Arggggg. Omg! Wth? Vegas!!!!!!


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
We need a forum called "urgent Bulldog talk". Vegas woke up at 5am this morning wanting off the bed and I opened the door and sent him on his way. My husband was downstairs and he said he'd take care of him. SO...I wake up at 9am. I'm happy because I have the day off (unexpectantly) and I got some sleep! Uh oh? 9am? Vegas needs to have his seizure meds as close to 8am as possible. So I scramble out of bed, wake O up, and head downstairs to get them breakfast and meds. Guess what? Vegas decided to try and make his own meal! Out of the spice rack! I did NOT teach him how to open the lazy susan. ( I did try and teach him how to close it) Here is the morning mess. I'm a little freaked about the garlic. Oh, and he threw up....(so close your eyes at the end) and, he had a seizure out in the yard.
YouTube - Don't ever teach your dog how to open and close doors...

**does anyone know if they make locks for lazy susans**
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That little Vegas is just too darn intelligent for his own good ..... :lol: :bust:
I'd be inventing a lock for the lazy susan today!... LOL Brat!!
I can't help but laugh!!! Sorry!!! I like how they put one on the arm of your chair!! I do believe there are child-proof locks for lazy susans. Oh... and you won't have to worry about fleas or vampires for awhile. Theyboth don't like garlic!!
Sorry you cannot invent the lazy Susan lock- you can find this and many other different types of locks (even for your PANTRY!!!) in the baby department at your local store. :p

I :heart: you Vegas! But you are like one of my children, time for your mommie to break out the child locks!
Yep but some of them a pain to install. :angry:
Oh noes!!!!

The garlic thats dried like that isnt too bad. Now if he were to get into fresh garlic it might make him really sick. But I do agree you won't have to worry about fleas for a bit :D
OMG!! I am sorry Vegas got sick, but I was mesmerized watching the video. You definately have to be on your toes with him!! and sorry I had to laugh and love him :heart:
omg im so sorry but i laughed through the whole video :lol:

he just tried making his own breakfast so momma could sleep in today.... what a thoughtful baby boy :up:
Wow! I had to pick my jaw off the floor! I was gonna suggest looking in the baby section at Walmart or ToysRus or some other larger store, I am sure they would have a lock! Gotta :heart: Vegas!

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