really starts to bite his ***. He doesn't bite her, just regroups and tries to pin her down again. So we sit on the couch a bunch with me in between them as they mouth at each other. I keep them separately in different areas, he is in more of a dog run now inside and she is in a crate with a small potty crate. They are feed separately in there crate areas and I walk them separately. And then try to have some bonding time. She will go over to his area and they will mouth at each other and she pees after a bit (read that it is a submissive pee).. But the same thing.. he wants to climb on top and pin her down.. separate and back to the couch. He gets the *** and starts biting his pillow as I am separating them and trying to get them (him) to play nice.

He does this with the few other dogs that we have met, but they have been bigger dogs or more agile so he can't pin them down. We have puppy class tomorrow and I hope this helps some.

I have searched the internet and really haven't found a good source/information on how to proceed. With a little time she will get a bigger and hopefully this will help.. I would like them to be best buds, but his attitude isn't helping. He really is a sweet puppy and she is too.

If someone has any tips or advice, it would be appreciated.



Mar 5, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Vader and Reya
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Reya.jpgVader and Reya.jpgVader.jpg
The Crew


EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Aww they are both adorable :luv: I'm going to tag some members that are raising siblings, and I know it can be a difficult situation but don't give up yet! They are both young, so I'm sure you guys can figure out a plan where everyone can get along.


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Precious babies!

:welcome3: to EBN.... Sounds like normal puppy play/behavior. You need to let them work some of it out themselves but definitely give a firm NO when he gets too rough. Puppy class will help some but at home start using 'nothing in life is free ' to help him realize you are alpha and he is behind you

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Norwegian Rose
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Oct 8, 2012
Burlington, ON Canada
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Hi, I have siblings as well, a male and a female, but I bought them together and they have never been apart since birth, so they have always been close and get along. I don't have any experience with sibling rivalry or biting between them.
Blossom is and has always been the dominate one and Dozer lets her be. They have very differently personalities, Blossom is the Diva, she has tons of energy, and she loves to walk. Dozer is very laid back ( lazy) lol and would rather sleep,or cuddle and he hates to walk. They did like to nip when they were puppies and they went through the normal puppy play fighting, but when they did this we used two things that worked, we used a water spray bottle to squirt them when they would nip, or we used a jar filled with pennies and shake it when they were playing too rough. This made them stop and redirect. I think that training is a good idea and will help, but I wouldn't keep them apart since they won't work things out or get used to each other if they are never together. I would let them be together and supervise them and when they get too rough tell them No in a firm voice, and try shaking the pennies. I wouldn't leave them alone together until you know they won't hurt each other, so when you can't supervise them, or you are out, separate them, and when they get too rough, you can put them in a time out by crating them until they settle down. I hope they settle down and it works out. Please keep us posted on how it's going.


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Jul 1, 2014
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Our two pups will be two on the March 22nd. When the boys were you dogs age they would fight like crazy. Knock down fights. I told Weesie I think their mentally challenged. They are bothers runts from a liter of 7 males. They have always been together. Emmitt is about 10 pounds lighter than Rogan. Emmitt runs the show. And so jealous of my attention. Emmitt can be mean to Rogan. We did not have the separate crates. Or any crates. I agree with Monica above. Our vet said when they are going at it they are playing. Emmitt will pin Rogan and he's 40 pounds and Rogan 50 pounds. If one or the other get too rough I put them in time out. After I talk to them like kindergarten. I make them sit beside me. Holding them down beside me. Sounds nuts (it is nuts) but it works. Give it time. Just watch them every time their out of the crates. Watch for the stare down. When they are quite and start staring at each other look out. They charge at each like two rockets. Mike hang in there. Haha the best is yet to come. If I can help let me know. Ralphie


Mar 5, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Vader and Reya
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Hi all and thanks for the replies. Vader had a pretty good time in puppy class. Not sure of the other puppies breed but he was a large puppy..
Vader got pinned down a couple of times during play, so now he knows what it feels like.. Didn't learn anything as he would pin the smaller puppy down.
But all and all a good play time and I learned a bit as well. Back home he played better with Reya and a bit longer without her getting upset. She is getting a little bigger and I think (and hope) that this might be all that is needed is for her to grow a bit so she isn't run over. Both got plenty of play time today and the neighbors did some socializing with them as well. So all good for today.. Thanks again....Reya_play.jpg


