Bocephus with his favorite frisbee.


New member
Community Veteran
Jul 26, 2012
Bulldog(s) Names
Frank "The Tank", Bocephus Watasha Ledoux, Rampage Jackson (RIP) Bulldozer (RIP)
It's wicked cold here in Nevada (I know Boo Hoo from all you folks buried in snow) but Bocephus is extremely bored and is digging out toys he hasn't touched in months.....
Fat boy with a frisbee.jpgFat boy with a frisbee 2.jpg
haaaaaaaaaaa!!! Cabin fever is getting to Bo, he's such a good looker! WOW!

Happy New Year Kori, stay warm! ;)
haaaaaaaaaaa!!! Cabin fever is getting to Bo, he's such a good looker! WOW!

Happy New Year Kori, stay warm! ;)

Thank you Phil, hope you and Buster have a wonderful New Year!!!
I am cold here too in Arizona! I know boo hoo right? Bo I'm coming over to snuggle!
He's looking at you like... can you please throw this Frisbee so I can catch it? LOL.

So cute!
I am cold here too in Arizona! I know boo hoo right? Bo I'm coming over to snuggle!

Come on over!!! He would LOVE some company!!!!!
Come on Mom... Let's play!
Oh Bo! You are so handsome-tell ma to throw that friz for ya'(bet she'll do it!)
Oh Bo! You are so handsome-tell ma to throw that friz for ya'(bet she'll do it!)
He knows I would, he just won't give me the frisbee. It's much more fun to play keep away

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