Help Needed! Reaction to shots?


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Harford County Maryland
Bulldog(s) Names
Bandit and Kozmo Monster
Bandit is 5 years old and received his 3yr rabies shot last tuesday. He also got a Leptovax4 vaccine. He has had both before. He developed a large knot in the spot where the rabies shot was given, I called the vet to let them know and gave him Benadryl. It was just about gone by friday evening. Then saturday one side of his sweet little face started to swell. I upped the benadryl and watched for improvement. The swelling subsided early sunday. During all of this Bandit wasn't acting like himself which I figured he just wasn't feeling good and blamed that. Well it is now a week later and his behavior is getting worse. He has been very snappy with my other dog, he will not go outside, even started pottying in the house and he has NEVER done that. He is also snappy with me no matter how I try to coax him to go out he gets very snippy. This is unlike my Bandit and I am so worried. Has anyone else gone thru something like this after shots? I have an appt with the vet friday but not really sure what they can do. There is no obvious pain or reaction area on him. Any experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Heather, Bandit and the Kozmo Monster
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I am not much help here but I am sure someone with more information than I can give will be along shortly. I hope you get to the bottom of the issue soon so your baby starts feeling better.
Thank you! I am so worried about him. I have never experienced anything like this. I am hoping that maybe I am just being paranoid and his behavior is unrelated to the shots, maybe just the full moon or something heh. Just seems so coincidental :(

Heather, Bandit and the Kozmo Monster
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Heather please read my thread about chumleys rabies shot reaction. He's had some side effects from his 3 yr rabies shot also. There were a lot of great suggestions from other members here. I will also pm you.
I was just about to tag you on here about I'm of no use w advice here...,just hoping bandit gets better soon!
Bandit is 5 years old and received his 3yr rabies shot last tuesday. He also got a Leptovax4 vaccine. He has had both before. He developed a large knot in the spot where the rabies shot was given, I called the vet to let them know and gave him Benadryl. It was just about gone by friday evening. Then saturday one side of his sweet little face started to swell. I upped the benadryl and watched for improvement. The swelling subsided early sunday. During all of this Bandit wasn't acting like himself which I figured he just wasn't feeling good and blamed that. Well it is now a week later and his behavior is getting worse. He has been very snappy with my other dog, he will not go outside, even started pottying in the house and he has NEVER done that. He is also snappy with me no matter how I try to coax him to go out he gets very snippy. This is unlike my Bandit and I am so worried. Has anyone else gone thru something like this after shots? I have an appt with the vet friday but not really sure what they can do. There is no obvious pain or reaction area on him. Any experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Heather, Yes, I believe Bandit had an allergic reaction to the shots. This can happen even if they've
had the shots previously. Is there Lepto in your area or do you & Bandit go in the woodsy, swampy
areas a lot? Not to mention these should not be given together and at 5 y/o, you should ask for titers
drawn, he may have enough immunity to not need the shots. After my dogs have all their shots, I only
do rabies as required by law, no others. Of course, I do not go to doggy day care, doggy parks, etc and
have privacy fence so Cami isn't exposed to other dogs. I'd get him in NOW for the antidote w/the
behavior you're describing even if I went there and waited w/out appt. Shame on their lacksidaisical
and uncaring attitude especially knowing bullies are extra sensitive. DEMAND he get in immediately.
What is the antidote?
Unfortunately Lepto is highly recommended around here. We are around a lot of woods and wildlife, however I don't go take my dogs to daycare or dog parks. Thank you for your response! Calling vet again now.

Heather, Bandit and the Kozmo Monster
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What is the antidote?
Unfortunately Lepto is highly recommended around here. We are around a lot of woods and wildlife, however I don't go take my dogs to daycare or dog parks. Thank you for your response! Calling vet again now.

If you & Bandit don't mess around the woods very much then Vet shouldn't reccmded it.
My backyard has a lot of woods with deer, rabbits, squirrels and fox. Possums and raccoons too. I think in this area they recommend it to everyone, there is a ton of wildlife and farms in this county.
I am taking him today at 6:45 unless he shows an emergency type something before then. I am stuck at work til 4pm .I cant wait til I can go home i am so worried about my Bandit.

Heather, Bandit and the Kozmo Monster
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My backyard has a lot of woods with deer, rabbits, squirrels and fox. Possums and raccoons too. I think in this area they recommend it to everyone, there is a ton of wildlife and farms in this county.
I am taking him today at 6:45 unless he shows an emergency type something before then. I am stuck at work til 4pm .I cant wait til I can go home i am so worried about my Bandit.

