Help Needed! Bump on top of my bulldog's head


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Nov 26, 2017
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Hello All :yes:

So I've been noticing this bump, lump, cyst on the top of my bulldog's head. It started out small like a pimple and just started growing and growing. It was bleeding a little bit at one point and scabbed up because he would rub his head against the couch. Should I be worried? I'm trying to make an appt with our vet but it's difficult right now due to COVID-19 I really want them to check this out. Let me know if you've experienced anything like this please, your help is appreciated.

buster 1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg
Please stay safe out there!

Jake had that on his back. Red with tiny salt grain size scabs on it. My vet said, what I was going to do anyway but just wanted him to double check Jake. He was due for a checkup. He said... shave around it, wash it with soap n water, dry it n let it breathe then apply polysporin. I told him I got NuStock. He laughed cause he has horses n said...even better. Healed well till he got another one. I went a step further. Repeated all the steps, I put my gloves on n carefully scraped them little scabs off. Yes it bleed. Cleaned it again, added NuStock for 3 days. You will feel the sore getting smaller. But definitely do shave around the sore or you won’t get it all properly. Hair will grow back so no worries. :)
OMG thank you soo much for this info! It just looks too scary I don't want it turn out and be a tumor or anything. I have heard many great things about NuStock so I will purchase to have it. I appreciate your feedback thank you thank you! :pray:
Castor had something similar on his chest a few years ago. The vet thought it was benign and I think it is called histiocytoma (but please check with your vet - I may mix things up here). It bled when we were at the vet and I remember a vet tech tried to put on a bandaid which of course wouldn't attach... but the thing stopped bleeding after a little while and then healed pretty quickly.

Update - I now checked and I had actually posted here when Castor had his histiocytoma thing. Most of what I wrote above was right, but I had forgotten that this happened at the sdame time as a bad ear infection and some eye issues. Well, good that you forget some things with time, I guess! Here is that old post:
My Bella would get those from time to time... I would just watch them, and normally they would go away. You could send a pic to your vet, and see what they suggest...
Castor had something similar on his chest a few years ago. The vet thought it was benign and I think it is called histiocytoma (but please check with your vet - I may mix things up here). It bled when we were at the vet and I remember a vet tech tried to put on a bandaid which of course wouldn't attach... but the thing stopped bleeding after a little while and then healed pretty quickly.

Update - I now checked and I had actually posted here when Castor had his histiocytoma thing. Most of what I wrote above was right, but I had forgotten that this happened at the sdame time as a bad ear infection and some eye issues. Well, good that you forget some things with time, I guess! Here is that old post:

Thank you for your post :happy:
I did google and saw histiocytoma could be what it is since it's what it looks like, I've made an appt for the vet for next monday and will update!
Thank you for your post :happy:
I did google and saw histiocytoma could be what it is since it's what it looks like, I've made an appt for the vet for next monday and will update!

Yes, please let us know what the vet says! I noticed that Busters bump sits right on top of his head. Castor's was also positioned in a very noticeable place, sitting like a shirt button on his chest!
They are unsightly but harmless. I've seen them stay for years. If there is going to be some sort of elective surgery, that might be the time to excise it.
OMG thank you soo much for this info! It just looks too scary I don't want it turn out and be a tumor or anything. I have heard many great things about NuStock so I will purchase to have it. I appreciate your feedback thank you thank you! :pray:

NuStock is something you always need to have on hand. Great stuff. But like mentioned n others too, I did go have it check out. Like Chip said, it is harmless. Just a pain in the butt toying around with it. IMO n my Vet’s, no need for antibiotics just a good cleaning n stay on top of it... That being said, Jake’s wasn’t a raised bump. Just flat but with small scabs that bleed. No bumps.
Agree... hysto-thingy. Totally harmles and goes away on it’s own
Hello All :)

Just wanted to give you guys an update, I was finally able to take Buster to our vet today and they poked his growth and took some cells to look under a microscope and they confirmed that the cells do look like histiocytoma. So phew that was great news! They cleaned it and said to just watch it and leave it alone that it should go away in a month or two :pray2: so happy we confirmed that it wasn't anything serious, thank you guys for your help and support! I'll let you guys know when it's finally gone lol
Hello All :)

Just wanted to give you guys an update, I was finally able to take Buster to our vet today and they poked his growth and took some cells to look under a microscope and they confirmed that the cells do look like histiocytoma. So phew that was great news! They cleaned it and said to just watch it and leave it alone that it should go away in a month or two :pray2: so happy we confirmed that it wasn't anything serious, thank you guys for your help and support! I'll let you guys know when it's finally gone lol

Great news!

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Hello All :)

Just wanted to give you guys an update, I was finally able to take Buster to our vet today and they poked his growth and took some cells to look under a microscope and they confirmed that the cells do look like histiocytoma. So phew that was great news! They cleaned it and said to just watch it and leave it alone that it should go away in a month or two :pray2: so happy we confirmed that it wasn't anything serious, thank you guys for your help and support! I'll let you guys know when it's finally gone lol

Fantastic news!

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