Does your bully watch TV??


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Chester will park his bully butt right in front of the TV and I swear he is watching it..there's nothing else he could be looking at. I've never had a dog that did this..and wonder if it's the breed. Cuz as we know, bully's don't play by regular dog rules <o
My boys watch tv. Not so much anymore I guess they are over it but for sure they see it. I used to put the animal planet on when we left the house. haha. If there is a dog on the tv they will try and figure out where it went as it runs off screen or something. In all the dogs we have had these are my first for being able to see the tv for sure. We used to put dogs on the screen deliberately to try and get our other dogs attention and all they noticed was the sound.
Sam doesn't really seem too interested in the TV. He looks at it if he hears a dog on TV bark or something else that catches his attention and he will do that head tilt like he's trying to figure out whats going on. But he doesn't normally sit and watch the TV. I do leave the TV on for the dogs while I'm not there. I used to just leave the radio on but we moved last year to our townhouse and we get terrible radio reception there so I had to switch to TV. I just feel bad leaving them in silence LOL
Roscoe loves the Dog Whisperer. He just sits by me and occasionally gives a little bark at the screen.
How funny! Chelios Loves to watch TV! Animal Planet && Cartoons are his favorite. Ou && he Loves action movies! It makes me laugh seeing him just sitting there watching TV, so intrigued with the show. Faith on the other hand doesn't watch TV, but i'm thinking its because she's still so little && has a short attention span lol :p
This is a timely thread - Bentley and Linus almost never watched TV but Truman loves every time the Kit Kat commercial comes on, he tilts his head and barks!
We always had Sheepdogs before and they LOVED to watch TV. Gertie doesn't sit still long enough to watch it. Maybe as she gets older she'll like it too.
Vegas watches TV. I'm going to post 3 links. The first 2 are when he was alot smaller. We were watching "The Shining" on TV and when the REDRUM part came on, he was watching it like he was afraid. Looking at it now, I feel bad. But we always have the TV on and we almost always are the "rated R" movie watchers. The third is of Vegas and the video that made it onto AFV.
I used to watch the local Comcast Humane Society Pet Adoption On Demand every Friday night with Adrian when I was studying. Occasionally she'd back, lick the screen, paw the tv stand or mumble-bark, depending on the animal currently being showcased. Besides that, she only really watches tv if there's an animal!
My boxer never cared about tv but Mona loves to watch tv. Esp when there's a dog on the screen, as others have said. I didn't realize dogs could "watch" tv...neat!
Abby and Sophie (our Belgian Malanois) watched when younger. Now only reacts to a doorbell or bark.
Bella watches it a lot. We had Animal Planet on the other day watching back to back episodes of "It's me or the dog" She watched ever episode with us!!!
OMG Vegas is such a sweetheart!!! My bully will watch if music is on or if its loud cars. At first it gets his attention then he stares and cocks his head and moves back and forth so curiously. He loves guitar sounds.

I will have to say that when i watch Top Chef, he is very content and seems to watch it.
OMG Vegas is such a sweetheart!!! My bully will watch if music is on or if its loud cars. At first it gets his attention then he stares and cocks his head and moves back and forth so curiously. He loves guitar sounds.

I will have to say that when i watch Top Chef, he is very content and seems to watch it.

That cracks me up....He probably hears the "cooking and sizzling and bowl scraping" sounds and THINKS he can smell the food. I wonder if his little nose is sniffing like crazy.....wondering " I can hear it, but I can't smell it"
Bono likes to watch tv. In the evening he is always sitting on the couch just in the front of the television.
ah Olaf loooooves it's me or the soon as he notices any sort of dog on thre tv he literally STARES. He will approach the tv too and he has been tempted to practically jump into it!

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