Not sure if it's an ear infection


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
I cleaned Stig's ears on Sunday with kleenex and q-tips and noticed that night that his left ear was a little red after. The inside also had this 'hairy' feeling to it. I googled what an ear infection looked like, and they all said that it should have a 'smell', which he doesn't. His ear still has a 'pinkish tone' and hairy feeling today. Does anyone have any experience with this? Should I take him to the vet?

Thanks in advance!
Is there any discolored wax? If their is its eaither an infection or yeast but if there is no smell (both smell) I don't know. If he isnt scratching it and there is no smell or color I would say its ok.
When Maggie has had a yeast infection in her ear it has been red, but there has also been brown waxy stuff coming out of it too. I know that there is supposed to be a smell too ... but I'll be honest and say I never noticed it.
He has been getting more wax in that ear than the other. I guess a trip to the vet is best. Thanks guys!
Believe me, when Vegas had an ear infection it STUNK!!!! (lucky he has only had one in his life) and he had like a watery substance coming out of it. Sometimes his ears just get waxy but the Vet gave us a cucumber melon oil that we put drops in his ears, massage it in (rubbing under his ear) for a bit, then Vegas will shake his head like wild and put his ears to the floor and drag them. We do this once a week and he has not had another ear infection for 6 months.
I know my pug gets that red wax in his ears but it is just normal for him. He always has had it and not Cutty, very odd. Yet he has never had an ear infection ever so far so I know you can have that without an infection. (maybe a pug thing) His also has no smell. Not sure what the "hairy feeling" would be tho. Cant hurt to get a vets opinion tho, when in doubt go with your gut.
We've been fighting ear infections on and off since May with Samson. They'll scratch their ears and shake their head. How I figured it out was one ear was much dirtier than normal, lots of rusty colored wax. I tried to wipe it with a kleenex and he cried. Because he cried about that I knew something was wrong, he has a very high pain tolerance, as is the bully norm. So we went to the vet right away and they said it was an ear infection. But honestly it never smelled and according to what I have heard it was supposed to but it really never smelled.
So it's an ear infection! Got some drops that that need to be given to both ears, even though only one is technically infected. And scheduled an allergy test 2 weeks from now because the vet recommended it. The adventures of owning a bully! :heart::heart::heart:
Rocky's right ear usually gets more ear wax than the left. Y? Cuz his right ear was like button then the other side was rose. That's why I called it his lazy ear. It was never like that before. I saw he stick up his ears whenever he feels like :p And also I noticed that his right ear gets dirty every other day & it's also a little bit reddish. My vet said, it's because there's no air gets in his ear & it get irrititated because of the bacteria. So now, I checked his ear everyday & clean it if I have to. I used ear-cleaner & just wipe it with cotton. I guess, if I have NO other option, I can have him a little ear lift up surgery...that's if I really really have to

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