
A lot of good points covered already from food and medication here. Unfortunately, it doesnā€™t sound like your vet knows the breed very well and it might be helpful to look for a vet that has a lot of experience with bulldogs. I especially want to mention this because even low dosage of steroids can make bulldogs susceptible to calcinosis cutis which is a skin issue that looks similarly like allergies. If you do a quick google search of calcinosis cutis bulldogs there are a ton of articles about this.
@1Chumly ā€¦. UK food list? Sorry if Iā€™m pestering, wish I could remember
@1Chumly ā€¦. UK food list? Sorry if Iā€™m pestering, wish I could remember

For Raw diet, I think Bella and Duke is made in UK, I was looking to see if there was raw diets available in UK, but since Iā€™m in Canada I donā€™t know for sure
@nubonics is šŸ’Æ correct. All form of steroids will destroy all gut flora n their immune system will go down no matter what. It takes weeks n months to rebuild the immune system. Why if a dog is on ā€œanyā€ meds to give or mix in their meals a probiotic like fermented sauerkraut or fermented veggies and/or add raw organs as toppers. You need to get the gut going for the whole immune system to kick in.

ā€œIfā€ your vet say no n continue RC, definitely change vets.
Hello, new to the forum and hoping to get some last resort advice as I am at my wits end!
Our boy Milo turns 8 in July and up until 3 years ago he was a happy little nutter. He lost his drogue de bordeaux sister and we think the stress may have kick started allergies (if this is possible).
In particular he struggles really bad with his paws to the point now we can not walk him as much due to them them being so sore he struggles outside on uneven ground. He has occasional tear stain flare up but we manage those fine.
We had an allergy test done and alot came back on his allergy sheet. We took him the vets and started on antibiotics and steroids and it seemed to clear the paws up but not soon after they'd flare up again. We have been back and forth since. In the meantime we have changed his food multiple times allowing enough time for each to take effect. Currently he's on Royal cannin anallergenic which he's been on for roughly two months with no change to the paws.
We've tried lots of different remedies. Silver spray, clx wipes, hibi scrub, different shampoos, unable to do Epsom salt baths as he's allergic to salts. The list is endless.
He's the worst he's even been at the moment and I need some fresh advice please he's in so much pain. Vets seem happy to just continue to stab in the dark at what's causing it but we can't watch him suffer the way he is.
Iv read up on appoquel and rhe likes but the health risks don't sound too good and qhen talking over options with the vet she seemd to agree that a low dose steroid would be best to keep him comfortable but as iv said they are no longer taking effect.
Iv just ordered apple cider vinegar and I think I'm going to stop using the clx wipes as his paws look inflamed after using these recently.
Really hope to hear from someone who can offer some support. Thabk you x
Hello, new to the forum and hoping to get some last resort advice as I am at my wits end!
Our boy Milo turns 8 in July and up until 3 years ago he was a happy little nutter. He lost his drogue de bordeaux sister and we think the stress may have kick started allergies (if this is possible).
In particular he struggles really bad with his paws to the point now we can not walk him as much due to them them being so sore he struggles outside on uneven ground. He has occasional tear stain flare up but we manage those fine.
We had an allergy test done and alot came back on his allergy sheet. We took him the vets and started on antibiotics and steroids and it seemed to clear the paws up but not soon after they'd flare up again. We have been back and forth since. In the meantime we have changed his food multiple times allowing enough time for each to take effect. Currently he's on Royal cannin anallergenic which he's been on for roughly two months with no change to the paws.
We've tried lots of different remedies. Silver spray, clx wipes, hibi scrub, different shampoos, unable to do Epsom salt baths as he's allergic to salts. The list is endless.
He's the worst he's even been at the moment and I need some fresh advice please he's in so much pain. Vets seem happy to just continue to stab in the dark at what's causing it but we can't watch him suffer the way he is.
Iv read up on appoquel and rhe likes but the health risks don't sound too good and qhen talking over options with the vet she seemd to agree that a low dose steroid would be best to keep him comfortable but as iv said they are no longer taking effect.
Iv just ordered apple cider vinegar and I think I'm going to stop using the clx wipes as his paws look inflamed after using these recently.
Really hope to hear from someone who can offer some support. Thabk you x
I had the same reservations as you about Apoquel. I decided that my bulldog, who was 7 at the time, should be able to enjoy his walks and playtime. So I gave him the Apoquel. It worked wonders for his paws. Two and half years later it still works and he is able to enjoy his life. Having a vet that specializes in Bulldogs is extremely important, as is a vet that is open to ALL forms of treatment. I hope you and Milo can find a treatment that works for both of you.

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