Tons of snow, Rusty hates it!


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May 5, 2022
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We got almost 2ā€™ of snow yesterday and apparently gonna get another 20-30cm tomorrow, and itā€™s -20 degrees ā˜¹ļø

Yesterday morning when we seen all this snow, I went to let the dogs outside when we got up in the morning, and my 2 other dogs LOVE it, and the snow is up to their chest, we had to shovel a area for Rusty cause it would be over his head! He looked at me after I shoveled, and ran around the table in the house to avoid the back door!

I actually had to pick him up and carry him out there and he gave me LOTS of dirty looks for making him go outside to pee in the snow(not much after where we shoveled for him). His poor paws bleed in the snow or cold ground after walking in it for 30 seconds! Itā€™s the fur/skin in his paws that goes raw and bleeds cause he is so sensitive, and he wonā€™t wear/walk In his boots or socks!ā˜¹ļø So I just put his jackets or sweater on him to go outside, he was NOT happy with all this snow, but my other dogs love it! Rusty even had his cozy pajamas on.

I sure hope we donā€™t get as much more snow as what they are saying we will get tomorrow!

I couldnā€™t get a photo of Rusty in the snow cause he is out and inside in like 30 seconds at most cause he hates it, he runs inside before I can get a photo. Here is one of my other dogs waking in the deep snow!



My roommate had two chihuahuas when Vada was around, and I would shovel a small potty area in the backyard for them to use, the other dogs, including Vada, loved it though

My roommate had two chihuahuas when Vada was around, and I would shovel a small potty area in the backyard for them to use, the other dogs, including Vada, loved it though

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Thatā€™s a good photo, very cute!

Did you see Rusty my Frenchie in his pajamas in the photo?šŸ˜Š
Couple nights ago we had -50 yes I typed -50ā€¦been a horrible 2 weeksā€¦.but for the next week or so, -6 to -10ā€¦
yay itā€™s summer time šŸ˜Ž
We got even more snow and itā€™s freezing rain/snow mix, and all the roads are all ice!

My golden retrievers are having to climb in the snow aside from where is shoveled for Rusty.
Couple nights ago we had -50 yes I typed -50ā€¦been a horrible 2 weeksā€¦.but for the next week or so, -6 to -10ā€¦
yay itā€™s summer time šŸ˜Ž

OMG thatā€™s very cold! Itā€™s been -25 here and itā€™s all freezing rain, and more snow.

The high is -8 this week too here.

Thatā€™s crazy cold you had. Even this morning Rusty seen even more snow and I had to shovel snow 2-3 times today to keep up with the snow. But Rusty seen it this morning more snow, he gave me a dirty look again and tried to avoid the snow. And tonight even with the salt I put down(dog friendly), everyone is sliding on the ice outside, super crazy.

I actually had to miss work today because the roads were straight ice, and my work is 5-10 minute drive. So frustrating with this weather!

Here is a couple more photos of the dogs I just took in front of the dog tree! Rusty has his Christmas sweater and collar onšŸ™‚



We got even more snow and itā€™s freezing rain/snow mix, and all the roads are all ice!

My golden retrievers are having to climb in the snow aside from where is shoveled for Rusty.
Unless you live in Vancouver, Canada always had tons of snow. Snowā€™s ok itā€™s the damm cold with winds.

This afternoon I was in the front of the house heading down towards the road with Sadie so she can burn energy in all the snowdrifts that piled up along the fence. Itā€™s like 6ā€™ deep. I throw a stick on them, she runs up them drift n sinks in trying to get out, brings the stick back so I can throw it again. I repeatā€¦..Hey itā€™s exercise for both. I think I need snowshoes though loll
Unless you live in Vancouver, Canada always had tons of snow. Snowā€™s ok itā€™s the damm cold with winds.

This afternoon I was in the front of the house heading down towards the road with Sadie so she can burn energy in all the snowdrifts that piled up along the fence. Itā€™s like 6ā€™ deep. I throw a stick on them, she runs up them drift n sinks in trying to get out, brings the stick back so I can throw it again. I repeatā€¦..Hey itā€™s exercise for both. I think I need snowshoes though loll
That would be good exercise for Sadie!

She was probably very tired afteršŸ˜Š
Yepā€¦ when we get lots of snow Lewis takes the snow blower to the yard nd makes a path for the boysā€¦ otherwise Cheli isnā€™t going
Wow...that's a lot of white stuff. So glad we don't get that much around here. Six to 10" every 2-3 years is the most we ever get. The younger dogs love it though...all of them. Stay safe, stay warm!

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