So my husband that can't keep a secret...


I couldn't make this sh*t up if I tried!
Jul 21, 2010
Bradenton Fl.
Bulldog(s) Names
...Just handed me a Zelda bulldog calender, he got me a bulldog calender last year that I keep the shots, when to order his food, red heart for heart worm pill, etc.. but this year is Zelda that I have in my inbox daily, he had no idea...That I actually get it in my inbox daily...Good job baby....He is a "keeper" and knows how I love my Vegas!!!
I love my Zelda calendar. I sliced my finger open Halloween 2009 on a Zelda costume for Vegas. I wrote to the company letting them know that someone had missed a stitch when making the hairpiece and used a staple instead. I let them know that this staple (unknown to me) was very close to Vegas's eye, and when I went to run my finger under the wig I sliced my finger completely open. It was bad. (I'm a good bleeder, so that made it even worse) Someone from the company emailed back the day after offering their apologies. They forwarded my email to the company who made the Zelda costumes...and asked if he could send me a calander. The fact that they even responded to me..made it better. I love Zelda. And I love the calendar they sent me.

Anyways...enjoy your calendar. When thanking your hubby, Don't pat him on the head for a job well done. That doesn't usually go over as well as it does when patting Vegas on the head.
:up: Yep, he sounds like a keeper. Surprises are way over rated.

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