My 18 month old bully has Campylobacter Infection and the Antibiotics aren't working.

Forgot to ask, have you heard of Carna 4 oven baked kibble???

I know a few people have had dogs with the runs that didnā€™t want to add probiotics, only switch foods, and for them all, Carna 4 cleared them up. Itā€™s overn baked kibble with pre and probiotics in it and the easiest kibble to digest.

I recommend looking into that for when you take him off bland diet and put him in this instead of Hills or any other vet food.

Keep us updated
Carna 4 it is...thank you
thank you for your input. am I able to purchase the bovine colostrum in stores or is it only purchased online?
can you suggest a good brand kibble for when he gets back to normal?
I just found the bovine cloostrum at my local feed supply. Its a powder and you mix it with water. How often should I be giving him this and how much?
Thank you for the recommendations. I'll stop giving the hills right away and start the bland diet. He doesn't like rice at all so what I do is put a few pieces of white chicken breast underneath the rice and then pute the pumpkin on the side. Is it ok to include meat every time I feed him? You mentioned beef..should I fry or boil the meat? Do I serve the sweet potatoes peeled and mashed? or peeled and just boiled?

If he doesnā€™t like rice or he is sensitive to rice(some dogs are allergic), beef and sweet potatoes, OR chicken and sweet potatoes(instead of rice use sweet potatoes).

Yes you need to add meat, dogs need meat, thatā€™s one thing they require and the most beneficial to them.
Either chicken or beef is good to use.
So yes every time you feed him, use meat.

For example when I was cooking for my dog, I would cook 3 days worth and portion it out into 1 day portions, it already has meat in it if you cook meat and sweet potatoes(just as example).

I cook beef on the stove in a pan until itā€™s cooked, however you like to cook beef or chicken, cook it like that and make sure there is meat in what you give him.

When I cooked for my dog, it was 75% cooked meat and 25% carbs(sweet potatoes). I used that as example because thatā€™s what i was cooking for him, every day for months until he got tired of it and got picky, he likes more varietyšŸ™‚

So they definitely require meat, thatā€™s what gives them the amino acids they need and the protein and fat that they require.

The sweet potatoes I cooked in oven, peeled and when ready, mix it up with the meat in a bowl and then feed it to him.

Do at least 50% meat and 50% sweet potatoes, no less meat, but I recommend the 75% meat and 25% sweet potatoes or rice.

If using beef, use extra lean ground beef. If he lies chicken and isnā€™t allergic then try the chicken.

Pumpkin can be mixed in too.

Slippery elm is a really good thing for digestion issues, Adored Beast Gut soothe Probiotics I recommended have those anti inflammatory foods and spotted then gut.
I just found the bovine cloostrum at my local feed supply. Its a powder and you mix it with water. How often should I be giving him this and how much?

I buy the Four Leaf Rover brand bovine colostrum.

Are you in Canada??

Yes the bovine Colostrum is a powder, no you donā€™t have to add water.

You put the powder by itself in his dish(no food with it, itā€™s better absorbed on empty stomach), so I give it to my dogs 30 minutes before I feed them breakfast.

So I put the powder in his food dish by itself(no food or anything with the powder and you donā€™t have to add water), so immune boosting!
I just found the bovine cloostrum at my local feed supply. Its a powder and you mix it with water. How often should I be giving him this and how much?
It normally says on the jar how much to give, I give it daily to my dogs for allergies and immune boost, you can give it daily or even every other day if you want, or daily until he is better.

Whatā€™s his weight?

Does it say how much to give on the container you seen at the store??
The four leaf rover is 112mg per 25lbs of weight. Or 1/16tsp. I weigh everything so weighing the colostrum powder was an easy choice for me.

Millie is 43lbs so I give her 0.22-0.25g. Itā€™s hard to weigh that much out so I just shoot for that range - tare with the container on the scale and then scoop out with a straw until I get to between -0.22 and -0.25
Donā€™t switch to kibble until youā€™ve been on the bland diet for a while, like bulldog2001 says.

And buy a small bag.

