Tomorrow Gertie and Ida are going traveling!

Gertie's Mom

New member
Community Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
SanTan Valley, Az.
Bulldog(s) Names
Gertie & Ida
Tomorrow we leave on our road-trip to Denver. We're taking the girls with us. We've traveled with dogs in the past, but not with ones so young. So should be an adventure! My in-laws don't have internet, so I'll be hunting for places with free wi-fi. Probably won't be here as often as I usually am. So hope everyone here has a great week. :D
Hope you have a super trip.
Have fun! Stop and pee often! (for the pups lol)

We will miss you.....
Thanks everybody! We'll be stopping to pee, no doubt! Traveling with my husband is worse than traveling with a pregnant woman and a little kid. He gets a HUGE pop and drinks it and has to stop to pee, and while we're stopped, you guessed it, he gets another HUGE pop. And on and on it goes. :rolleyes:
Thanks everybody! We'll be stopping to pee, no doubt! Traveling with my husband is worse than traveling with a pregnant woman and a little kid. He gets a HUGE pop and drinks it and has to stop to pee, and while we're stopped, you guessed it, he gets another HUGE pop. And on and on it goes. :rolleyes:


OMG this reminds me of a really grosssssss story. Wanna hear it? I mean it, I don't want to hijack your topic here with my gross story. Perhaps its more suitable for the 4 paw members board?
Have fun and drive safely!!!!

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