
New member
Apr 1, 2015
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
My husband medically retired from the Army last year and is 100% total and permanently disabled. He has an Old English Bulldogge as his Emotional Support Animal for his PTSD and TBI. December we are planning on flying to FL to be with family for Christmas since this is the first times he's been able to travel since becoming injured. The flight we are looking at is a 3 hour direct flight. We are trying to find ways to keep Truffles from gassing everyone out in the cabin. If we can't keep her from passing gas on the plane then my husband can't fly and my parents aren't able to fly to be with us in CO cause my stepdad has advanced Parkinsons diease. This is a very important trip as he has never met my 2 1/2 yr old daughter. Please help.
Gas is relatively easy to deal with. Daily probiotics and/or plain yogurt helps tremendously. it doesn't stop it 100% but helps a lot as they will still pass gas but it usually isn't as rancid.
I agree with Todd. I give Winnie a probiotic with her morning meal and a tablespoon of plain Greek yougurt on her evening meal. We hardly ever notice any gas. This is just a thought, but what about giving a Bean-o or Gax-x pill right before your flight as well? I don't know if those are even safe for dogs, so you should check with your vet first.

Thank you and your husband so much for his service! I'm so sorry for his disability, but how wonderful that he has a service dog! My husband is disabled from a stroke and travel is very difficult. I hope your trip goes well.
Best of luck to you and thank your hubby(and you) for so much that you gave for our country. I agree with all,that giving your dog a probiotic, and plain,active culture yogurt
as [MENTION=13140]Donnam[/MENTION] said,with meals is what mine get(one at one meal,one at the other)I have four in the house, and they hardly ever pass gas. They do also eat grain free dog food,and I believe that also makes a difference,as the corn wheat,etc. can contribute to the gas. Wish you all the best!:flag38:Thank you!!
Mine use to have gas but I put them on Earthborn Ocean grain free and none of mine have gas on that. I have two bullies and a Great Dane we just rescued and all are gas free. It might not work on others as well as it has on ours but the gas problem is resolved and our noses are much happier. lol Good luck on your travels and I hope you guys have a great vacation!!
Todd has you covered as far as the gas issue goes. I also want to thank you and your husband for his service to our great country and I am sorry for his resulting disability. I hope you have a wonderful vacation.
:welcome3: to EBN .... yes, plain greek yogurt with meals and if you can go to a grain free diet... it helps a LOT. No killer gas from my two at all.

Thank you and your husband for his service to our country
Bully gas can definitely be stinky! There are some great suggestions for probiotics in the previous posts. I also suggest some external methods. Carry a light body spray or air freshener to cover up any accidental passing gas incidents. Also maybe some strongly smelling (but not repulsive) snacks, like chips, so the gas isn't as noticeable.

Also, really what's a little gas? I've definitely say next to humans on flights who pass gas.

Thank you to your husband for his service! He deserves to be able to travel with his bulldog.

P.s. I'm from Florida and take my bully there frequently. It gets quite hot. Consider investing in a cooling collar for extended periods of outside time. I have a "kool kollar" and it makes a huge difference for my Ruckus. KoolCollar - Protect your dog from the heat
Our Loki seems to have extreme anxiety when traveling in any vehicle. He will not relax and pants heavily non-stop. He also sheds so much that I could probably create a whole other dog with all the hair!! Any suggestions to make his travels easier?
I never had much luck with probiotics and/or yoghurt with Chumly. He could clear a room! I would give him Infant Gas X drops instead and it helped a great deal.
If passing gas is a deal breaker for the plane I could never take my husband on a trip! Sometimes I'm not sure who is passing more and which is more rancid! Lol I wouldn't worry about it.

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