Emergency Vet trip


Active member
Apr 11, 2021
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Bear can never not be the center of attention I swear, this morning he was chewing his paws which happens with his allergy flair ups so I got his soothing mousse from the vet and slathered it on his paws. I went to give him a treat and realized his face was swelling up. I kinda freaked and had my family take a look at him and watched him for a few minutes. By then his eyes started to swell a little bit and he was extremely itchy, rubbing on is the couches and even the wall. We decided to give him a dose of Benadryl to help and called his vet to ask her opinion. Well unfortunately for us she was out today. (She owns her own practice and is the only vet there) so the tech that has been with bear since he was a baby called back and got us a great deal at an emergency vet clinic so we took him in and after a shot of steroids and a lot of love from the staff bear is back home sleepy gassy and perfectly fine ❤️ The first photo was after the Benadryl and the second two were at the vets office! We concluded that it was something outside that gave him such a reaction especially with the construction going on!! So now he will have extra allergy pills with his shots 🤣🤣


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OH my gosh... quick thinking on your part, we always keep Benadryl around. I hope our Bear is doing better today!!!
He's okay!! The medicine his emergency vet gave us causes increased thirst and urination, my niece came into my room while I was asleep to play (she's 5) and that woke bear up and she obviously doesn't know to let him out or medication side effects so poor bear ended up peeing on my bed ☹️ But he was incredibly guilty and we spent more time consoling him than cleaning up the sheets 🤣🤣 but his face is almost 100% back to normal and he still has a great appetite! He's on Benadryl every 8-12 hours and that's unfortunately keeping him sleepy but his last dose is tonight so hopefully he perks back up and is back to bear things soon!


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January 28, 2022-Jewel is home. On pain med...Fentanyl patch, antibiotics, and a drain. She is very alert and active and she is famished as we are giving her poached chicken breast.

She reminds me of becoming one with the Borg Collective...Resistance is futile. See below.
January 28, 2022-Jewel is home. On pain med...Fentanyl patch, antibiotics, and a drain. She is very alert and active and she is famished as we are giving her poached chicken breast.

She reminds me of becoming one with the Borg Collective...Resistance is futile. See below.
Sorry posted in the wrong spot
Glad to hear he is OK. Never a dull moment with a bulldog!
No you are absolutely right, Friday morning I woke up to the most horrific smell and discovered bears sensitive stomach reacted with the temaril-p tablets and he had explosive diarrhea under my bed... 20 minutes of scrubbing then using our carpet cleaner like 5 times we got the stain and smell out but bear has since gotten his pro pectalin gel and gets diapers to wear at night till he's off the medicine! Never a dull moment.. he's too chunky for one so we have to tape two actual baby diapers together, the ones with holes are useless to us! The only cheap thing about owning a bulldog I suppose 😂😂😂


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Oh, the indignity of it all!
Poor boy and poor you having to clean it up under the bed! I hope things have calmed down now!
Great job on fast thinking…. My guess is he is on steroids, they will cause thirst and excessive urinating

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