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May 7, 2015
Bulldog(s) Names
My english bulldog is developing some type of rash, I think it might be food allergy someone accidentally fed some salmon food from walmart so I was thinking it might be that.

What are some solutions to this problem?

My english bulldog is developing some type of rash, I think it might be food allergy someone accidentally fed some salmon food from walmart so I was thinking it might be that.

What are some solutions to this problem?

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It is a hotspot..... shave the area of fur and clean it with peroxide, then keep it dry. Go by a bottle of Vectrycin hot spot spray and it will be gone in a few days to a week. Hot spots are allergy related so you may be right on the Walmart salmon stuff
I agree, hot spot, and Christine [MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] has you covered.
Now that you know it's a hotspot you need to focus on the cause. Food allergy is absolutely a possibility. It could also be an ear infection...since it appears to be the area just forward of the ear. It could also have started with a bug bite, scrape, skin infection, etc...most anything that would cause your boy to start scratching. Investigate and report back please.
As 2Bullymama noted, it's very important to get that area shaved so it can dry out, scab over, and begin the healing. It may take many weeks to look completely healed.
Everyone has given you great advice... I just want to add that you need to treat a hotspot immediately, they can spread real fast and it's a mess.
My english bulldog is developing some type of rash, I think it might be food allergy someone accidentally fed some salmon food from walmart so I was thinking it might be that.

What are some solutions to this problem?

Hope he's feeling better now? Castor got hotspots this summer and they appeared very q. The vet shaved his neck and we treated the area once a day for about a week with a strong chlorhexidine schampoo (TrizChlor 4 Shampoo) plus something to soothe the skin (we already had douxo calm spray at home so used that but the vet said aloe vera gel would have been ok too). The sore spots healed up very quickly and now most of his fur has grown back.
Okay so that hot spot when away awhile back now he's starting to develop these bald spots and bumps all over his back... So many issues I just wish I knew the root of these things
We were feeding him Natural Balance (Venison and Sweet Potato) - and I started seeing those bald spots and bumps, now we're feeding him Taste of the Wild Roasted Bison and Venison, and its only been two days.
We were feeding him Natural Balance (Venison and Sweet Potato) - and I started seeing those bald spots and bumps, now we're feeding him Taste of the Wild Roasted Bison and Venison, and its only been two days.

Ok... give it a month, but ask your vet if he has a staph infection--- it is common when allergies weaken the immune systems

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