My 18 month old bully has Campylobacter Infection and the Antibiotics aren't working.

I buy the Four Leaf Rover brand bovine colostrum.

Are you in Canada??

Yes the bovine Colostrum is a powder, no you donā€™t have to add water.

You put the powder by itself in his dish(no food with it, itā€™s better absorbed on empty stomach), so I give it to my dogs 30 minutes before I feed them breakfast.

So I put the powder in his food dish by itself(no food or anything with the powder and you donā€™t have to add water), so immune boosting!
Put it by itself? They donā€™t choke on the powder? Jake devours his food, I canā€™t imagine him eating straight powder. Btw was a serious question. Just curious šŸ¤”
Put it by itself? They donā€™t choke on the powder? Jake devours his food, I canā€™t imagine him eating straight powder. Btw was a serious question. Just curious šŸ¤”
It's only 0.25grams or so, 1/8tsp
Put it by itself? They donā€™t choke on the powder? Jake devours his food, I canā€™t imagine him eating straight powder. Btw was a serious question. Just curious šŸ¤”

Yes itā€™s a little bit of powder.

They canā€™t choke, they just lick it up, there is nothing to cause choking, just they lick the powder out of the dish.

Yes just put the powder in the dish by itself(no water or food or treats), just powder, they only lick it up.

My dogs eat very fast and he chokes sometimes on his food, however, never had choked by licking powder.
The bland diet can be given for 1-2 weeks sometimes people feed them that for life and the dogs are good on it.
The 1-2 weeks is what I would recommend you feed it for so his system will settle hopefully.

Some antibiotics work right away and some donā€™t, I recommend giving it for however long the vet said, definitely keep doing what the vets say as far as medications go, the only thing I wouldnā€™t do is the hills diet(gross).

Any improvement in the digestion with the probiotics?

If you add bone broth(open farm has amazing bone broths with pumpkin), bone broth helps soothe the gut, so I recommend adding it to his bland diet if you want.

If he is hungry during the day, I would give him breakfast, lunch and dinner but smaller meals of course! šŸ™‚

For the kibbles recommendation;

-Carna 4 oven baked kibble(the easiest on the digestive system and it has pre and probiotics in it too). This is what people feed when they canā€™t feed home cooked or raw.

-Natures Logic kibble

-Acana kibble

-N&D kibble

Keep us updated
I knew getting into this wasn't going to be easy. Nothing in life that promises great rewards is. I expected some disappointments along the way when I decided to adopt jessie, and was ready to deal with situations as they came up. I've been feeding him the bland diet. chicken thigh meat, sometimes breast along with fresh pumpkin, cooked white rice, I alternate the rice with boiled sweet potato. The antibiotic Tylan Powder was given every 12 hours. He started to noticeably lose weight. He would never finish his food when the TP was added. Then one day last week I happend to taste the rice that had the TP in it and I almost threw up. The taste was so unbearable. I had never tasted anything so fowl. I felt like I had let this dog down by making him eat this food that tasted so toxic, It just didn't taste bad it tasted like if you had dipped your finger in Tide powder detergent. I stopped giving him this and waiting for the Vet to contact me to find out what we should do next. I can't believe the Vet prescribed him this in this form. and to top it all of there hasn't been any change. The TP wasn't helping him at all. I'm thinking about putting him on The Carna 4 right away.
I knew getting into this wasn't going to be easy. Nothing in life that promises great rewards is. I expected some disappointments along the way when I decided to adopt jessie, and was ready to deal with situations as they came up. I've been feeding him the bland diet. chicken thigh meat, sometimes breast along with fresh pumpkin, cooked white rice, I alternate the rice with boiled sweet potato. The antibiotic Tylan Powder was given every 12 hours. He started to noticeably lose weight. He would never finish his food when the TP was added. Then one day last week I happend to taste the rice that had the TP in it and I almost threw up. The taste was so unbearable. I had never tasted anything so fowl. I felt like I had let this dog down by making him eat this food that tasted so toxic, It just didn't taste bad it tasted like if you had dipped your finger in Tide powder detergent. I stopped giving him this and waiting for the Vet to contact me to find out what we should do next. I can't believe the Vet prescribed him this in this form. and to top it all of there hasn't been any change. The TP wasn't helping him at all. I'm thinking about putting him on The Carna 4 right away.

How is he doing with the bland diet otherwise? Digestion still good??

