My big boy...

Alicia M Kouw

New member
Aug 15, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
Zoey and Louie
louie new collar.jpg My baby Louie is getting so big, he weighs in at 29.7lbs at 19 weeks old!!! He has needed a new collar for over a month so after our vet visit today we stopped and got his new collar (the one he has on in the pic) I can't believe how fast he is growing, Zoey wasn't anywhere near that big at the same age....pretty sure we are going to have one BIG boy on our hands when he is full grown :)

He is such a handsome boy. I am partial to males just because of their size. Enjoy watching him grow
He is such a handsome boy. I am partial to males just because of their size. Enjoy watching him grow

My one year old female Zoey is 52 pounds so she is a BIG girl too....I am sure her size comes from her dad because her and Louie both have the same dad, but Louie's mom is BIG too so I bet he is going to have at least 10 pounds on her when he is full grown :)
What a great picture... he looks so regal. :)
He is a good looking boy, thanks for the pic.

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