
Feb 13, 2018
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Otis has been lethargic the past few days which I have been attributing to allergies. However I noticed swelling under his jaw. If he were human I would say it looked a little like a goiter only higher up, his collar would fit right under it. . It goes the width of the neck, is soft and flexible when palpated. I don't even know if it might be Bulldog fat. We have a vet appointment this afternoon but of course I am very nervous.
I'd be nervous too. Please report back what they find, if anything. Good Luck!!!
Yes, please keep us updated. I hope it's nothing serious but it sounds very odd.
Otis has been lethargic the past few days which I have been attributing to allergies. However I noticed swelling under his jaw. If he were human I would say it looked a little like a goiter only higher up, his collar would fit right under it. . It goes the width of the neck, is soft and flexible when palpated. I don't even know if it might be Bulldog fat. We have a vet appointment this afternoon but of course I am very nervous.

Any update?

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Update! Had the vet thoroughly examine my boy and she found nothing unusual under the chin. Just "Bulldog jowls" think Churchill....relief! Also got test for ehrliciosis which was neg but of course does not preclude any of the other 20+ tick borne diseases. Since we found this baby 3 years ago covered in we're doing doxy for precautionary sake and he seems better this evening. As he is my first EBD, and I lost my last 3 Dobes to DCM, I think I have EB PTSD...hover mother....thanks for concern. I have to find out how to set up notifications... 20210603_193826~2.jpg
Update! Had the vet thoroughly examine my boy and she found nothing unusual under the chin. Just "Bulldog jowls" think Churchill....relief! Also got test for ehrliciosis which was neg but of course does not preclude any of the other 20+ tick borne diseases. Since we found this baby 3 years ago covered in we're doing doxy for precautionary sake and he seems better this evening. As he is my first EBD, and I lost my last 3 Dobes to DCM, I think I have EB PTSD...hover mother....thanks for concern. I have to find out how to set up notifications...View attachment 121084

great to hear he is doing well… that is a wonderful photo of him on the boat

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