You don't realize how crazy you are until...


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
I just got off the phone with my mother that lives 2,000 miles away, a great conversation until I started telling her all about Vegas.

I told her of his allergies, the cost of his food, fruit and veggie snacks, the wiping of his face and butt daily, cleaning his ears out with wash, the allergy shots, special antifungal shampoo he has to use, getting his anal glands internally expressed and taking him to have his nails done every 3 weeks.:eek:

And then the constantly scrubbing my furniture with soapy clothes to get the slobber off them, windexing my glass coffee table because of either slobber or nose prints underneath from where I eat and he looks up from under the table at me, moping every day because of the drool, water drops, having to wash all his stinky stuffies once a week and his bedding.:crazy:

By this time she is dying laughing and says "WHY do you want a dog that has that many problems and work??":confused:

I said BECAUSE I LOVE HIM :heart:!!!! When I was telling her everything it did sound..... overwhelming and CRAZY, all that has to be done. Doing it everyday is just part of my daily life, I don't think anything of it. Just like getting up everyday taking a shower and brushing my teeth.

Like our Bully's WE are a unique breed of owners!!!:up:(hug)

P.S.And I remembered when I was out running the for last two hours telling her about EBN, and my addiction, how I hurry and get things done so I can get online!! The Secret Santa Paws put her over the edge she was laughing so hard!!!! My mother has MS (Multiple Sclorosis) and it is heaven in my ears to hear her laughing so hard!!!:up:
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They are just like our children .. they need constant care, love and attention and to us it is natural to do all these things!! :luv:
Yes we are. Totally know what you mean! My brother was telling me how weird he thought I was recently, he's all you really enjoy having to do all that stuff huh? Yeah, yeah I do. I wouldn't trade Samson and everything that he comes with having him for the world :luv: Most bully owners must naturally be very nuturing people, you'd have to be. My mom has always told me I am so makes sense that I'd love a breed of dog that requires so much care.
Well, since you put it that way, it does make us sound crazy. :crazy: But it's such a natural reflex for us to do everything we can for them, that we really don't notice the work. Did you tell her how cuddly they are, how make us laugh every second and how your Vegas, especially, likes to wander around and gets trapped in the bathtub? :p
Well, since you put it that way, it does make us sound crazy. :crazy: But it's such a natural reflex for us to do everything we can for them, that we really don't notice the work. Did you tell her how cuddly they are, how make us laugh every second and how your Vegas, especially, likes to wander around and gets trapped in the bathtub? :p

[MENTION=1209]savemejeebus[/MENTION], I forgot to tell her the shower incident, she KNOWS how much I love him, I just have not given her an update lately on him. The more I was telling her the harder I was laughing and got her laughing, so It made both our days!!:)

[MENTION=574]TessaAndSamson[/MENTION], I never thought of it that way, I have ALWAYS been a caregiver, whether it be family, friends, animals...Vegas is my empty nest baby, with my kids grown and on their own. I feel like I have a toddler all over again.
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I wonder why sometimes too... Having 2 other dogs (both in the bullie family) that doesn't require anything but baths and nail trimming. Then I think how dull life would be without me laughing at something stupid Norm does. He makes me crazy and happy all at the same time.
I occasionally call Gracie a 'Nutcase'. Some times I wonder who the nutcase really is here..:crazy::whistle:
The whole time I am reading your post I am smiling, because we know all the stuff we have to go thru (and want to go thru) for them and we LOVE LOVE doing it. Sometimes people just don't get it and honestly I think THOSE people are the oddly unique ones...we are normal bullie loving humans!
[MENTION=1217]Lacey28[/MENTION], I don't know if it is true for everyone, but it is a day in my life, but after joining this site, I tend to believe it is true for most people than not!!
:up: It is so true..the things we do for our bullies :luv: yesterday I was trying to see if Chester had a pimple in one of his wrinkles and he DIDN'T like it and sprayed his gland all over my husband who was holding him :eek: My husband got up, and washed Chester's butt off FIRST, then changed his clothes. :lol:
I was going to post something like this today!!! All my conversations lead to my bully. I mean I am dealing with my kitchen ceiling falling because of a leak in my master bath and i start gushing about Bear to the insurance adjuster and even sent her a photo, lol.

I love my EB so much and even my husband says he's never seen me act like this with our dogs (we've had 2 together, bear is the 3rd) I love my Beagle and loved my lab to death. Just something about bullies.

Not to mention the addiction to this board. Glad I'm not the only one who is crazyyyyyyyy!!!!! :up:
[MENTION=530]LisaRN[/MENTION], What? he just sprayed and you are talking anal glands right? Wow I have to take Vegas to the vet and he has to stick his finger in the get the glands clean!! I would have first puked, then I too would have cleaned him up first so it didn't get anywhere else, then I would have taken a shower in rubbing alcohol, maybe gasoline!! (lol)

Some things just gross me out anal glands being probably number one for me!! Vegas shoots watery stuff out at the vet and my vet wipes it on a paper towel and ALWAYS sticks it in my face to show me how much he got, I could live WITHOUT seeing that, honestly!! My vet Loves to show me his work, when Vegas had an ear infection he dipped a huge stick with a swab down his ear bringing out smelly puss and almost stuck it up my nose, and said "this is why it stinks" well duh....I LOVE my vet, but OK I reeeallly don't need to see what I already know is wrong!!
:lol: Kelly, I'm glad I wasn't drinking something when I read that last post..I'd have sprayed it all over the screen! :lol:
I guess I'm so used to having 100 things to do, so many to care for. I have 6 kids, all grown and gone, then we bred dogs for years, so there were always pregnant Moms and puppies (well, not always, that sounds like we were a puppy mill :eek:). Anyway, all the "stuff" we do for our bullies seems like how it should be. I have a friend who has a couple cats. They come and go as they please, will be gone for days at a time and come home all torn up. I've ask her repeatedly, what kind of pet is that? She gets no love or attention from them. Just puts out food and water and then gets another vet bill for her trouble. Just don't get it...

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