So..the trainer at PetSmart said..


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
that dogs have no sense of "quantity" when it comes to the size of the treat they are getting..they will work equally hard for any nibble. She did say however that they are picky over quality. Hmmm :confused: tell that to my baby bully who keeps eating my earplugs :down:
Yep I actually use kibble for training cuz I don't want them to put on extra weight!

She should have stated all dogs except Chester cares about what they get LOL!
Sam doesn't care about quality he eats everything, I dropped one of my multi-vitamins yesterday and he sprinted and swooped it up before I could. I had to pry open his jaws and pick vitamin chunks out. I didn't know if that would be bad for him!
Yup! I usually use fresh chicken or hotdogs, and it doesn't take much :)
ya i think its a chester trait...we have a little green bush next to our gate and every time we open the gate lex has to get a nibble before we can preced to anything else aka "car ride"
I was attempting to put a cottonball in O's ear before bathtime......well, I dropped one before it made it to her ear. GOBBLE!

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