So angry I could spit!!!


Supreme Overlord of Awesomeness
Community Veteran
Dec 31, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
:angry: So my boyfriend and I went to a movie tonight. The theatre was pretty empty just us and 3 other couples. After the movie we all walked out to the car and one of the couples had parked about 3 cars away from us. I look over at them as we are walking past and what do i see. A bulldog in the car!!!! It's 15 degrees out !!!!!!!! are you kidding me? you left your dog in the car for 2 hours to watch a movie in the middle ofi winter? It took everything i had not to go overthere and knock that lady out!! I AM NOT A FIGHTING PERSON , but i work with rescue dogs everyday. This is NEVER acceptable EVER!
WOW, that is unbelievable! You must have not been at a action film, otherwise you would have been all pumped up. LOL Maybe there is a local newspaper that you can post a complaint. We have that on ours all the time....people complaining about the treatment of pets via a blog called "Rants and Raves"

I know there is a law about leaving pets in a car when it is hot. I live in Fl so I don't know if there is a law about leaving them in when it is freezing.
[MENTION=770]Bella'sMom[/MENTION] unfortunatly I live in Indiana and we are nortoriously lacking when it comes to any sort of animal rights laws. They are still pretty much just property here =(. It is just unbelievable, I hope they really enjoyed that movie because I'm sure their dog did not enjoy freezing in the car. Jerks GRRRR. Hope the dog bites them then runs away!
That is horrible!! I read somewhere recently that 2 showdogs died in a car parked outside of a hotel. The owners claimed that the dogs did not like hotels and preferred the freezing cold car. I cannot remember all of the details, I cannot remember the breed or exactly how they died, or if only one of them did... :(
SImply retarded is all i can say in both cases. Had she been in a later movie than I , I probably would have stolen her dog and not felt a bit bad about it. Ugh I wish there was something i could have done for that poor dog
Yeah if that would have been me cops would have been called. I would have waited till she opened her car door and told her that if she was that unconcerned for her dogs welfare to hand him/her over. Ugh people disgust me.
especially since bulldogs don't have an undercoat (right?) Vegas is always cold and needing some 'nuggling. I couldn't imagine him outside right now for more than 2 minutes. (which is how long it takes him to find the PERFECT spot to pee)
it's funny, you cannot leave a dog locked in a hot car.. or you could call police, but you can in a cold car :-(
Oh my gosh I am not sure if I could have held my tongue so well. I am the last one to confront people but that is just sick! My boys shiver if the house is set for 69 even, so spoiled. Not to mention the fact that so many bullies get stolen everyday from backyards let alone being left in cars. In this case I guess stolen wouldnt be the worst thing to happen. What is wrong with people?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
Unfortunately it is endemic with humans that we can gauge their compassion and responsibility in the way they treat those who cannot fend for themselves or are in need of a human for supervision. This is sad, but probably far too common. Just be thankful that you can provide for the animals in your care, and those who you have an impact on, are receiving the best you can offer. And when in doubt, call the cops.
Oh wow how careless can you be??? Besides the weather, EBs are sought after and he/she could have been stolen easily. Poor baby.
[MENTION=770]Bella'sMom[/MENTION] unfortunatly I live in Indiana and we are nortoriously lacking when it comes to any sort of animal rights laws. They are still pretty much just property here =(. It is just unbelievable, I hope they really enjoyed that movie because I'm sure their dog did not enjoy freezing in the car. Jerks GRRRR. Hope the dog bites them then runs away!

I too live in IN and sit on the Board of an English Bulldog Rescue. Maybe one day I will have the "pleasure" of meeting these "responsible" bully owners. :rolleyes: I, without a doubt, would have said something. I know its uncomfortable for some people to do, but that bully doesnt have a voice of his own. Its a thousand wonders someone didnt steal him!!! Its all in the way you approach "most" people....sometimes you can teach them instead of lecture them. Dont get me wrong, I would have wanted to :guns:, but the other approach works a little better. ;)
OMG! I would not have been able to keep my big mouth shut! I wouldn't have gotten nasty, I would have just said, "Excuse, me. In all fairness to your poor frozen dog, I hope you plan to take him home and let him into the nice warm house and then YOU go spend 2 hours sitting in your cold car!"

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