Head Pooper Scooper
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It will get better once she gets a little bigger, and in the mean time, just tell him NO and make him get off when he pins her. Let them play and when they get too loud step in and give a time out. I would walk them together too, that should help. They will sort it out eventually. They both are adorable also. :)


Mar 5, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Vader and Reya
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Okay, time for an update. It's amazing how time flies and how little I have now days.. :yes: But all good.
Vader is still Vader and plays rough, but it is play. Reya is gaining some weight and is pushing back. It is getting better each day.
Yesterday after they played some and Reya had enough, I put them in time out for a bit and clean things up. Vader crashed but Reya was chilling so I scooped her up and loaded
her in the car and we went to Petco. Reloaded on treats and was just cruising the store.... and then I saw it.... the Jolly Ball... I looked at it and thought.. this is what everyone is raving about... seems simple, but okay.. I had to see one in action after all the reviews... I went with the medium one as Vader is still a puppy and just weighed in at 26.5 lbs.

Side note... Reya is awesome in the car... Put her in the back and buckled her up... not a peep... laid still and was just chilling the whole trip.. Vader on the other hand, one would swear I was poking him with a cattle prod.. :whistle:

Once back home and unloaded, played with Reya and put the Jolly Ball in the middle of the floor... Vader woke up and I let him out of his run and he saw the Jolly Ball and freaked out.. Just backed away and barked at it.. Very amusing to say the least.. I went back to playing with Reya and it just tore him up, but he wasn't coming any closer to us as the Jolly Ball was in between us... After a while, I set her down and picked up the Jolly Ball to introduce Vader to the Jolly Ball... Okay I will admit the next part was a bit mean.. he took off running and I chased him bouncing the Jolly Ball off the floor as we went round and round the kitchen island.. After a few circles around the island (maybe twenty or so... lol) we both had enough.. We started playing tug a war with the Jolly Ball and it is his favorite toy now. It just wears him out... So we play Jolly Ball before they play and he doesn't have all the steam to play as rough. So all and all things are getting a lot better..

Izzy's Mom

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Sep 25, 2012
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Glad to hear! Just watch out for the Jolly Ball, specially if Vader is already more dominant... only time Izzy gets into fights at daycare Jolly Ball is part of it! They just love that thing so much they become obsessed with it!

Okay, time for an update. It's amazing how time flies and how little I have now days.. :yes: But all good.
Vader is still Vader and plays rough, but it is play. Reya is gaining some weight and is pushing back. It is getting better each day.
Yesterday after they played some and Reya had enough, I put them in time out for a bit and clean things up. Vader crashed but Reya was chilling so I scooped her up and loaded
her in the car and we went to Petco. Reloaded on treats and was just cruising the store.... and then I saw it.... the Jolly Ball... I looked at it and thought.. this is what everyone is raving about... seems simple, but okay.. I had to see one in action after all the reviews... I went with the medium one as Vader is still a puppy and just weighed in at 26.5 lbs.

Side note... Reya is awesome in the car... Put her in the back and buckled her up... not a peep... laid still and was just chilling the whole trip.. Vader on the other hand, one would swear I was poking him with a cattle prod.. :whistle:

Once back home and unloaded, played with Reya and put the Jolly Ball in the middle of the floor... Vader woke up and I let him out of his run and he saw the Jolly Ball and freaked out.. Just backed away and barked at it.. Very amusing to say the least.. I went back to playing with Reya and it just tore him up, but he wasn't coming any closer to us as the Jolly Ball was in between us... After a while, I set her down and picked up the Jolly Ball to introduce Vader to the Jolly Ball... Okay I will admit the next part was a bit mean.. he took off running and I chased him bouncing the Jolly Ball off the floor as we went round and round the kitchen island.. After a few circles around the island (maybe twenty or so... lol) we both had enough.. We started playing tug a war with the Jolly Ball and it is his favorite toy now. It just wears him out... So we play Jolly Ball before they play and he doesn't have all the steam to play as rough. So all and all things are getting a lot better..


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May 2, 2013
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I have raised two pups at a time,several times. They play rough,and the good thing is that they don't bite you so much because they have each other! I love having puppies around,now I have 3 sleepers! I even took 2 of my sister's pups,and house trained them for her.It was hard to return them,though.

My Otis

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Sep 2, 2013
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Beautiful Puppies you have, they are so Adorabull, Love and kisses to both of these Babies.

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