My 18 month old bully has Campylobacter Infection and the Antibiotics aren't working.


New member
May 19, 2018
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Bentley and Jessie
When i heard that there was this little guy being kept in a crate 24/7 for almost a year and with no human interaction, there was nothing that was going to stop me from removing him from that situation. They didn't even keep him crated indoors. They really damaged him emotionally and dulled his senses so that he was so shut down to all things around him that he was so shut down to all things around him. Its taking him a long time to get through to his senses & open his mind, senses of awareness to the fact that there is a world of loving humans, sunlight feeling good on his skin, foods can be enjoyed, beds soft etc. I don't think he's ever had anything good given to him. But the biggest challenge is his constant diarrhea that he's had for at least 6 months. The day I got Jessie I brought him to an emergency Veterinarian because I wasn't able to get an appointment with my regular Vet. He has been soaked in diarrhea for so long and because of his inability to push hard enough, it stays caked on the anus area. And he will not let anyone touch it to clean it.

The emergency Vet sedated him with Trazodone and cleaned it up. I got him in to see my guy and after several stool panels, he was diagnosed with Campylobacter Infection. It's a bacteria infection caused when an animal consumes bird poop. And at least 3 times a day, he vomits up liquid. They prescribed Tylan Powder that isn't doing anything, and now he's on Erythromycin along with Probiotic Pills and a strict Hills Science Diet by prescription. I am so saddened because this guy should have all this energy, pulling on toys acting like a puppy. But all he does is sleep and gets up fast to squirt out so much water. One good thing he is hydrated, drinks a lot of water and has an appetite. I am reaching out to all you wonderful people with hope that one of you is holding an answer to this little guy's problem.


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How long had he been liquid stools before he went on the antibiotics? (Or is that not possible to tell as was he this way when you swoped in yo rescue?)

How long has he been on the antibiotics?

The problem you start having when the bowels get inflamed is that they re-inflame themselves and you need to calm them down. Which Hills is he eating? It is a little interesting that the vet went to hills before suggesting a bland diet of just boiled chicken and rice or even a 24 hour fast (I suppose I am making an assumption here, and also a fast can cause stomach upset). I suppose whichever hills you are in is supposed to be very bland already?

If hills is new, it isnā€™t a cause of anythingā€¦ But, there is a lot of anti Hills (and purina and other big brand) sentiment on this forum so expect to hear that. Millie has has a couple bouts of straight liquid lasting for days or weeks. Antibiotics helped me with the worst one. She also never had perfect stool on RC, Orijen or Fromm. And had tear staining from the RC and Fromm. But has peen perfect for about a month now on Pro Plan Sensitive Skin (on the suggestion of a vet and a half dozen breeder handlers at a couple different shows weā€™ve been to). She also loves raw meat on a bone which she gets once in a great while, and I can say those times also produce a hard stool about 8-12 hours later. Again, though, the infection will be inflaming the gut so this isnā€™t a cure.

The Bovine Colostrum that Bulldog2001 always suggests is also a good idea for pre-breakfast. It helped Millieā€™s stools a bit before I switched to Pro Plan. Now sheā€™s on both and a probiotic.
He is adorabull and thank you for rescuing him. Perhaps probiotics alternating with antibiotics can help. I'd also see if your local university has a vet school that you can access for help. I also just found perhaps you can find someone near you. Good luck and keep us posted.
When i heard that there was this little guy being kept in a crate 24/7 for almost a year and with no human interaction, there was nothing that was going to stop me from removing him from that situation. They didn't even keep him crated indoors. They really damaged him emotionally and dulled his senses so that he was so shut down to all things around him that he was so shut down to all things around him. Its taking him a long time to get through to his senses & open his mind, senses of awareness to the fact that there is a world of loving humans, sunlight feeling good on his skin, foods can be enjoyed, beds soft etc. I don't think he's ever had anything good given to him. But the biggest challenge is his constant diarrhea that he's had for at least 6 months. The day I got Jessie I brought him to an emergency Veterinarian because I wasn't able to get an appointment with my regular Vet. He has been soaked in diarrhea for so long and because of his inability to push hard enough, it stays caked on the anus area. And he will not let anyone touch it to clean it.

