Scary dog mom moment!


New member
Feb 9, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
I went to put away the glass measuring cup we use to feed Frank and it slipped out of my hand and completely shattered in my kitchen. Glass flew everywhere and of course frank darted to grab a piece with his mouth! I went into mom mode and made it across the kitchen in a second to scoop him up, no glass in his mouth thank goodness! He was quarantined from the kitchen for the next 40 minutes while I meticulously combed through every part of the kitchen getting all the shards. Some even went into his bed I couldn't stand the thought of him stepping on it :(

I don't have kids, but I feel like that was such a dog mom moment!
Oh No that would definitely have been a scary moment. Thank goodness frank didn't get any of the glass. Be careful for a few days in case there are any tiny pieces left on the floor. Make sure you wear slippers yourself so you don't get any in your feet.
I swept twice and used a flashlight with my big vacuum and my handheld vacuum haha :)
I use measuring cups as well for my guys food but use plastic ones for just that reason, glad Frank did not get any of that glass in his mouth had to be scary!
Damp mopping is also a good way to make sure you get every tiny piece up.
Yikes how scary. I think its time to switch to plastic measuring cup! At least Frank is ok, so alllll i good :) Mommy mode is no joke, I swear I've been there & afterwards think to myself, damn how did I move so fast? lol
Good mom moving! I did the same thing about a week ago, but it was a glass mixing bowl. It went EVERYWHERE. Like in his food/water dish and everything. I spent about 2 hours trying to get everything cleaned up while poor George was baby gated in the other bedroom!! Sounds like you moved quickly and did a good clean up. When it happened to me it was definitely a dog mom freak out moment :yes:
This has happened to me, and I will tell you this is where PUPPY classes came in SUPER HANDY. I'm talking about the leave it command… I dropped a glass like you stated, and both of my dogs came running in. I was screaming LEAVE IT at the top of my lungs, and both Roxie and Bella froze. I can also tell you that I have used this when medicine gets dropped on the floor or with a small toy from my kids… IMO this is one of the MOST important commands you need to work w/your dog on.
that is such a good point [MENTION=9157]ddnene[/MENTION]

I don't recall working on a specific leave it command in Frank's puppy class, then again I didn't get to go to all of the classes. and he is a little buzzard, always circling for the next item he can grab in his mouth and go. *metal note to start working on leave it asap!* :)
Leave it is a life saver in my house! But no contest that "mom mode" is the most used!
That happend to my kids while we weren't home. Our son was unloading the dishwasher and dropped a glass bowl onto a tile floor. Both kids each dove for a pup and scooped them up and put them in their crates until all glass could be cleaned. I was really proud of them for dealing with the situation so well. Must have been a scary moment for you, thankfully you were quick on your feet.
YIKEs... scary stuff! We also train the 'leave it' command... great training ever for a busy household. Lambeau (18 wks) is already fully trained on it

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