Once you have this under control with the bland diet you can then try out different foods to see what works. Hopefully carna will work right off the bat. But waiting to switch will get you a baseline. Once you switch to kibble you should know by a month if the kibble works well. Sometimes much sooner.

If none of those lines work for you and you canā€™t do raw, the sensitive proplan worked for me (itā€™s not well liked here).
I just found the bovine cloostrum at my local feed supply. Its a powder and you mix it with water. How often should I be giving him this and how much?
also are you open to raw diet after the bland diet?
Is the Bovine Colostrum only sold through a website?
I have a colostrum supplement on hand for goats and lambs and pigs. Can I give this to Jessie?
I have a colostrum supplement on hand for goats and lambs and pigs. Can I give this to Jessie?
Probably. What does the label say is the ingredient(s). If it's a Colostrum Replacement then it might contain more than just powdered colostrum (or something else?) and would be more like a powdered baby formula than what Bulldog2001 mentions, which is just powdered colostrum
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I have a colostrum supplement on hand for goats and lambs and pigs. Can I give this to Jessie?

If he doesnā€™t like rice or he is sensitive to rice(some dogs are allergic), beef and sweet potatoes, OR chicken and sweet potatoes(instead of rice use sweet potatoes).

Yes you need to add meat, dogs need meat, thatā€™s one thing they require and the most beneficial to them.
Either chicken or beef is good to use.
So yes every time you feed him, use meat.

For example when I was cooking for my dog, I would cook 3 days worth and portion it out into 1 day portions, it already has meat in it if you cook meat and sweet potatoes(just as example).

I cook beef on the stove in a pan until itā€™s cooked, however you like to cook beef or chicken, cook it like that and make sure there is meat in what you give him.

When I cooked for my dog, it was 75% cooked meat and 25% carbs(sweet potatoes). I used that as example because thatā€™s what i was cooking for him, every day for months until he got tired of it and got picky, he likes more varietyšŸ™‚

So they definitely require meat, thatā€™s what gives them the amino acids they need and the protein and fat that they require.

The sweet potatoes I cooked in oven, peeled and when ready, mix it up with the meat in a bowl and then feed it to him.

Do at least 50% meat and 50% sweet potatoes, no less meat, but I recommend the 75% meat and 25% sweet potatoes or rice.

If using beef, use extra lean ground beef. If he lies chicken and isnā€™t allergic then try the chicken.

Pumpkin can be mixed in too.

Slippery elm is a really good thing for digestion issues, Adored Beast Gut soothe Probiotics I recommended have those anti inflammatory foods and spotted then gut.
Your advice is so important to us. You are a Godsend, as I am writing my eyes are tearing up because after just one day of following your advice his stool is almost normal. This is the FIRST time in a month since I've had him that his stool is almost normal. I started him yesterday morning on the bland diet: rice, the chicken breast and the chicken bone broth with pumpkin. For dinner I substituted boiled sweet potatoes and cut up some lean top sirloin and boy did he LOVE that!!. I'm gonna alternate each day with the protein. Oh and I added some cottage cheese which he really loves.I'm still giving him the Tylan powder per doctors orders. This morning I was overwhelmed with emotion because he actually started running towards me when I called him. for the past month he's been so lethargic, sleeping most of the time. but not today..he's almost prancing around like a puppy should be doing. From the bottom of my heart I am so pleased and grateful for you and everyone that has given me advice. And once he gets better fully, I'm gonna buy the Carna 4 kibble. One more question. I have a colostrum supplement when given in small doses it actually helps with GI issues and everything I've read says its really good for dogs. Whats your take on this?
Your advice is so important to us. You are a Godsend, as I am writing my eyes are tearing up because after just one day of following your advice his stool is almost normal. This is the FIRST time in a month since I've had him that his stool is almost normal. I started him yesterday morning on the bland diet: rice, the chicken breast and the chicken bone broth with pumpkin. For dinner I substituted boiled sweet potatoes and cut up some lean top sirloin and boy did he LOVE that!!. I'm gonna alternate each day with the protein. Oh and I added some cottage cheese which he really loves.I'm still giving him the Tylan powder per doctors orders. This morning I was overwhelmed with emotion because he actually started running towards me when I called him. for the past month he's been so lethargic, sleeping most of the time. but not today..he's almost prancing around like a puppy should be doing. From the bottom of my heart I am so pleased and grateful for you and everyone that has given me advice. And once he gets better fully, I'm gonna buy the Carna 4 kibble. One more question. I have a colostrum supplement when given in small doses it actually helps with GI issues and everything I've read says its really good for dogs. Whats your take on this?

