Allergy test?


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Pembroke Pines Florida
Bulldog(s) Names
I was wondering about taking Bruno for an allergy test. I have tried everything with his food. He has been on everything from taste of the wild, origin,wellness,acana and now natural balance. I have eliminated the different proteins and have settled on the fish from natural balance grain free.
He seems to get these little bumps under his skin. It lifts the hair up and is very noticeable when outside in the sun. They do not bleed and he does not scratch.
He got something similar a while back while a pup. That time is was bloody and a little crusty .. I treated him with Ivomec injections and it all went away. I have tried those again along with changing his diet but won't go away.
I think he might be allergic to something else.
How accurate are these tests and how much do they run?

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Wow he still has that? When Yuna had that there was no bumps, just patches of hair missing- just like the pictures. Did you try medicated shampoo yet?

I am going to take a guess that just a FOOD test would be between $100-$200 and maybe the same for natural allergens. I think I got 3 tests done on Sara- this was about 6 years ago- it was about $450 for all of the tests. There were 3 different ones.

I am thinking of doing this for Tidus too.
Wow, I am of no help here but how frustrating for you. :( Would be worth looking into for sure since this has been such an ongoing issue.
If you have tried several foods and differents proteins, I would definitely consider the allergy test. Im sure all vets are different, but I know mine charges $285 for the complete allergen test. It will probably save you $ in the long run and Bruno will look and feel better when you know what to keep away from.
poor bruno i would do the tests and see what he is allergic to i know its gotta be frustrating for both of you. if its to expensive you could always get a care credit card "if your vet accepts it" and you can pay it off no intreset for 6 months and sometimes longer. we got the card just in case anything big ever happens and we need to pay a huge hunk up front!
[MENTION=1041]lexterwayne[/MENTION] thats a great idea! I would definately do the testing since nothing else seems to be working. Good luck! :D
After trying all these things that you have I would definitely consider allergy testing. Good advise lexterwayne, I also use care credit and its a life saver.

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