Harvey Specter is gone all of a sudden -

My condolences. Haven't been on here for a long time and am so sorry to see that several bulldogs that I got to "know" via EBN have recently passed. I believe bulldog heaven is a nice place and that Castor and other who have gone before are welcoming their online acquaintances.

It is such a devastating thing to lose one's furry friend, but I have found that focusing on the gratitude of having had an extraordinary furry family member in one's life helps a little. Praying for you.
So shocked and saddened to hear about Harvey! Sending prayer for you,such a painful loss, I know. Harvey was a star
and we will miss him. He was a beautiful boy. I loved his photos.
I’m so saddened. I don’t come on much as I use to. Always loved the stories and the laughs Harvey gave us.…..R.I.P. Big Guy ❤️‍🩹
Please accept my condolences for your devastating loss. Very recently I was thinking of him because he and you had not been "here" lately. Harvey was the star of the photo contests,and we will miss him. He will be the movie star at the Rainbow Bridge. Rest in Peace, Harvey and then run like the wind!
With great sadness, I am sharing with you that my four legged son, my baby boy is gone all so sudden. What started out as a happy event, my daughter informed me monday last week that her friend is bringing her pet corgi to meet Harvey. So Tuesday at noon, corgi arrived. I called Harvey to inform him he has a guess waiting downstairs. It was a very friendly introduction. They were sniffing each other and Harvey was soon harassing the corgi with his relentless sniffing and following. Nothing out of the ordinary. Told my daughter and her friend that off to work I go which just means i am heading upstairs in front of the computer.

Moments later, my daughter informed me that something is unusual. According to her, Harvey just slowly flopped on the floor, eyes twitching. I did not know what to do. Shortly thereafter, his tongue turned blue. We rushed him to the emergency hospital but few minutes later, we were told he was gone. It was surreal for me. A breeder i talked to indicated that out of over excitement, he overheated and phlegm formed in his throat thereby obstructing oxygen. Harvey provided me with unconditional love for the past 8 years. I am beyond devastated. He is my very first dog since I moved to the United States 40 years ago. The love and joy i felt for having him was indescribable. I am beyond devastated. My only consolation is that his sufferring was limited to few minutes. Please include me in your prayers that i overcome this pain.
So much sadness and heartbreak today. I pray that your pain recedes and leaves you with memories of the love and life you and Harvey shared. You WILL be with him again.
With great sadness, I am sharing with you that my four legged son, my baby boy is gone all so sudden. What started out as a happy event, my daughter informed me monday last week that her friend is bringing her pet corgi to meet Harvey. So Tuesday at noon, corgi arrived. I called Harvey to inform him he has a guess waiting downstairs. It was a very friendly introduction. They were sniffing each other and Harvey was soon harassing the corgi with his relentless sniffing and following. Nothing out of the ordinary. Told my daughter and her friend that off to work I go which just means i am heading upstairs in front of the computer.

Moments later, my daughter informed me that something is unusual. According to her, Harvey just slowly flopped on the floor, eyes twitching. I did not know what to do. Shortly thereafter, his tongue turned blue. We rushed him to the emergency hospital but few minutes later, we were told he was gone. It was surreal for me. A breeder i talked to indicated that out of over excitement, he overheated and phlegm formed in his throat thereby obstructing oxygen. Harvey provided me with unconditional love for the past 8 years. I am beyond devastated. He is my very first dog since I moved to the United States 40 years ago. The love and joy i felt for having him was indescribable. I am beyond devastated. My only consolation is that his sufferring was limited to few minutes. Please include me in your prayers that i overcome this pain.
OMG I am so sorry!! Beyond shocking!!! We learned from you and Harvey for years, so very kind and helpful. I am truly so very sorry for your loss!!! I pray that somehow you find comfort in the coming weeks. Sending big BULLY hugs your way, now and always.

Sue and Joey
With great sadness, I am sharing with you that my four legged son, my baby boy is gone all so sudden. What started out as a happy event, my daughter informed me monday last week that her friend is bringing her pet corgi to meet Harvey. So Tuesday at noon, corgi arrived. I called Harvey to inform him he has a guess waiting downstairs. It was a very friendly introduction. They were sniffing each other and Harvey was soon harassing the corgi with his relentless sniffing and following. Nothing out of the ordinary. Told my daughter and her friend that off to work I go which just means i am heading upstairs in front of the computer.

Moments later, my daughter informed me that something is unusual. According to her, Harvey just slowly flopped on the floor, eyes twitching. I did not know what to do. Shortly thereafter, his tongue turned blue. We rushed him to the emergency hospital but few minutes later, we were told he was gone. It was surreal for me. A breeder i talked to indicated that out of over excitement, he overheated and phlegm formed in his throat thereby obstructing oxygen. Harvey provided me with unconditional love for the past 8 years. I am beyond devastated. He is my very first dog since I moved to the United States 40 years ago. The love and joy i felt for having him was indescribable. I am beyond devastated. My only consolation is that his sufferring was limited to few minutes. Please include me in your prayers that i overcome this pain.
Just received his pawprints and his ashes. I miss him so much😢😢😢


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Just received his pawprints and his ashes. I miss him so much😢😢😢
They day they come home is so bittersweet…. I think I cried harder that day than they day my first two passed . ((((Hugs))))

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