We need a forum called "urgent Bulldog talk". Vegas woke up at 5am this morning wanting off the bed and downstairs....so I opened the door and sent him on his way. My husband was downstairs and he said he'd take care of him. SO...I wake up at 9am. I'm happy because I have the day off (unexpectantly) and I got some sleep! Uh oh? 9am? Vegas needs to have his seizure meds as close to 8am as possible. So I scramble out of bed, wake O up, and head downstairs to get them breakfast and meds. Guess what? Vegas decided to try and make his own meal! Out of the spice rack! I did NOT teach him how to open the lazy susan. ( I did try and teach him how to close it) Here is the morning mess. I'm a little freaked about the garlic. Oh, and he threw up....(so close your eyes at the end) and, he had a seizure out in the yard.
YouTube - Don't ever teach your dog how to open and close doors...
**does anyone know if they make locks for lazy susans**
YouTube - Don't ever teach your dog how to open and close doors...
**does anyone know if they make locks for lazy susans**
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