Once he has good digestion, then Carna 4 would be good

Acana, Zignature, Fromm

that being said, like mentioned above, he needs to be on a bland diet. Even if it takes a month. Science Hill, Royal Canin or Purina youā€™ll end up with other issues n yes diarrhea. For now 100% on bland diet as per the recipe given above. Rice, chicken n do keep n feed along the broth. BTW, organic ā€œboneā€ broth is the best. Loaded of good minerals. You can buy some n heat it up a bit n add to his bland diet.

A lot of people have no clue bird poop droppings in the dogs drinking water is extremely dangerous. Why itā€™s important to always clean outside drinking bowl. In your case itā€™s different. Simply a moron as a previous owner. Glad you took over this little guyā€˜s life. It will take time n patience but youā€™ll both get there.
Its been only about a week and a half since he's been on the bland diet. I don't know whether you read about him not eating last week because of the antibiotic Tylan Powder that was prescribed. I didn't realize how bad it made his food tasted until I tasted it and I thought I was going to throw up, it was so bad. I don't know what Tide clothing detergent tastes like but this antibiotic Tylan Powder I was putting in his food killed his food enjoyment. He started losing weight because he would not eat the food with the antibiotic in it. I felt just terrible after I realized this was killing his appetite.
I know he needs the antibiotic but this one has not stopped his loose bowels.
How long has he been on antibiotics??

How long has he been on Hills??

Hills, Purina and Royal canin are not good foods at all, all those fillers cause even more health issues, my dogs got Kidney disease from the food because of those fillers.
Vets make $$$$ by promoting those foods, and they arenā€™t taught much in nutrition, other than being taught by the companys that make the food they sell, promote this food is basically their 1-2 week nutrition training.

However, I have learnt the hard way with all my dogs Health issues(also kidney disease in my 2 dogs from the nasty food they were on).

Now I have taken 3 different nutrition courses for dogs, and you would be surprised as to what they put in your dog food!

A bland diet would be beneficial to him right now. Either chicken and rice or chicken and sweet potato. Or beef instead of chicken.

The probiotics I use for my dogs is Gut Soothe by adored beast brand.
Itā€™s really good anti inflammatory for vomiting and diarrhea and any inflammation in the gut. It has slippery elm, marshmallow root, and aloe and other gut soothing foods in it.

I keep it in my fridge at all times Incase one of my dogs gets into something.
One of my sensitive dogs, she was SO sick, and we were desperate and took her to the vet which they gave her antibiotics which helped for the first 2 days, then once she was off antibiotics it was 10x worse!
I got gut soothe for her and it actually was the only thing that stopped the problem from returning, and when I stopped giving it to her cause she didnā€™t need it anymore, she was still good, it didnā€™t come back.

Maybe give Adored Beast Gut Soothe a try!

Also other thing that help the digestion and boost immune system:

-Bone broth, i buy the Open Farm beef bone broth and itā€™s really good, it has pumpkin and tumeric in it which is very good and nutritious and boost immune system.

-bovine Colostrum is really good for. Boosting immune system-I buy the four leaf Rover brand.

So if it was my dog, I would do the following:

1- get him off hills prescription food and onto a bland diet for right now, then when he is better, put him onto a better kibble after the bland diet.

2- Adored Beast gut soothe for probiotics that have additional gut soothing foods and to calm inflammation.

3. Consider adding bone broth to his food, I really like how the open farm brand has pumpkin and other super foods.

Even if you kept him on the antibiotics, all these are really good for maintenance and to help his system now.
Can I ask why your dogs have so many health issues? Do you rescue dogs and they already have health problems?
I just found the bovine cloostrum at my local feed supply. Its a powder and you mix it with water. How often should I be giving him this and how much?

Its been only about a week and a half since he's been on the bland diet. I don't know whether you read about him not eating last week because of the antibiotic Tylan Powder that was prescribed. I didn't realize how bad it made his food tasted until I tasted it and I thought I was going to throw up, it was so bad. I don't know what Tide clothing detergent tastes like but this antibiotic Tylan Powder I was putting in his food killed his food enjoyment. He started losing weight because he would not eat the food with the antibiotic in it. I felt just terrible after I realized this was killing his appetite.
I know he needs the antibiotic but this one has not stopped his loose bowels.
My advice for what it's worth, is please find a vet that specializes in bulldogs. The health issues you describe are serious and require the care of a veterinarian. Question the vet about everything. Write down any questions you have & the answers. It will be time consuming and frustrating but what that little guy adds to your life is more than worth it. I have a bulldog named Jake too, please keep us updated on your bully's progress.

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