Veterinarians that are happy/giddy around bulldogs


Active member
Jun 17, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Meaty, Sophie, & sometimes fosters
I'm curious how many here have experienced this? We have seen
a few different vets for different reasons, plus--with fostering, we
had to go to specific vets that we didn't choose.

Everybully here knows how *a LOT* of the general
public get sooo excited and happy when they see a bulldog.
It still amazes hubbs and I when people in stores, parks, etc. get
soooo excited!
And even in parking lots, people will
will stop their car and ask if they can take a pik.

Or how about
the times people are driving on a street, see them,
and then park in order to come over and pet/ hug/
take piks. We never had ANY idea how much people go "gaga"
over bulldogs!

But back to my actual topic....VETERINARIANS!

Our MAIN vet gets SO giddy and happy whenever we bring them, it
is adora-bull ! His practice is so, so busy, and some days, I can
tell he's utterly exhausted, but he's ALWAYS upbeat,
and many times, he even gets on THE FLOOR and pets them,
rubs their ears, etc.

I've always wondered if he does that with
EVERY patient, but I'd never ask! It's just so fun to go to him
as opposed to some rescue and/or emergency vets we've seen that have NO
enthusiasm at all.

There was one time where the fun vet said Meaty looked SO MUCH
like Churchill, he needed a cigar and a bowler hat. Wellll, I already
had the hat, then made him a faux cigar with brown paper. Next
visit, we surprised the vet and he just loved it! Took lots of piks, too!

Sophie had surgeries through the years that required specialists. One of them was like our regular vet---you could tell he LOVED bulldogs! He really
loved it when we'd bring Meaty along to the appointments. I could understand
some people thinking it's all an act, they're just doing that to continue
getting our money** (andddd....they HAVE ! LOL ) but I think I can tell when it's genuine.

The other specialists
were very business-like and serious---which is fine---it's just that when you're so worried, scared, sad, etc. it's SO nice it's SO nice to have fun, silly vets.

**Speaking of money, someone told me there's a local vet who said that
bulldogs have put all of his children through college.
You are going to have to share the "Meaty Churchill" pics with us. I'd love to see those. And your right about the money thing. But I think it's worth every penny of it when it comes to our bullys.

Bulldogs 49.jpg
Our vet and many of the staff.. get ridiculously excited when my two walk in the office. We are there once a month for laser therapy... Lambeau and Cheli have a big fan base [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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My vet loves my guys and will get on the floor with them. My Frenchie had a dermatologist and I swear that whole staff showed no emotion or joy. Normally people go crazy for the Bulldogs.

One thing I will say is if you get a bulldog from a reputable and ethical breeder and feed a good diet, you won’t be spending all your money at the vet!

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ou are going to have to share the "Meaty Churchill" pics with us. I'd love to see those. And your right about the money thing. But I think it's worth every penny of it when it comes to our bullys.

OMG, your meme!!! :LOL: Yes, I need to post the piks! I almost fainted
when the staff AND THE VET took piks, too!!! Also, I agree about
every penny being worth it.! Hubbs and I have joked about the doggies
getting jobs, etc. but as he likes to quote that guy from "Jurassic Park" "we spare NO EXPENSE!"

We did our research way before we got bulldogs,
so we were prepared. Especially the tricky anesthesia, and being
so easily prone to heat stroke, etc.

We even tried
acupuncture with a very honest vet who admitted it wasn't helping in their case, so we stopped. I am SOOO happy that other doggies are helped by these things; ours just weren't.

Unfortunately, even though our sweet Sophie came from a reputa-bull breeder, had a VERY healthy diet, adequate activity, regular vet care, etc. she sadly
had problems not at all related to the things you mentioned.

2016----She had scratched cornea that required surgery. A tech
made a horrible error by putting her on a HEATING PAD during surgery, and she was burned. She ended up
requring SEVERAL surgeries to deal with the burn. It was horrible!
She had to be in the hospital about 2 weeks. SO many surgeries
because of a tech's mistake. I thought for sure we'd lose her!

The vet who did the
corneal flap (I think it was called) was extremely apologetic and felt terrible (obviously!) He said that due to Sophie's tragic case, they changed
a lot of their surgical policies.

Last year, she had a benign cyst on her spleen requring major
(scary!) surgery. Thanks to our pawsome vet, she did GREAT!

BUT then also, last year, she was bitten by a tick that gave her a near-fatal disease (can't remember what it's called right now....but it's rare). We always treat our doggies for flea and tick, yet, it still happened. She MIGHT have lived, but the vets at the emergency hospital
made a fatal error.

Welll, that's my novel, or as some say "Thank you for coming to
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Our vet LOVES my Roxie! She gets on the floor with her, plays with her and brings in vet techs to play with her too. She spends extra time with us just to hang out with her. I would recommend our vet to any bulldog parent 😃


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