The emergency Vet sedated him with Trazodone and cleaned it up. I got him in to see my guy and after several stool panels, he was diagnosed with Campylobacter Infection. It's a bacteria infection caused when an animal consumes bird poop. And at least 3 times a day, he vomits up liquid. They prescribed Tylan Powder that isn't doing anything, and now he's on Erythromycin along with Probiotic Pills and a strict Hills Science Diet by prescription. I am so saddened because this guy should have all this energy, pulling on toys acting like a puppy. But all he does is sleep and gets up fast to squirt out so much water. One good thing he is hydrated, drinks a lot of water and has an appetite. I am reaching out to all you wonderful people with hope that one of you is holding an answer to this little guy's problem.

How long has he been on antibiotics??

How long has he been on Hills??

Hills, Purina and Royal canin are not good foods at all, all those fillers cause even more health issues, my dogs got Kidney disease from the food because of those fillers.
Vets make $$$$ by promoting those foods, and they arenā€™t taught much in nutrition, other than being taught by the companys that make the food they sell, promote this food is basically their 1-2 week nutrition training.

However, I have learnt the hard way with all my dogs Health issues(also kidney disease in my 2 dogs from the nasty food they were on).

Now I have taken 3 different nutrition courses for dogs, and you would be surprised as to what they put in your dog food!

A bland diet would be beneficial to him right now. Either chicken and rice or chicken and sweet potato. Or beef instead of chicken.

The probiotics I use for my dogs is Gut Soothe by adored beast brand.
Itā€™s really good anti inflammatory for vomiting and diarrhea and any inflammation in the gut. It has slippery elm, marshmallow root, and aloe and other gut soothing foods in it.

I keep it in my fridge at all times Incase one of my dogs gets into something.
One of my sensitive dogs, she was SO sick, and we were desperate and took her to the vet which they gave her antibiotics which helped for the first 2 days, then once she was off antibiotics it was 10x worse!
I got gut soothe for her and it actually was the only thing that stopped the problem from returning, and when I stopped giving it to her cause she didnā€™t need it anymore, she was still good, it didnā€™t come back.

Maybe give Adored Beast Gut Soothe a try!

Also other thing that help the digestion and boost immune system:

-Bone broth, i buy the Open Farm beef bone broth and itā€™s really good, it has pumpkin and tumeric in it which is very good and nutritious and boost immune system.

-bovine Colostrum is really good for. Boosting immune system-I buy the four leaf Rover brand.

So if it was my dog, I would do the following:

1- get him off hills prescription food and onto a bland diet for right now, then when he is better, put him onto a better kibble after the bland diet.

2- Adored Beast gut soothe for probiotics that have additional gut soothing foods and to calm inflammation.

3. Consider adding bone broth to his food, I really like how the open farm brand has pumpkin and other super foods.

Even if you kept him on the antibiotics, all these are really good for maintenance and to help his system now.
When i heard that there was this little guy being kept in a crate 24/7 for almost a year and with no human interaction, there was nothing that was going to stop me from removing him from that situation. They didn't even keep him crated indoors. They really damaged him emotionally and dulled his senses so that he was so shut down to all things around him that he was so shut down to all things around him. Its taking him a long time to get through to his senses & open his mind, senses of awareness to the fact that there is a world of loving humans, sunlight feeling good on his skin, foods can be enjoyed, beds soft etc. I don't think he's ever had anything good given to him. But the biggest challenge is his constant diarrhea that he's had for at least 6 months. The day I got Jessie I brought him to an emergency Veterinarian because I wasn't able to get an appointment with my regular Vet. He has been soaked in diarrhea for so long and because of his inability to push hard enough, it stays caked on the anus area. And he will not let anyone touch it to clean it.