Heather, Bandit and the Kozmo Monster
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We live in the foothills and have lots of deer,fox,raccoon,mountain lions and black bear. I have never heard of this vaccine. Maybe our wildlife don't carry something here that yours do? I agree with Carol. Get the blood test to see his immunity levels before any vaccines again. We all learned a lot through what our sweet [MENTION=7260]Chumley[/MENTION] endured. :(
My backyard has a lot of woods with deer, rabbits, squirrels and fox. Possums and raccoons too. I think in this area they recommend it to everyone, there is a ton of wildlife and farms in this county.
I am taking him today at 6:45 unless he shows an emergency type something before then. I am stuck at work til 4pm .I cant wait til I can go home i am so worried about my Bandit.

Oh Heather...I'm sorry...Bandit should be alright, I just meant your Vet has NO business
making him wait until Friday when he clearly had a reaction and don't let him try and tell
you, it's unrelated when you get is! If Bandit was mine I would NOT give any
more vacs now that this happened, you can get a waiver for him. At 5/yo, he should have
plenty of immunity built up. There is a movement going on where concerned Vets are
trying to make it so that rabies are given every 7 to 10 years, that's how long dogs are
showing immunity to the current shot schedule. A POX on money grubbing Vets!!!
Heather please read my thread about chumleys rabies shot reaction. He's had some side effects from his 3 yr rabies shot also. There were a lot of great suggestions from other members here. I will also pm you.
[MENTION=5559]HeatherTaylor[/MENTION] [MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] [MENTION=1714]Sherry[/MENTION] [MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION]...

Heather, I am anxious to hear if you were able to take Bandit in and/or what was said & done for him.

Jim, how's Chumley doing...I've done research this week and I'm going to rec'comend for you & Heather
to seek out a homeopathic vet and have them use their types of natural herbs, etc to treat these reactions
and to detox their bodies...conventional vets don't offer much other than steroids and 'wait n see'. While
there are 'bad' homeopathic vets too, I can provide links to those in your areas on 'tried & true' ones, if
need be...just let me know.

My prayers are surrounding y'all and your precious bullies, as others here are praying too. These vets and
these damaging vaccines & non core vaccines like the Lepto, Heather's bully received, AT THE SAME TIME
as the Rabies, two of the 'most likely to cause reactions' and then DENY the dog/cat's reactions is from
the vaccines given...has got to STOP!

Newbies...EDUCATE yourselves then spread the word...bad Vets & their bad meds can and will, harm and
kill your animals and many times are not doing WHAT IS BEST for our babies but what puts the most $$$'s
in their pockets. I am so sickened & enraged...I don't know what to do...but I'm going to further explore
their only true help, it seems, from homeopathic, herbal medicines. Conventional Vets don't seem to have
anything effective moreover will NEVER admit the the 1st place! GOD bless all here today.
@HeatherTaylor @desertskybulldogs @Sherry @Davidh...

Heather, I am anxious to hear if you were able to take Bandit in and/or what was said & done for him.

Jim, how's Chumley doing...I've done research this week and I'm going to rec'comend for you & Heather
to seek out a homeopathic vet and have them use their types of natural herbs, etc to treat these reactions
and to detox their bodies...conventional vets don't offer much other than steroids and 'wait n see'. While
there are 'bad' homeopathic vets too, I can provide links to those in your areas on 'tried & true' ones, if
need be...just let me know.

My prayers are surrounding y'all and your precious bullies, as others here are praying too. These vets and
these damaging vaccines & non core vaccines like the Lepto, Heather's bully received, AT THE SAME TIME
as the Rabies, two of the 'most likely to cause reactions' and then DENY the dog/cat's reactions is from
the vaccines given...has got to STOP!

Newbies...EDUCATE yourselves then spread the word...bad Vets & their bad meds can and will, harm and
kill your animals and many times are not doing WHAT IS BEST for our babies but what puts the most $$$'s
in their pockets. I am so sickened & enraged...I don't know what to do...but I'm going to further explore
their only true help, it seems, from homeopathic, herbal medicines. Conventional Vets don't seem to have
anything effective moreover will NEVER admit the the 1st place! GOD bless all here today.

So true Carol. I am in the market for a new vet after what we've been through the last month. Chumleys condition has cleared up tremendously over the last few weeks but the vet still attributes it to normal allergies. He refuses to admit it all started the day after the rabies shot. We've just finished two rounds of antibiotics and a week of prednisone. The vet advised me to completely stop any chicken beef or grains so we can identify what hes allergic to. I argued that he was on Natural Balance grain free sweet potato and venison for 2 yrs without a problem and had no reactions whatsoever when he ate chicken or all of a sudden the day after his shots he's allergic to certain food? Everything happened after the shot..and it may be he's allergic to certain things now but I believe its only because his immune system is weak due to the shots. The vet refuses to attribute anything to the unnecessary shot. If you do have any recommendations in my area for a homeopathic vet Im all ears Carol. Thanks.

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