Do you schedule feed or free feed?


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
I used to free feed many years ago, until I got a bully who was not eating enough. My vet told me to start feeding in the morning and at night, the same time we have breakfast & dinner. This way it cures two problems, one would be begging for food, the other would be an increase in appetite.

So I changed- and like he said, the next thing I know my bully was gobbling down her food at each meal. It did take a few days, and if she did not eat it all I put it up where she could not snack on it.

Last year, my mom told me her shitza-poo was not eating, so I told her the same thing. Of course, it did not help that she gave treats all day long too- and she is a tiny pup so she was probably not hungry for boring dog food :p

After some convincing, I finally got my mom to do the same. And it worked as well, but it did take her a couple of weeks to get used to the idea.

I know a few of you have said you free feed, do you have a problem with undereating or overeating?

I know now that if I allowed my bullies to free feed I think a bag would last for 3 days only! LOL :eek:
I feed the boys meals - morning, noon (for the baby), and night.

When it was just Bentley, I left food out, he'd never overeat. When Linus came into the picture and couldn't look at food without snorting like a piggy, I knew those days were over. :)
I used to free feed Horse, but after switching to a higher quality dog food that he LOVES, we switched to morning and evening feedings. I feel better this way, it's easier to keep track of how much he's eating, and it sounds silly but it's also gotten him on a regular pooping schedule!
When it was just Bentley, I left food out, he'd never overeat. When Linus came into the picture and couldn't look at food without snorting like a piggy, I knew those days were over. :)

I love that! CUTE!

I free feed Cutty and Mugsy and it has just worked out that they eat as much as they want and for the most part dont over eat at all. Now Cutty could lose 2 or 3 pounds but other than that he is healthy and looks good or better than some on the tv commercials I think. Some days the boys dont eat so much and then there are days when they eat the whole bowl in a day but for the most part I dont have to pay attention to even how much I put in the bowl. (Unless I feel like it is emptying too fast) Mugsy has never had a pound extra as an issue and I have seen some fatty pugs so we are lucky there. He is very fit so for sure no overeating for him. Luckily.
Schedule feed. I feed Samson a cup in the morning, a cup in the evening. Cup in the evening is mixed with salmon oil and veggies. If I let him free feed I'd probably have to roll him outside to potty (I imagine Violet from Willy Wonka LOL). He is always VERY happy to eat, you say "hungry?" and his eyes light up and ears perk up. He maintains a nice weight this way, nice thick bully yet a visible waist line :)
Abby and Sophie were always free fed. However then came Bella. Once she was diagnosed and she had to have everything treated with enzymes, well no more free feeding. Abby and Sophie get a cup AM and PM. Bella get three meals a day, 1 cup each with her enzymes. We have had to cut out treat all together since Bella can not have anything without the Pancreatin.
I fill a nice size stainless bowl for each bulldog daily and allow them to free feed. they each eat about half bowl per day do now i fill half full and 80% of the time there is still a feed niblets left!
We have been very lucky I guess, we free feed Chesty and Cadence and they never over eat.... there is always food in there bowl...... Now with up coming puppies...we are not sure what will happen.
mom gibs me a whole raw cornish hen in da morning. i eat abouts half of it den she either puts it back in da fridge and lets me finish it later dat nite for dinner or i bury it in da backyard and snack on it thruout da day. i eat about 2-3% of my body weight per day.
I only had my cocker spaniel Dexter, before I got Bertie. Dexter was always free fed, as he will usually only eat if you are in the same room with him. When I got Bertie, I continued the free feeding, and it was working just fine...that it until she went to the Vet and had her surgery for the saft pallet and nares and the 1st cherry eye. When she came home from the vet, it was like she was starved and couldn't get enough food. Ever since, I can't free feed, cause she will gulp it al down...hers and Dexters food. I don't know what happened at the Vets to make her change.
I can't free feed because Gertie and my St. Bernard are on two different foods. I don't want them eating each other's food. so I feed them separately. Gertie gets fed 3 times thru out the day, but I don't measure it out. She eats what she wants and then I pick her bowl up so Arrow doesn't eat it.
We don't free feed. I feed Vegas and Orion 3/4 of a cup every morning and evening. Vegas doesn't get the exercise he needs, but he's never been called overweight by the vet. (he currently weighs 68 pds) Orion always seems like she is starving. We bought her the slow feed bowl, but she cut her chin on the fence and it was "opening" back up. This slow feeder isn't wide enough for her bully snout, so we put her back on the elevated bowl. Now she hacks and throws up at each meal. She eats way too fast. Vegas would eat and eat if he had the choice......One day we came home and he had (somehow) knocked his weekly rations off the counter and ate about 10 cups of food. I immediately called the ER, and they simply asked "does he look like he's in pain?" Vegas was currently sitting, belly bulging, staring at my husband as he's eating dinner. My reply to the Vet.."ummmm, no. He's actually begging for food." They determined that he would be fine, but if anything changed, to take him in. I think I forgot to mention that he was a bulldog. Anyway, back on subject, we've never free fed. Always monitored it. Does anyone think 3/4 of a cup twice daily is not enough for a 14 month old?
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3/4 cup doesnt sound like enough to me. Cutty would be starvin marvin with just that. I guess if you give LOTS of snacks throughout the day maybe? :)
Schedule... in the morning and at night. LeRoy gulps his food and tried to eat everyone else's. And it would be too hard with the fosters. They come in with different food and medicines. Just easier for all of us this way.
Does anyone think 3/4 of a cup is not enough for a 14 month old?

This would depend on the bully of course, what type of dog food, and what snacks.

I would say for the average bulldog my answer would be no. But if you give several snacks throughout the day and feed a super high quality food then 3/4 c is probably okay, and Orion is awfully petite. But for an average growing puppy, especially a male, I would feed no less than 1cup twice a day, plus healthy treats and snacks.

Tidus went through such a long stage from 3-6 months where I fed him tons and could not get any weight on him. He was skinny! Too skinny! So I raised his portions to 3 cups a day and now he looks great. He needed that extra cup a day compared to my adult bullies.

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