The emergency Vet sedated him with Trazodone and cleaned it up. I got him in to see my guy and after several stool panels, he was diagnosed with Campylobacter Infection. It's a bacteria infection caused when an animal consumes bird poop. And at least 3 times a day, he vomits up liquid. They prescribed Tylan Powder that isn't doing anything, and now he's on Erythromycin along with Probiotic Pills and a strict Hills Science Diet by prescription. I am so saddened because this guy should have all this energy, pulling on toys acting like a puppy. But all he does is sleep and gets up fast to squirt out so much water. One good thing he is hydrated, drinks a lot of water and has an appetite. I am reaching out to all you wonderful people with hope that one of you is holding an answer to this little guy's problem.

Forgot to ask, have you heard of Carna 4 oven baked kibble???

I know a few people have had dogs with the runs that didnā€™t want to add probiotics, only switch foods, and for them all, Carna 4 cleared them up. Itā€™s overn baked kibble with pre and probiotics in it and the easiest kibble to digest.

I recommend looking into that for when you take him off bland diet and put him in this instead of Hills or any other vet food.

Keep us updated
How long had he been liquid stools before he went on the antibiotics? (Or is that not possible to tell as was he this way when you swoped in yo rescue?)

How long has he been on the antibiotics?

The problem you start having when the bowels get inflamed is that they re-inflame themselves and you need to calm them down. Which Hills is he eating? It is a little interesting that the vet went to hills before suggesting a bland diet of just boiled chicken and rice or even a 24 hour fast (I suppose I am making an assumption here, and also a fast can cause stomach upset). I suppose whichever hills you are in is supposed to be very bland already?

If hills is new, it isnā€™t a cause of anythingā€¦ But, there is a lot of anti Hills (and purina and other big brand) sentiment on this forum so expect to hear that. Millie has has a couple bouts of straight liquid lasting for days or weeks. Antibiotics helped me with the worst one. She also never had perfect stool on RC, Orijen or Fromm. And had tear staining from the RC and Fromm. But has peen perfect for about a month now on Pro Plan Sensitive Skin (on the suggestion of a vet and a half dozen breeder handlers at a couple different shows weā€™ve been to). She also loves raw meat on a bone which she gets once in a great while, and I can say those times also produce a hard stool about 8-12 hours later. Again, though, the infection will be inflaming the gut so this isnā€™t a cure.

The Bovine Colostrum that Bulldog2001 always suggests is also a good idea for pre-breakfast. It helped Millieā€™s stools a bit before I switched to Pro Plan. Now sheā€™s on both and a probiotic.
Hello thanks for responding..Jessie has had liquid stools for at least 6 months. He's been on Antibiotics for 1 week. Should I be waiting longer to see if he needs more time on them? He was prescribed 15 Erythromycin pills given 3x a day. He's done with them and no change in the liquid stool. I'm still giving him the Tylan Powder. He's eating the i/d low fat hills food. he seems to like it too. while waiting for the first Vet appointment I put him on the bland diet. Rice, chicken broth, pumpkin. but that's not recommended to give it for very long.
He is adorabull and thank you for rescuing him. Perhaps probiotics alternating with antibiotics can help. I'd also see if your local university has a vet school that you can access for help. I also just found perhaps you can find someone near you. Good luck and keep us posted.
Thank you for the information.. I'm gonna check it out now
How long has he been on antibiotics??

How long has he been on Hills??

Hills, Purina and Royal canin are not good foods at all, all those fillers cause even more health issues, my dogs got Kidney disease from the food because of those fillers.
Vets make $$$$ by promoting those foods, and they arenā€™t taught much in nutrition, other than being taught by the companys that make the food they sell, promote this food is basically their 1-2 week nutrition training.

However, I have learnt the hard way with all my dogs Health issues(also kidney disease in my 2 dogs from the nasty food they were on).

Now I have taken 3 different nutrition courses for dogs, and you would be surprised as to what they put in your dog food!

A bland diet would be beneficial to him right now. Either chicken and rice or chicken and sweet potato. Or beef instead of chicken.

