
Jan 17, 2016
California Bay Area
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi All
Happy New Year.

My Red has been eating Stella & Chewy Raw Blend Red meat recipe for months now and his tear stains went away with this food. In the last couple weeks the tearing has started up again and he is back to licking his paws.

I'm also using Zertec.

Just wondering if I need to keep changing his food or if it could possibly be environmental allergies causing this. He also rolls around and scratches his back.

I live in California and we are just now starting to get rain. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
it could be environmental, but sometimes it can take a few weeks/ months for a food to bother the pet.... the red meat flavor has many proteins in it and maybe one does not agree with him
Maybe try a food that is only 1 protein? It is easier to detect an issue that way.
Agree with all above. Also try switching antihistamines - loratidine 0.12 mg to 0.22 mg for every pound dog weights once daily for example.

Also try a different brand other than Stella and Chewys to vary it up even more.

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