
Active member
Mar 30, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Dudley (2015-2020) Wesley 2021
Cant believe i am sat here writing these words about my big baby boy, buts heā€™s gone. Dudley Died on Wednesday afternoon While he was at the vets we are still numb and in shock And feel like i should wake up from this nightmare soon and heā€™ll be where he should laid on my lap now with me on the sofa as he did every weekend.

Dudley wasnā€™t himself earlier in the week and suddenly woke at 3am Wednesday morning yelping. We took him to the emergency vet who as usual couldnā€™t find anything but suggested we book him in for an MRI (we were thinking of getting him a scan done earlier in the year Because of some ongoing joint problems but because he had improved we didnt)

We booked him in for an emergency MRI on Thursday but he became ill at home early Thursday and was unresponsive we got him to the vets but he was panting by the time we got there.

They took him in and cooled him down as he had a temperature and stabilised him on oxygen, we had a call an hour later saying he was much better and walking around and they were deciding which tests To do the following day.

We then got a phone call later the same day saying he had cardiac arrest and they were working on him, then a second call saying he was gone and since that second call on Thursday i feel like our world has ended.

I know you all understand but, we just donā€™t know what to do anymore, he was our baby and he should be 6 years old next week and it isnā€™t fair that he not here. We had no time to Try and prepare ourselves, heā€™s just gone.

He was such a big happy boy and was even playing with me the night before all this happened

We just sit about crying and canā€™t help beating ourselves up wondering if there weā€™re any other signs we should of noticed that would of saved him.

Thank you everyone that has ever commented and helped with Dudley over these last few years, it was a great help and please all go and cuddle, squeeze and snuggle your beautiful Bullies.

Simon & Tracy

I am so sorry to hear this. Please accept our condolences.

I have no experience of what you describe but find it unlikely that there were signs that you missed. Dudley played with you the night before and he was a happy and very much loved bulldog boy, and he knew that.

Thank you for sharing the lovely photo of Dudley.
My heart is crushed for you... sending lots of hugs and love to you all. Donā€™t beat yourself up, you loved him hard and cared for his every needed. Your tears will turn to heart warming smiles from all the memories... be good to you, time helps. Your never forgot stop loving him as no matter what others comes into your life, they all hold a different piece of your heart.

I unfortunately know this exact experience as this is what happened with our first boy, Nitschke, he was 7, no signs, playful up to bedtime , woke up fine, but vomited just as I was leaving for work. Made a vet appointment at 9:30, he was in distress when I got home, but was fine but wasnā€™t himself when we arrived at vet. They called me around 1 and he was experiencing rapid heartbeat and the transported him to an ER vet. We met him there he was alert but very exhausted, he passed within minutes of us seeing him... Iā€™ll never forget it.

Rest In Peace handsome happy Dudley... we will all miss you

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So sorry for your loss..... it is definitely one of the most difficult things to endure. We lost one of our fur babies last weekend after 14 years. Hugs and prayers for you and your family...

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I'm beyond heartbroken to read this... SO very sorry for your loss. I have lost babies under similar circumstances, and it was devastating... I've never felt so helpless. Please don't play the "What If" game... most of the time it just happens... NO signs or warnings. We are all here for you, and it will get better... the memories will replace the heartache. We will miss sweet Dudley... RIP sweet boy :angelheart:
Rest in Peace, sweet Dudley. Everyone here will miss your sweet squishy face. Several of us have lost best friends, and we do know how lost,empty,helpless, and lonely the feeling is.When your heart is ready there will be a bully waiting for a mum and dad.Sending love and prayer to help you get through this very difficult time.:angelheart:We will be here-don't leave us.
So sorry to be reading this. Dudley was truly loved and he knew that. Sending you hugs during this tough time.

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OMG!! Our hearts are hurting as we read this, are so very sorry you have to endure this, please know Ellie and I send our best to you during this most tender time.:angelheart::angelheart:
I am so sorry very sorry to hear your sad news. Devastating for you and such a shock. RIP sweet boy.

I don't know what is going on this week but enough is enough. Two of my friends had to have their dogs put to sleep. My sister had to have her cat put to sleep suddenly two days ago and today my son told me he is having to say goodbye to his boy Casper tomorrow. He seemed 'off' for a couple of days so they took him to the vet and after blood work and X-rays, found he was riddled with cancer. Nothing can be done. And now we hear about poor Dudley. Heartbreaking for all concerned. :gloom::cry:
Oh no...So so sorry. Dudley was a beautiful bully. Yes itā€™s definitely hard to accept. I been through somewhat with Duke. Always on the go Speedy Gonzalez n yes our Incompetent emergency vets. But donā€™t hold yourself responsible as you did what you had to.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to say your kind words, i know many of you have lost your fur babies and know exactly how we feel and it is nice to know we are not alone.

I understand that we shouldnā€™t blame ourselves but i am finding it so,so hard not to wonder if he was ill for sometime and we just thought his tiredness and what seemed sadness was just him Getting a little older and being a ā€œstubbornā€ bully who always came back to normal at meal times and his after meal treats or whenever there seemed to be anything around like children which he always loved.

It kills me to think we could of let him down because we didnt save him, we were him mum and dad and that was our job.

So sorry to hear of your loss to Hceril, this has been an appalling year for everyone and some of us it just seems to get worse,
Sending you our love and hope it will be easier for you soon too.

Simon & Tracy
[MENTION=13960]Zedsded[/MENTION] Simon and Tracy, I am heartbroken at this news!! I cannot imagine what you're going through! I PRAY that somehow time and amazing memories of Dudley bring you both comfort. Sending prayers and big bully hugs to you both!

Sue and Joey
Gabe, Charlie and I are very sorry to hear about poor Dudley. We are sending prayers your way in hopes they will ease some of your pains. Our condolences to you and your family.

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