The probiotics I use for my dogs is Gut Soothe by adored beast brand.
Itā€™s really good anti inflammatory for vomiting and diarrhea and any inflammation in the gut. It has slippery elm, marshmallow root, and aloe and other gut soothing foods in it.

I keep it in my fridge at all times Incase one of my dogs gets into something.
One of my sensitive dogs, she was SO sick, and we were desperate and took her to the vet which they gave her antibiotics which helped for the first 2 days, then once she was off antibiotics it was 10x worse!
I got gut soothe for her and it actually was the only thing that stopped the problem from returning, and when I stopped giving it to her cause she didnā€™t need it anymore, she was still good, it didnā€™t come back.

Maybe give Adored Beast Gut Soothe a try!

Also other thing that help the digestion and boost immune system:

-Bone broth, i buy the Open Farm beef bone broth and itā€™s really good, it has pumpkin and tumeric in it which is very good and nutritious and boost immune system.

-bovine Colostrum is really good for. Boosting immune system-I buy the four leaf Rover brand.

So if it was my dog, I would do the following:

1- get him off hills prescription food and onto a bland diet for right now, then when he is better, put him onto a better kibble after the bland diet.

2- Adored Beast gut soothe for probiotics that have additional gut soothing foods and to calm inflammation.

3. Consider adding bone broth to his food, I really like how the open farm brand has pumpkin and other super foods.

Even if you kept him on the antibiotics, all these are really good for maintenance and to help his system now.
I cannot begin to tell you how thankful and grateful I am for your advice. I will be starting his bland diet right away. How long can he be on the bland diet? The probiotics I'm giving him is by Health Aid its called PetProbio. He's only been on the antibiotics for about a week now. Should'nt they be working right away?I'll stop giving him the hills food. How often should I feed him?..He's hungry all the time and I think its because he's constantly having liquid stools and throwing up. What is a better kibble in your opnion? You're right about the doctors prescribing something only for their purposes.
Hello thanks for responding..Jessie has had liquid stools for at least 6 months. He's been on Antibiotics for 1 week. Should I be waiting longer to see if he needs more time on them? He was prescribed 15 Erythromycin pills given 3x a day. He's done with them and no change in the liquid stool. I'm still giving him the Tylan Powder. He's eating the i/d low fat hills food. he seems to like it too. while waiting for the first Vet appointment I put him on the bland diet. Rice, chicken broth, pumpkin. but that's not recommended to give it for very long.
I would keep giving the Tylan Powder for the length of time the vet recommended. Does the vet want to re-test his stool now that you've completed the 5 days of Erythoro?

You can give boiled chicken meat with the rice, just doing broth isn't ideal. No bones.
I cannot begin to tell you how thankful and grateful I am for your advice. I will be starting his bland diet right away. How long can he be on the bland diet? The probiotics I'm giving him is by Health Aid its called PetProbio. He's only been on the antibiotics for about a week now. Should'nt they be working right away?I'll stop giving him the hills food. How often should I feed him?..He's hungry all the time and I think its because he's constantly having liquid stools and throwing up. What is a better kibble in your opnion? You're right about the doctors prescribing something only for their purposes.

The bland diet can be given for 1-2 weeks sometimes people feed them that for life and the dogs are good on it.
The 1-2 weeks is what I would recommend you feed it for so his system will settle hopefully.

Some antibiotics work right away and some donā€™t, I recommend giving it for however long the vet said, definitely keep doing what the vets say as far as medications go, the only thing I wouldnā€™t do is the hills diet(gross).

Any improvement in the digestion with the probiotics?

If you add bone broth(open farm has amazing bone broths with pumpkin), bone broth helps soothe the gut, so I recommend adding it to his bland diet if you want.

If he is hungry during the day, I would give him breakfast, lunch and dinner but smaller meals of course! šŸ™‚

For the kibbles recommendation;

-Carna 4 oven baked kibble(the easiest on the digestive system and it has pre and probiotics in it too). This is what people feed when they canā€™t feed home cooked or raw.

