Coat color question

Shirley Wigglebutt

New member
Jan 16, 2021
Bulldog(s) Names
What are the differences between coat colors red and white, fawn and white, and sable and white? I can't figure out what color my Shirley actually is!
Yes, please post a photo and if you scroll and find photos of my guys, they are red and white piebald.

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Hello all, my coat coloring is called Brindle.



Her main coat color has both golden highlights and black in it, the edges of her twistie tail are black, both ears are black, and she has some black hairs mixed in her face. With other breeds of dogs I've had a fawn had to have a black mask, but doesn't say that for the EBD breed, so I'm confused as to what color she is by EBD standards.
She looks like a red but almost fawn. Like Chip said, reds can be light.

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So you understand my confusion here! I don't know what coat color to say she is. I've researched every EBD coat color website I could find before asking here. The sable is said to be an unthourough tri, where it's too blended to be a tri but tri's have 3 colors which she does... I love her all the same would just be nice to know what color to say she is :0)
If she were mine I'd list as red and white...and cute!
Okie dokie, I'll just call her a red and white :0) doesn't really matter to me but when people ask, I'd like to be able to give an answer. Ask me what color any horse is and I could tell you but I've been a horse freak my whole life and Many years of owning at least 1 horse since I was 9. But the technicalities of EBD coat colors had me wondering if she was this or that. Thanks everyone who responded :0)

Here's a closeup of her main coloring so you can see how much black hair is mixed in and why I questioned her actual color.

She’s definitely not a tri or sable!

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She’s definitely not a tri or sable!

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I know her pattern is definitely not Tri, but this made me think possible sable because all the black hair mixed in


They define sable as:

Wondered about fawn because she has gold highlights and isn't really red but not tan either. And the fawns typically had the black ears.... see why I been so dang confused! I don't have a problem just saying she's red and white tho. She definitely has 3 colors.
Okie dokie, I'll just call her a red and white :0) doesn't really matter to me but when people ask, I'd like to be able to give an answer. Ask me what color any horse is and I could tell you but I've been a horse freak my whole life and Many years of owning at least 1 horse since I was 9. But the technicalities of EBD coat colors had me wondering if she was this or that. Thanks everyone who responded :0)

Here's a closeup of her main coloring so you can see how much black hair is mixed in and why I questioned her actual color.

View attachment 120481

Castor (who is a proud brindle himself) compliments Shirley on her nice coat!
I think she is red/white from the pictures you have posted

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