Vegas update.....


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
For those of you who are following Vegas's blog and his'll remember that he had 6 in 45 days. Well....I'm so excited! On the 17 (2 more days) it will be 30 days since his last seizure. 30 DAYS! For a little guy who had 6 (that we caught) in 45 days....this is huge! Now, I don't know if he's had any while we are at work..but he is only unsupervised about 16 to 18 hours a week. All other times he has people watching him.
Just thought I'd share what is making me smile tonight!
Great news!...... Is it controlled with medication or what?
That is FANTASTIC news!! :up:

I know you said that you found out he wasn't having the correct amount of meds for a while ..... do you know if that is what caused the 6 in 45 days??
Great news!!! Yay for Vegas! I wonder if maybe the stew is helping somehow? Have you done any other changes recently?
The meds may have been the problem....but not for the 6 of them. My mom in law doesn't take care of the meds often, so he only missed the total amount of 1 pill. she was giving him 1/2 tab at night instead of 1 tab of phenobarbital. The weight loss may be part of it, but I'm not sure. Anytime he starts to act "off" I give him 5mg of diazepam. It will calm him that may be helpful also. Last night I gave him one. We had a wind and rain storm and things were blowing around outside. He was pacing and drooling....wouldn't go to sleep. So I gave him one about 10pm and he finally fell asleep about 1am. No seizure! Grandma will bullysit him today, so he's in good hands. Before we got Orion, he had gone 4 months without a that is my goal. I want to get him past 4 months.
The cause of his seizures is still unknown. The neurologist said there was a possibility that as he got older...he could outgrow them. He is 3 now and has been living with seizure since he was 10 months old. Another vet said there is a 3% chance that the seizures are food related. So, if he's getting only 1 cup a day and getting veggies instead....that could also be it. When we finish what stock we have...I will be ordering some Fromm...Surf and Turf I think. So, I guess I better start collecting some samples to make sure his tummy can handle it!
thats such great news way to go vegas!!! hopefully its the food thats helping handsome out
Wonderful news. [MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION], there is a FB member who posted on Buddies thru Bullies site, that her pup has head tremors. I commented for her to come on board and get info from you. I hope you don't mind. Great news on Vegas!!!!!
Most excellent news...we're all keeping our fingers crossed for many more seizure-free months!
Wow I am so happy about this you would think it was my own fur-kid!! And how did I miss this post until now?

Congratulations are in order, for both of you. I think we can all agree your determination on tracking Vegas and taking extra special care of him is paying off. You're a wonderful bully mommie :heart:
Searched for this topic. My bully is 1 now, and until today, he only had a hand full of fly bitting episodes. Today it lasted all day none stop. Nothing worked to make him stop. I took him to an emergency animal hospital and the vet insisted I start him on 68mg phenobarbital. I am so nervous about it!

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Hurray for Vegas, Good Job Buddy. So glad to hear he's doing better. Sending love and prayers that you get him past the 4 month mark and more.

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