When does your bully bark?


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
Stig barks only when ...

- he feels threatened -- when the vacuum's on, his nail grinder's on ...
- he just did something he's not supposed to do -- for ex. last week when he tore apart my cookbook in another room :angry: :lol:
- he wants attention
- (sometimes) at the toy he's playing with

Other than that, he's a quiet bully. He doesn't bark at other dogs that bark at him, just stares.
Gracie rarely barks. It's usually when she is startled that she gives out a single wooooof!
Cutty isnt a barker but he does bark when he wants to thats for sure.

~when his ball or other important toy is an inch out of reach or next to something scary like daddys guitars. :whew:
~When someone comes to the door as expected.
~When Mugsy, "the town protector", barks and sounds like he needs back up.
Beefy is usually sleeping during the day so he doesnt bark alot.
But he will bark at me when he want to play, pee,poo,or if Georgia ad Baby Joe start barking(which is most of the night, :angry:AT EVERY LITTLE NOISE)
Vegas barks when he is barked at. He's just being polite. "only speak when spoken to".
Orion? She barks at bugs...she barks at mysterious noises AND she barks at normal noises. Orion can be dead asleep and all of a sudden jump up on all fours and bark? She then will listen and realize there was nothing to bark at. She will bark at the tv, she will bark at the dog 4 streets over who woofs. Then sometimes.....she won't bark at anything.
as you all know I am a little OCD, lol, Vegas has picked up my traits, if something/anything is out of place, like my husband leaving his lunch cooler on the kitchen counter, the ladder when I was cleaning the ceiling fans, the Halloween decorations, he stands and barks at it. But if everything is in place he really is not a big barker, even if the door-bell rings.
if something/anything is out of place, like my husband leaving his lunch cooler on the kitchen counter, the ladder when I was cleaning the ceiling fans, the Halloween decorations, he stands and barks at it. But if everything is in place he really is not a big barker, even if the door-bell rings.

same thing w lex, if its something out of the ordinary he will bark till we go check it out then he's fine... the door bell he just hauls butt trying to beat us to the door lol
Not very often.. usually when my shih tzu barks and goes running - which is when someone comes in the door and the alarm chime goes off. But, I just posted a video where he is barking because he wants the shih tzu's food.. which was quite odd for him - usually he just lays there and stalks him quietly! <o
Sam barks when there is someone at the door, when his toy is somewhere he can't get it and just playfully sometimes. He isn't much of a barker and thats how I like it :) One of the many reasons the English Bulldog breed appealed to me, not known to bark much.
Bertie barks when the doorbell sounds and when the vacuum is running. She also barks at my cocker spaniel Dexter when they are playing.
Bacon barks when hes not getting the attention he thinks he deserves... like if he wants up on the couch, or off the bed, or if we dont look @ him when he starts making his groaning noises. He will bark @ random things on tv.... things that are not scary in the least. Otherwise Bacon doesnt Bark.. just growls ALL THE TIME! :down:
Winston likes to bakr when he wants something.

-he barks at the sink/bowl when he wants water
-he barks at the couch or chair that he likes to sit in if someone is sitting in it.-
-if you're holding something he wants he will bark at it until you shoo him or give it him

otherwise he pretty quiet.

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