Emergency room


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Jan 26, 2017
Bulldog(s) Names
45 minutes ago I went to give Crabcake his food and all of the sudden he could not support himself on one of his back legs. I was panicking and briefly looked at his foot to see if maybe he stepped on something. Iā€™m at the emergency vets now, waiting for a diagnosis from the doctor but there are lot of people in front of me. He was quiet the trip over but did have an unusual facial expression. I was home all day, took him outside three hours ago, was playing fetch with him and there were no problems. Iā€™m not sure if he jumped off the couch and incorrectly landed, or if something else happened that I canā€™t even guess. Both his hind legs seem incredibly week and it was really hard to watch. I hope he is ok, Iā€™m freaking out right now.
The doctor said he was going to take an X-ray. He said that his hind legs are both extremely weak. His first thought is a herniated disk.

Are there any important questions I need to ask following the X-ray? Feel like Iā€™m not thinking clearly right now
The doctor said he was going to take an X-ray. He said that his hind legs are both extremely weak. His first thought is a herniated disk.

Are there any important questions I need to ask following the X-ray? Feel like Iā€™m not thinking clearly right now

Geez poor thing... try to breathe is one thing Iā€™ll suggest....wait till the vet tells you what he sees on them X-rays and if you donā€™t understand or if itā€™s not clear what heā€™s saying, have him repeat it so you understand. Please keep us posted as we sure want to know how crabcake is doing. Sending positive thoughts your way....
The x rays showed two discs on his upper spine that have almost no space between them, it is called intervertebral disc disease. This doctor believes he should be in his crate for 6 weeks with no activity and plenty of pain medication.

Iā€™m watching him in his crate now, even with pain medication he is so uncomfortable and canā€™t figure out a position to sleep in. Trying to just rub his belly, put down extra blankets, itā€™s really tough to see
Im going to crabcake's vet tomorrow morning to show him the xrays and get his thoughts, really concerned that simple rest might not be enough, he is incredibly uncomfortable right now.
Ohhhhhh goodness! Praying for Crabcake and YOU! I have no experience but keep posting updates, so many knowledgeable folks here.
Oh no!!

My French Bulldog has IVDD and has had 3 surgeries already. A lot of times crate rest will be enough but sometimes not. I would probably do 8 weeks. This is something that you do not want to rush.

You MUST be strict with the crate rest. Only out for potty and eating/drinking. No jumping, no running. I know it wonā€™t be easy to do with a bulldog but we carry Jax up and down all stairs.

Common meds for this are Gabapentin and either codeine or tramadol. You can also give CBD oil.

Feel free to ask any questions!

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Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry... praying for your little Crabcake!!!
was a rough night last night, he was doing a lot of whimpering in his sleep, picked him up gently and he supported himself enough to go to the bathroom outside. He hasnt touched his food which i left for him in the crate, but i did get him to take all three medications so that was something I guess. Just know he is so uncomfortable right now its very tough.
Poor little fella...I hope you can get him comfy soon and get his issue resolved. Give him a very gentle hug from all his EBN friends.
He is gently walking around in his crate, so he is putting some pressure on his hind legs, but hes doing a good bit of whining, wish he could just find a comfortable way to sleep.
was a rough night last night, he was doing a lot of whimpering in his sleep, picked him up gently and he supported himself enough to go to the bathroom outside. He hasnt touched his food which i left for him in the crate, but i did get him to take all three medications so that was something I guess. Just know he is so uncomfortable right now its very tough.

If you are able to take him for acupuncture and/or laser therapy that will help. What are the meds he is on?

Be very careful with him as many French Bulldogs and Dachshunds become paralyzed from this condition. Why strict crate rest is so important for healing. Seeing a neurologist would be ideal as they specialize in this condition.
Oh no!!

My French Bulldog has IVDD and has had 3 surgeries already. A lot of times crate rest will be enough but sometimes not. I would probably do 8 weeks. This is something that you do not want to rush.

You MUST be strict with the crate rest. Only out for potty and eating/drinking. No jumping, no running. I know it wonā€™t be easy to do with a bulldog but we carry Jax up and down all stairs.

Common meds for this are Gabapentin and either codeine or tramadol. You can also give CBD oil.

Feel free to ask any questions!

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[MENTION=16802]crabcake[/MENTION] I was just about to tag for you cbrug since Jax is going through something like crabcake. Good advice from Jaxā€™s Momma
Hes on Rimadyl, tramadol, and methocarbamol. Waiting to hear back from his person vet if he recommends anything different

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