Pics of Molly and Stretch

Miss Molly

Feb 18, 2011
Bulldog(s) Names
This is the best one I have so far :)


And Stretch napping on his favorite bed, which he has basically taken over form Molly. She doesn't seem to mind. We only have 5 dog beds, you know!


Oh and I'll throw in a few cute ones of Molly




Ugh, my floors look so dirty in pictures. Well, the first one of Stretch my house was still a mess from construction, but my floors always look horrible in photos! I need a better floor cleaner for my hardwood, I have a Hoover All terrain, but I don't think it does the trick. Any suggestions on a better floor cleaner?
Very cute? That bed looks like the perfect fit for Stretch.
Molly's eyes look a lot better. She's such a cutie!
What does Molly think of Stretch taking her bed? Since you have so many of them...He looks to fit it perfectly! Are they getting along okay? Any cute stories yet about the two of their antics?

Cute pictures...Do your ears hang they wobble to and fro...can you tie them in a knot...can you tie them in a your ears...hang...low!:heart: that Stretch of yours...And Molly's a sweetheart too. Just I can't help but not sing that song about the ears...when I see a photo of Stretch!

When you have a pup in the don't have clean floors! In our house it's all the dog toys out lined up so she can see her prized possessions...

What does Molly think of Stretch taking her bed? Since you have so many of them...He looks to fit it perfectly! Are they getting along okay? Any cute stories yet about the two of their antics?

Cute pictures...Do your ears hang they wobble to and fro...can you tie them in a knot...can you tie them in a your ears...hang...low!:heart: that Stretch of yours...And Molly's a sweetheart too. Just I can't help but not sing that song about the ears...when I see a photo of Stretch!

When you have a pup in the don't have clean floors! In our house it's all the dog toys out lined up so she can see her prized possessions...


You know...I started this post last November. I had to go and find it when you started singing that song!
Stretch looks nice n comfy in that bed its just the perfect length for him:)
Molly's eyes are looking lots better btw she's very pretty and always looks excitable :)
[MENTION=1871]Miss Molly[/MENTION], I had a basset for years when my boys were growing up, she was the best dog! Not the brightest crayon in the box, she actually JUMPED out of my Van window while I was driving!!!!!! she was ok, just a little stunned, she passed away at 11 yrs. old. I have a tendency to love those not so bright kind of next dog after her was Vegas :p
I LOVE the name stretch for a bassett!! Haha!! Great pictures, too!
Love the pictures! Did you have Molly's eyes done? She's such a cutie patootie! And Stretch looks mighty comfy in her bed! I love bassets too. Someone took one along when we all went camping in a group..his name was junior...the little girl kept calling him Junyah :lol: Hardwood floors are never clean with doggies..ever. You're floors look like the rest of ours, don't worry about it :up: Now my gawd awful carpeting from the 60's.... It's the same color as Belly..we lose her in it sometimes...camo...
[MENTION=1652]Angelgirl[/MENTION] I did have Molly's cherry eyes fixed. I got her when she was almost 6 months old, and took her to my vet right away. You can still see a tiny spot in the left eye, the vet told me right after the surgery that the right eye was fixed perfectly, but the left one was troublesome because it had almost let go a little too long. The previous owner's vet said she couldn't get them fixed so young. ?

But it looks much better, and doesn't bother her, so I don't mind!
[MENTION=1871]Miss Molly[/MENTION]
[MENTION=1652]Angelgirl[/MENTION] I did have Molly's cherry eyes fixed. I got her when she was almost 6 months old, and took her to my vet right away. You can still see a tiny spot in the left eye, the vet told me right after the surgery that the right eye was fixed perfectly, but the left one was troublesome because it had almost let go a little too long. The previous owner's vet said she couldn't get them fixed so young. ?

But it looks much better, and doesn't bother her, so I don't mind!

I'm thinking with the previous owner's medical issues. She may have not had the money for such a procedure? And was making excuses...

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