Not sure what these are????


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Jul 28, 2020
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello all. My EB has recently been bitten and attacked by a German Shepherd. SMH 🤦‍♂️. I also was attacked in the process of pulling the mouth open of the German shepherd off of my dog neck. Then getting filet open myself. (All Bad) since then I patched lucky up stopped all bleeding and now here we are 2 weeks later I noticed where the puncture wounds were on his neck he now developed a cluster of these white skin tags. I tried popping them to drain if it was puss in them but nothing came out. I’m baffled with this one. Has anyone experienced this and know what it is? Thank you. @PigDogLucky IG.


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WOW! You surely got nailed bad. Is your hand healing ok?

Those look like warts to me. He may have picked up a virus from the bite.
Wow that dog definitely did some damage!

I’m not sure what those are, I would have a vet look at it to rule out warts or infection.
Holy WOW! I pray you both heal up quickly ---- Agree with Citty - those white "tags" can be an infection, I would get a vet to evaluate them
I agree with others. I've never seen anything like that. Look too smooth for warts..maybe infected oil gland-Check if the shepherd has had rabies shot, for yourself and your dog safety! You should report the attack if the dog was loose.
Pig Dog needs to go to the vet and you need sutures in that wound if you haven't already! I am just an old Army medic
Definitely get your dog to the vet n let us know the update. Your hand needed/needs stitches.
Hello all. My EB has recently been bitten and attacked by a German Shepherd. SMH 🤦‍♂️. I also was attacked in the process of pulling the mouth open of the German shepherd off of my dog neck. Then getting filet open myself. (All Bad) since then I patched lucky up stopped all bleeding and now here we are 2 weeks later I noticed where the puncture wounds were on his neck he now developed a cluster of these white skin tags. I tried popping them to drain if it was puss in them but nothing came out. I’m baffled with this one. Has anyone experienced this and know what it is? Thank you. @PigDogLucky IG.
Any update

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