OMG thatā€™s awesome! Glad he is improving with his diet.

Your giving more than a little chicken right? Just want to make sure cause they need at least 50%-75% of the food is meat.

Thatā€™s awesome he loved the food, they can get so excited for the food they enjoy, which makes us owners feel good when giving them something they enjoy.

Thatā€™s a good plan to rotate the proteins, he will enjoy that.

Are you also adding probiotics?
For the bone broth, it definitely soothes their gut, and so immune boosting.
My dog doesnā€™t like pumpkin, so thatā€™s why I get the open farm bone broth cause it already has it in it.

Yes bovine Colostrum has many benefits, one of them being good for GI issues, if itā€™s only bovine Colostrum in the ingredients and itā€™s just powder(no other ingredients other than bovine Colostrum), then yes it would be good to give him.
If itā€™s not made for dogs, check ingredients first to make sure they donā€™t add any other ingredients that could be harmful to dogs.
If itā€™s only bovine Colostrum in the ingredients and itā€™s powder, itā€™s safe to give šŸ‘

Thatā€™s so good to hear that he improved so fast with just diet alone being improved.

Your very welcome, Iā€™m happy to help anytime.šŸ™‚

Please Continue to keep us updated.
Your advice is so important to us. You are a Godsend, as I am writing my eyes are tearing up because after just one day of following your advice his stool is almost normal. This is the FIRST time in a month since I've had him that his stool is almost normal. I started him yesterday morning on the bland diet: rice, the chicken breast and the chicken bone broth with pumpkin. For dinner I substituted boiled sweet potatoes and cut up some lean top sirloin and boy did he LOVE that!!. I'm gonna alternate each day with the protein. Oh and I added some cottage cheese which he really loves.I'm still giving him the Tylan powder per doctors orders. This morning I was overwhelmed with emotion because he actually started running towards me when I called him. for the past month he's been so lethargic, sleeping most of the time. but not today..he's almost prancing around like a puppy should be doing. From the bottom of my heart I am so pleased and grateful for you and everyone that has given me advice. And once he gets better fully, I'm gonna buy the Carna 4 kibble. One more question. I have a colostrum supplement when given in small doses it actually helps with GI issues and everything I've read says its really good for dogs. Whats your take on this?
Great progress and advice given!
definitely stay off the hills/purina crap, it just all grains and by products, no nutritional value at all.

so happy to see he is opening up and you are getting him on a rad to a great life. Thank you for giving him that chance at a new wonderful life
thank you for your input. am I able to purchase the bovine colostrum in stores or is it only purchased online?
can you suggest a good brand kibble for when he gets back to normal?
Acana, Zignature, Fromm

that being said, like mentioned above, he needs to be on a bland diet. Even if it takes a month. Science Hill, Royal Canin or Purina youā€™ll end up with other issues n yes diarrhea. For now 100% on bland diet as per the recipe given above. Rice, chicken n do keep n feed along the broth. BTW, organic ā€œboneā€ broth is the best. Loaded of good minerals. You can buy some n heat it up a bit n add to his bland diet.

A lot of people have no clue bird poop droppings in the dogs drinking water is extremely dangerous. Why itā€™s important to always clean outside drinking bowl. In your case itā€™s different. Simply a moron as a previous owner. Glad you took over this little guyā€˜s life. It will take time n patience but youā€™ll both get there.
Hereā€˜s a good example WHY you need to change your dogā€™s water bowl outside.

This morningā€¦..


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