Have any of you noticed this?

Gertie's Mom

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Community Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
SanTan Valley, Az.
Bulldog(s) Names
Gertie & Ida
Today we took Gertie and Ida to a shot clinic that they have at our pet food store once a month. They do shots and micro-chips really reasonably so we went for rabies shots and micro-chips. The gal who was doing this works for a vet in Scottsdale. She said she sees LOTS of Bullies, that the vet is a Bulldog vet. (So I took down his name and number to use as a back-up since my vet is sometimes hard to get a quick appt. with.) Anyway, she mentioned how good my girls look and mentioned how it's such a shame that so many Bullies have skin issues, allergies, etc. Then she said something that made me go "Hmmm". She said she's noticed in the years she's worked for this vet that it's the more white Bullies who have the skin problems, and she sees way less problems with the ones who are not mostly white. Does everyone (anybody) find this to be true? I just thought it was a very interesting theory.
I think it's more apparent on the white ones. It stands out like a sore thumb. On the reds and brindles...it's harder to see. My opinion.
I agree with Libra926, it's a lot harder to notice on any color other than white.

I third this. Bear has an all white face and I can certainly see the pinkish skin tones and tear stains. Thats why feeding them a great food is essential.
I agree 100% with libra, rob and mammy. People are more likely to notice the issue on a white bully and take them to a vet. I know in my case, Mandy is my LEAST pink face yeasty dog out of all of them. She can eat anything and not cause issues, she NEVER, ever licks her paws or rubs her face. I could probably even feed her Purina and not have issues but tear stains. I also think it is harder to see when they don't have white fur around their eyes, like Molly and Jesse have the 'black eyeliner' so you cannot tell if their eyes are swollen or irritated as fast as with a white faced (Tidus) bully.
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I think this how white bullies got the bad rap of being unhealthy and to stay away from a bully of that color. I think just more issues show up on a white or mostly white bully then they do on other colors. I think if you took 2 bullies from the same litter one white one darker and did everything the same I think their issues would be the same only you would see it first on the white. I have heard people say don't get a white bully because they have more health problems then any other color. (not true)
I think it's more apparent on the white ones. It stands out like a sore thumb. On the reds and brindles...it's harder to see. My opinion.

I would agree with that too!
I have an all white American Bulldog and before Norm I had an all white english bulldog. I have also heard that about whitey's. I know their skin is more sensitive in the sun and dirt.

I also heard they shed more than the colored ones. I don't believe that at all.
IDK if they shed more cause Georgia is msotly black and she sheds LIKE CRAZY!!! I think it depends on the dog maybe people think that because white is REALLY noticeable on colored surfaces.
Oh good! I'm so happy to hear from all of you. Someday I'd LOVE to have a mostly white Bully, so I'm glad to hear they aren't anymore proned to problems than any other colors.
lex is pure whits xcept for some brown spots on him. we can see his redness around his nose and eyes more cause he really doesnt have any hair around there. during the summer we have to be careful cause he gets sunburned really easy and have to put sunscreen on his face. we havent had any skin issues with him what so ever his been a very low maintence bullie...only thing i have noticed is i think he's gonna have seasonal allergies but we give him allergy med and hes stops licking his paws
Shia is an English Bulldog who is completely white except brown eye patches. She has never had a skin issue. The only thing I've been told from my vet is to make sure if she is outside for any amount of time put on sunscreen or she'll blister. But she's completely healthy.
I think this how white bullies got the bad rap of being unhealthy and to stay away from a bully of that color. I think just more issues show up on a white or mostly white bully then they do on other colors. I think if you took 2 bullies from the same litter one white one darker and did everything the same I think their issues would be the same only you would see it first on the white. I have heard people say don't get a white bully because they have more health problems then any other color. (not true)

Oliver is all white except for his right ear and his tail and Sebastian is mostly black brindle with 3 white legs and head except for his black eye and they are from the same litter and of course getting the same treatment from me when it comes to their hygiene and food so I guess we'll see if they come up with the same issues. Right now, they have none except for Sebastian's pulmonic stenosis which has nothing to do with his color.
"Anyway, she mentioned how good my girls look and mentioned how it's such a shame that so many Bullies have skin issues, allergies, etc.
Perhaps this person needs to spend some time on EBN to learn a bit about nutrition and bullies. :)
White may be sun-sensitive but other than that I cant think of any other down-side of white.

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