Bulldog refusing to go on walks


New member
Sep 2, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
Hey Guys,

My 5 year old english bulldog named Boris, has become very stubborn with his walks recently, besides going outside and doing his business, he wants to turn right back around and go home. I live in nyc, and he used to love to go to the park and on nice walks with me. He hates going to the groomer which is the direction I Typically would walk him , which he wonā€™t walk down that way anymore. Also doesnā€™t like going the other way either and will plant himself on floor , or pull back to our building once he has taken care of his business. What can I do to get him to go on walks again and enjoy his usually walks he used to love so much, treats outside havenā€™t been incentive enough to get him to want to walk. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks. šŸ™
Oh Dear! I sympathise with you. I couldn't get Monty out of our driveway and Buster is very much the same although sometimes he will go down the cul de sac, at his speed which is slow and stop. I have tried everything so can't help I'm afraid. Stubborn dogs!
Hey Guys,

My 5 year old english bulldog named Boris, has become very stubborn with his walks recently, besides going outside and doing his business, he wants to turn right back around and go home. I live in nyc, and he used to love to go to the park and on nice walks with me. He hates going to the groomer which is the direction I Typically would walk him , which he wonā€™t walk down that way anymore. Also doesnā€™t like going the other way either and will plant himself on floor , or pull back to our building once he has taken care of his business. What can I do to get him to go on walks again and enjoy his usually walks he used to love so much, treats outside havenā€™t been incentive enough to get him to want to walk. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks. ��

Change direction as if itā€™s same way to his grooming weeellll, lol. Bring a treat he likes while walking or drive him somewhere he likes n walk there so he gets back on track...
Change direction as if itā€™s same way to his grooming weeellll, lol. Bring a treat he likes while walking or drive him somewhere he likes n walk there so he gets back on track...

Jmlevin said he won't go the other way either!
Things to check:
Any irritation/swelling on his paws
Check the length of his nails
Any pain on his legs, especially his hind legs
His weight

Most English Bulldogs are not the sporty type. They're the "sleep all day" type when they're older. They usually are a butterball of energy as pups and then they slow down a lot past 3 years of age.

I have a 10-year old Amitola English Bulldog (EB with smaller chest, longer nose) that used to catch frisbees until I get tired of throwing the thing. Then he turned about 5 years old and he just catches a few then plops on the grass chewing on the frisbee. At 10 years old, he'll run after the frisbee in excitement and stops after a few steps when he realizes he can't catch up with it anymore and just walks towards it, and walks it back to me. I'm happy he still has that spunk in him but compared to his old self he's become a couch potato dog.

Here's my suggestion after checking that he doesn't have physical issues - take him someplace new with new smells and only soft grass to walk on and see if that gets him walking.
Boris is very funny , because right when I get back up to my apartment , after doing his business, and refusing to walk, he is ready to play fetch with the ball or tug of war, all day and definitely has a lot of energy. He definitely has calmed down since he was a puppy , but still has a ton of energy. When I visit my parents house he loves running around. In there backyard , and will go on walks out there with me, and even enjoys going on hikes with one of his pals. I really think he doesnā€™t want to walk because of his dislike of the groomer, and thinks Iā€™m tricking him either direction I go, I just wish I could get him over his fear/stubbornness of not wanting to go on walks, because he really loved going to the park/ dog park and hanging out there used to be one of his favorite things , and used to pull me the direction of the park when he was younger instead of back to my apartment.
How about drive him to the park? Or, if he has a doggy friend ask them to walk with you and Boris. He may just be bored with the same old walk!
I live in nyc in apartment building so there is only 1 door to exit, also really donā€™t take car often unless venturing outside of the city. I also felt when COVID was at its height, I started letting him get away with shorter walks, and he has just got into the routine of trying to turn right back around, which was a huge mistake on my part, because he already was being stubborn with his walks, att the beginning of Boris not wanting to walk I would cross the street and walk thru a walkway which he would do at first but has grown wise to this now and wonā€™t go that way either. Definitely can try to setup some walks with a couple or his friends because then he would be interested in following and going on the walk.
Firstly, Boris is just gorgeous- I love his name and him!!! As for walking......:pleasantry:. Bogey, my son's 8 yo bully- HATES walking. I had him the first 2 years of his life and he hated it then- even as a puppy. I actually bought a wagon because once he decided the walk was over, it was OVER. So, the wagon came on his walks and it did help. Sometimes I could get him to chase the wheels as it was pulled along. The only other way I could get him to walk, was get in the car and drive to a new location. Then, he would walk- ALOT! (Oh those new smells....:excited:) I realize that is not an option for you. Enter Jackson, our current owner of us, who is 1 year old. He picks and chooses the days he will walk... sometimes it is over a mile, sometimes it is just past the next door neighbor. I refuse to use the wagon method. I do bring treats and I also have a harness that has a strong handle on the back- when he refuses to walk, I pick him up by the handle, face him in the right direction, and he will usually get going.:pray: They are a special breed!! Get a bulldog they said..... wouldn't change the beasty stubbornness for anything!!!
"Definitely can try to setup some walks with a couple or his friends because then he would be interested in following and going on the walk". [MENTION=14752]Jmlevin[/MENTION] This would be the best way for you to get him to walk in your city.
Things to check:
Any irritation/swelling on his paws
Check the length of his nails
Any pain on his legs, especially his hind legs
His weight

Most English Bulldogs are not the sporty type. They're the "sleep all day" type when they're older. They usually are a butterball of energy as pups and then they slow down a lot past 3 years of age.

I have a 10-year old Amitola English Bulldog (EB with smaller chest, longer nose) that used to catch frisbees until I get tired of throwing the thing. Then he turned about 5 years old and he just catches a few then plops on the grass chewing on the frisbee. At 10 years old, he'll run after the frisbee in excitement and stops after a few steps when he realizes he can't catch up with it anymore and just walks towards it, and walks it back to me. I'm happy he still has that spunk in him but compared to his old self he's become a couch potato dog.

Here's my suggestion after checking that he doesn't have physical issues - take him someplace new with new smells and only soft grass to walk on and see if that gets him walking.

Slow down after 3??? Louie must have missed that memo [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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Boris is very funny , because right when I get back up to my apartment , after doing his business, and refusing to walk, he is ready to play fetch with the ball or tug of war, all day and definitely has a lot of energy. He definitely has calmed down since he was a puppy , but still has a ton of energy. When I visit my parents house he loves running around. In there backyard , and will go on walks out there with me, and even enjoys going on hikes with one of his pals. I really think he doesnā€™t want to walk because of his dislike of the groomer, and thinks Iā€™m tricking him either direction I go, I just wish I could get him over his fear/stubbornness of not wanting to go on walks, because he really loved going to the park/ dog park and hanging out there used to be one of his favorite things , and used to pull me the direction of the park when he was younger instead of back to my apartment.

Have you tried bringing a ball? Castor is a bit like Boris and we also live in the city (although not in a big city like NYC!). Some days he just refuses to walk so I often bring a tennis ball that I bounce in front of us (but not ideal in busy streets). Another thing we do is bench hopping - Castor likes climbing up on benches, so I will walk up to a bench, sit down and he hops up beside me and gets a treat, and then I lift him down and say, 'let's go to the next bench'. Not sure he understands, but it often works... Our problem is not only stubbornness, though, as Castor probably has pain in his legs and his gait is a bit stiff (he's seven).

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