Did I make a mistake adopting Tyson?


Supreme Overlord of Awesomeness
Community Veteran
Dec 31, 2010
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Ok So let me start by say Tyson is GREAT, He has no behavior issues and he is a really sweet boy and we all love him already. That may be the problem. We were told Tyson was 7 when we adopted him. Now I don't know if that means that he just turned 7 or if he is closer to 8. My mother, who doesn't quite understand how I can love a dog so much (Dozer), pointed out that the bulldog life span is 8 years. Darn you google! I can't say I didn't know this but I like to think of it more like 10 years. When she said this I wanted to plug my ears and yell "i'm not listening , I'm not listening". She then asked why I would adopt an dog this old when I had been so upset about the last one. That he wouldn't live very long either. Why would I want to do that to my family:eek:. It doesn't matter now because he is not going anywhere. Whether he lives another 6 months or 16 years he is here to stay . I now have a sense of guilt about it I hadn't had before. Truthfully I'm scared, because losing DOzer was the worst thing to ever happen in my life, I can't handle that again any time soon.
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Jun 9, 2011
By the beach
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Aww dozersmama :hug:
I am terribly sorry about the loss of your Dozer :cry:
You did a wonderful thing by opening your heart and home to Tyson. Bullies can live until at least 12. You didn't make a mistake by adopting Tyson, he came into your life for a reason and you into his. You've made his life so much better already!!
Dozer is so proud of you and smiling down from the rainbow bridge. Sending you peace and healing thoughts.


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Sep 5, 2010
New Jersey
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I know it's hard, but try not to dwell on the "what ifs" and instead count each day you have with him as a blessing. I believe he came into you lives when he did for a reason.


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Mar 2, 2011
Chaffee, MO
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I agree. Bullies or dogs in general can pass away at any time. You cant deny yourself and Tyson the love you both will get on what ifs.

Does that make sense?


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
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The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
It's tough when you think about their lifespan, especially when people remind you of the inevitable. But then I'd like to think of it this way ... Tyson is now having the time of his life living with you and your family. You've all given him unconditional love, attention, kisses, hugs, meds, anything and everything that the previous owners couldn't give. He deserves the best, and your fam is giving him the best. :heart:


Mar 11, 2011
Tip of the Mitt, Michigan
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Emma, Charlie, Milo, Peekaboo and Jack
You did not make a mistake! Of course it's going to be hard with Tyson when that day to Rainbow Bridge arrives but look at it this way - you and your family are giving him a wonderful home and a wonderful last 6 months or 16 years. He could have ended up without you and your family. Time heals the heart and you will miss and have some pain for Dozer for awhile....I still miss my Orion and get teary eyed from time-to-time and it's been 9 months now. Here's a :hug: to you from me :).

My husband asked me before we got Wilson becuase it was only a few weeks after Orion passed so suddenly, "you know their lifespans are only 8-10 years right." I said I don't care it's 8-10 years of love. :)
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Jack Daniels

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Sep 1, 2011
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I bet there is not one moment when you are with Tyson that you tell yourself " I wish I hadnt adopt you" ..

So dont even say that..... Besides, 8 years is on the extreme lower end of the spectrum. With good health and care which Im sure you give, Tyson's life span will be on the other end of that spectrum.....

Now go prepare his meal and stop your whining.! :p


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
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Vegas and Orion
Tyson was a gift. An expensive one, but you know how the saying goes. You can't buy love. Tyson needs you and your family. Can you imagine how his first 7 years were? And, another thought......They mis-informed you about his health. What if they have mis-informed you about his age? What if he's younger?

All I know is you need Tyson and Tyson needs you. Please do not dwell on the fact that he may retire soon. No one knows for certain when Tyson's time will be. Angel baby Dozer's time was taken way too soon...and that was such a heartbreak.

You are scaring yourself. Tell the kids that Tyson is a grandpa and he needs them to help every day be a happy one. Let them know that when the time comes, Tyson will go and play with Dozer. Dozer is just a baby and Tyson is a grown up. There will be a time when they will be together.

Let them know that it could be any day...or in 5 years. What matters is how you love him. So love him everyday and remember what a awesome gift Tyson is.

Much love,


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
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Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
Tyson was a gift. An expensive one, but you know how the saying goes. You can't buy love. Tyson needs you and your family. Can you imagine how his first 7 years were? And, another thought......They mis-informed you about his health. What if they have mis-informed you about his age? What if he's younger?

All I know is you need Tyson and Tyson needs you. Please do not dwell on the fact that he may retire soon. No one knows for certain when Tyson's time will be. Angel baby Dozer's time was taken way too soon...and that was such a heartbreak.

You are scaring yourself. Tell the kids that Tyson is a grandpa and he needs them to help every day be a happy one. Let them know that when the time comes, Tyson will go and play with Dozer. Dozer is just a baby and Tyson is a grown up. There will be a time when they will be together.

Let them know that it could be any day...or in 5 years. What matters is how you love him. So love him everyday and remember what a awesome gift Tyson is.

Much love,
couldnt be said better. :hug:

bulldog family

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Aug 14, 2010
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Wow!!! I'm shedding tears here... But everyone is right!! They come into your life to teach you lessons. Although Dozers was short, he taught you many amazing things. Now it's Tysons turn to teach you more...

I, myself, prefer having a senior dog over a puppy. They have so much wisdom...so many more stories.... Don't take the time you have with these precious beings for granted.

Just remember the more pets you help, the more friends that will be waiting for you... and your family.


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Aug 30, 2011
Houston, Texas, United States
Can you live in the present and enjoy the day?? Stop thinking about the what-ifs and just enjoy the time you have here on this earth w/ whatever and whomever God gives you. None of us know when it'll be our last day, so why waste your time worrying about it? Enjoy Tyson while you have him and leave the negativity alone.


Nov 5, 2010
Cedar Rapids, IA
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Yes, everyone above said it all. The best thing you can do in life is to give those close to you love and care. That is something Tyson was lacking early in his life and now you have the chance to give him what he deserves. You gave Dozer much love and attention and care and though he was gone way too soon, he was happy and loved which is all our bullies want. When our pug Rex passed away at only 2 years, it was devastating and though time helps, the pain and hurt never really go away. But we knew we had loved and spoiled him and he was a happy little pug. We had so much love to give and wanted to give another dog the same happy and loved life as Rex, so we continue to grow our doggie family as much as we can and spoil them all!


Head Pooper Scooper
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Mar 21, 2011
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Bullies live 8 to 10 years and sometimes longer 12 to 13, you just don't know. Even if it's for one day you give him happiness and love that would be worth it. We should cherish everyday we have with these wonderful bullies, because there is no guarantee for tomorrow. You have given him a wonderful home and plenty of love and I'm sure he will be around for a long time. But when the time comes for him to go, you will find a way to deal with that also, because we all know we will see them again someday at Rainbow Bridge. So give your big boy a hug and kiss and be happy you have him for today.:hug:

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