Cadence had her puppies......but


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
My mom took her the vet Thurs to have her progesterone level checked. Her level had dropped to a 1.5 so we kept our Fri morning appt for the c-section. Cadence went into early labor Fri morning at 4am. She'd been monitoring her temp and it never dropped. THIS IS WHY YOU NEVER WANT YOUR BULLDOG TO GIVE BIRTH NATURALLY!!!!!
We lost 1 puppy in the birth canal. They tried to save her, but Cadence had been trying to birth the pup for over an hour. They called the Dr at home and he rushed in and Cadence went in for an emergency c-section. Charlie (female) was a healthy 12ounces. Beautiful markings. Delta (female) came out next. She's the littlest of the litter at 8 oz. She is all white with some patches of color on her face. Echo (male) is the heartbreaker. He weighed in at 9.5 ounces BUT he was born with his intestines on the outside. The Dr was able to fix him, but he said his intestines suffered some blood loss. They were grey in color, so the next two days are critical for Echo. If he makes it thru the next 2 days, he has a fighting chance. Foxtrot (female) was the puppy pulled from the birthing canal. They worked on her for awhile but were unable to get a heartbeat. If Delta had been 1st to want to see the world, Cadence probably would have had no problem delivering her. If little Echo survives, my mom and stepdad are gonna keep him!
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Oh no, I do hope your mom is doing well, it is so heartbreaking! How is mama Cadence doing? Bless her, and the pups. XXoos

While taking temps, could it have been possible she missed "the surge"? I have been told by several breeders that you must take it every 3-4 hours, because they could go back up in temperature within a couple of hours, and you could potentially miss the surge. The surge also means they will go into labor within the next 48 hours.

Hope little echo makes it. I bet they are beautiful :)

Oh no, I do hope your mom is doing well, it is so heartbreaking! How is mama Cadence doing? Bless her, and the pups. XXoos

While taking temps, could it have been possible she missed "the surge"? I have been told by several breeders that you must take it every 3-4 hours, because they could go back up in temperature within a couple of hours, and you could potentially miss the surge. The surge also means they will go into labor within the next 48 hours.

Hope little echo makes it. I bet they are beautiful :)


Thank you so much... I took Cadi's temp 7 times yesterday and it hardly moved the highest was 99.4 and the lowest was 98.7. Well we have 3 beautiful puppies, I am praying that we don't lose the little man Echo.
We will be praying for little echo. Is he eating well or do you have to tube feed him? I sure hope he makes it, looking forward to pictures.

I moved this topic to the breeder's area, since it is related to that subject.

Bless you and your family
update.... it is Saturday morning about 830 am, I have been up since 4am friday morning ... but if I can keep Echo going it will be well worth it... he is such a little man... I was so worried as he had not pooed all day yesterday and I wound up calling the vet. they gave him tell 8 am this morning to start pooping or he was to come back into the vet. well about 7ish last night his mommy got him to poo.... and let me tell you that little guy has made up for lost time.... he is the poo-in-ist little guy around....:D. He definitly has my heart, well so do the others....what can a grandma say.... any way day one is on the down hill slide for him and on to day number 2.....HIP-HIP-HURAY...
Aw Congrats to Candi && her pups! I bet there just beautiful! My prayers go out all the pups especially little Echo! I know he'll pull through! :)
how's the babies and momma today?
Im so happy your pups are doing good ours are 5 weeks and we had one born with the same prolbem (intestine on outside) his name is little guy and alto he's not as big as his sister and brother he sure gets around better than they do he's weighing in now at 26oz vires 86 and 75 oz he started out at 9 oz went to7 and has been gaining eversince lol I bottle feed him a goats milk forumal good luck to you and the babies
I sat with the babies last night while my mom tried to get some sleep. She's been up for about 36 hours with little to no sleep. I talked to her briefly on the phone about 7:30 this morning. The babies are doing awesome. Little Echo is past the "critical" point of the 2 days the Dr gave him. He is such a little trooper. He's nursing and pooing like you wouldn't believe. All three of them are gaining weight. Last night Delta (who was born the smallest at 8 ounces) nursed for about 45 minutes. The other 2 had gotten their fill and had turned belly up in a satified snooze. Delta was still pulling on the nipple. Momma was looking to end the feeding session, so I fixed a bottle up and she emptied it also. Finally, she was satisfied. Our hopes are high that the little guy will pull thru this with flying colors!

**The two belly up are Charlie (top), Echo (middle) and Delta is the white baby.


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I have a picture of momma and her babies, she is cuddling with them.


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Glad to hear all is well so far. Give da babes another kiss from us!
I am coming in late on this conversation. Wow, what adorable pups!! How are they doing to date? I hope and pray that little Echo is still well and continuing to get better. Thanks for sharing.
The puppies are almost 5 weeks old and are doing awesome. Echo is growing like a weed. He is pretty good about using the potty pad, but not so good at eating out of a dish. He is such a momma's boy.

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