food ordeal and a lesson


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Aug 27, 2016
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I feed pre made raw patties and semi to fully thawed to Hank and as of late i drop the whole thing into his bowl and he enjoys a lot longer. Anyway, i broke in about thirds tonight and it was only barely semi thawed. I turned my head to fill a jug of water, and something made me turn back around and he was arched and obviously in distress,,, he reared up and crashed over backwards with his blue tong sticking out. It was the most horrifying thing and i used everything in me to pry his mouth open to get it out but it was clenched shut.. finally i got my hand down his thought and though i wanted to pull it out, it did go down and instantly went back to color in his tong. I fell to the floor,,,, well sat down fast and said some pretty thankful prayers. Soooooo, for me, his food will be fully thawed. That was so so hard... And im so sorry for the loss of anyones dog, i almost had to feel that :(( Im still so sad... It was so scarry :(
So sorry to hear, guess it got lodged in his throat. I always feed my frozen raw fully thawed after a day in the refrigerator. I think [MENTION=15310]helsonwheels[/MENTION] feeds frozen- this will be a good wake up call for her to thaw it first.

I would recommend for all raw dog food feeders to not only thaw, but to add a LOT of water to make a stew. Last time I had my dog's urine analyzed it was quite concentrated since she never drinks water outside of meals.
Oh that is super scary!!! Louie started choking one time when he was a puppy on his kibble and that scared me! Iā€™m so glad everything is okay!

The boysā€™ raw food always gets thawed a day ahead before feeding.

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Holy, I know that feeling. I will never forget when my little Duke was about 4-5 months, he was eating a snack n I hear thumping. I turned around and heā€™s on his side like a fish out of water gasping for air. I swear my hand went down his throat n took this piece stuck. Them slow feeding bowl became his new bowl. [MENTION=16884]Dollys Owner[/MENTION], there is no lesson learn here cause my dogs eats frozen. Itā€™s how they shove it in their mouth. Like humans, you can eat a grape or piece of meat n choke

[MENTION=16280]Hankster[/MENTION] Duke n Jake inhale their food. Nyala picks. Jake n Nyala eats semi thawed now. I know Nyala wonā€™t eat frozen anymore. Sheā€™ll do 2days without eating. So why I semi thaw their raw n no problem but I do break the meat up in the bowl. Works great for everyone. Btw, I do stand their till both are finished eating. A whooping minute lol.
[MENTION=16280]Hankster[/MENTION] Thanks for sharing and thank goodness things went well. Great reminder.

Also reminds me of some horror story I heard about kids choking in ice cubes which is why I never let my son have ice cubes when he was a kid...
Thanks you guys... a day later and im still shedding some tears here and there... it's horrable :( Hank is a pretty slow enjoy his food eater and i have fed some quite frozen too and liked the way he chewed. This was just a freek thing that for me, i wont do again :( He may choke on something else, but at least not the same thing. And yes Helene, up and over on his side :( Awful awful awful....
How scary for you and I am so glad all is well!

I used to throw a handful of frozen green bean pieces on my boys food and never thought a thing about it until Buster kept trying to clear his throat one day and finally spat out a green bean. I now warm them up so they are soft. I think it also scratched his throat a bit as he kept having a little cough after that. We had a vet visit scheduled anyway and he was given the all clear so no damage done.
Thanks you guys... a day later and im still shedding some tears here and there... it's horrable :( Hank is a pretty slow enjoy his food eater and i have fed some quite frozen too and liked the way he chewed. This was just a freek thing that for me, i wont do again :( He may choke on something else, but at least not the same thing. And yes Helene, up and over on his side :( Awful awful awful....

Holy crow.... what a traumatic experience! So thankful,you were in the room and thought so quickly

Happy he is safe and well.... hugs

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