-Natures Logic kibble

-Acana kibble

-N&D kibble

Keep us updated
How long had he been liquid stools before he went on the antibiotics? (Or is that not possible to tell as was he this way when you swoped in yo rescue?)

How long has he been on the antibiotics?

The problem you start having when the bowels get inflamed is that they re-inflame themselves and you need to calm them down. Which Hills is he eating? It is a little interesting that the vet went to hills before suggesting a bland diet of just boiled chicken and rice or even a 24 hour fast (I suppose I am making an assumption here, and also a fast can cause stomach upset). I suppose whichever hills you are in is supposed to be very bland already?

If hills is new, it isnā€™t a cause of anythingā€¦ But, there is a lot of anti Hills (and purina and other big brand) sentiment on this forum so expect to hear that. Millie has has a couple bouts of straight liquid lasting for days or weeks. Antibiotics helped me with the worst one. She also never had perfect stool on RC, Orijen or Fromm. And had tear staining from the RC and Fromm. But has peen perfect for about a month now on Pro Plan Sensitive Skin (on the suggestion of a vet and a half dozen breeder handlers at a couple different shows weā€™ve been to). She also loves raw meat on a bone which she gets once in a great while, and I can say those times also produce a hard stool about 8-12 hours later. Again, though, the infection will be inflaming the gut so this isnā€™t a cure.

The Bovine Colostrum that Bulldog2001 always suggests is also a good idea for pre-breakfast. It helped Millieā€™s stools a bit before I switched to Pro Plan. Now sheā€™s on both and a probiotic.
thank you for your input. am I able to purchase the bovine colostrum in stores or is it only purchased online?
can you suggest a good brand kibble for when he gets back to normal?
The bland diet can be given for 1-2 weeks sometimes people feed them that for life and the dogs are good on it.
The 1-2 weeks is what I would recommend you feed it for so his system will settle hopefully.

Some antibiotics work right away and some donā€™t, I recommend giving it for however long the vet said, definitely keep doing what the vets say as far as medications go, the only thing I wouldnā€™t do is the hills diet(gross).

Any improvement in the digestion with the probiotics?

If you add bone broth(open farm has amazing bone broths with pumpkin), bone broth helps soothe the gut, so I recommend adding it to his bland diet if you want.

If he is hungry during the day, I would give him breakfast, lunch and dinner but smaller meals of course! šŸ™‚

For the kibbles recommendation;

-Carna 4 oven baked kibble(the easiest on the digestive system and it has pre and probiotics in it too). This is what people feed when they canā€™t feed home cooked or raw.

-Natures Logic kibble

-Acana kibble

-N&D kibble

Keep us updated
Thank you for the recommendations. I'll stop giving the hills right away and start the bland diet. He doesn't like rice at all so what I do is put a few pieces of white chicken breast underneath the rice and then pute the pumpkin on the side. Is it ok to include meat every time I feed him? You mentioned beef..should I fry or boil the meat? Do I serve the sweet potatoes peeled and mashed? or peeled and just boiled?
I would keep giving the Tylan Powder for the length of time the vet recommended. Does the vet want to re-test his stool now that you've completed the 5 days of Erythoro?

You can give boiled chicken meat with the rice, just doing broth isn't ideal. No bones.
The vet hasn't ordered another stool panel. Actually I'm gonna try another Vet. A specialist is nearby and he sees a lot of bulldogs. The fact that his existing vet didn't recommend a bland diet makes me question his experience about bacteria infections
The bland diet can be given for 1-2 weeks sometimes people feed them that for life and the dogs are good on it.
The 1-2 weeks is what I would recommend you feed it for so his system will settle hopefully.

Some antibiotics work right away and some donā€™t, I recommend giving it for however long the vet said, definitely keep doing what the vets say as far as medications go, the only thing I wouldnā€™t do is the hills diet(gross).

Any improvement in the digestion with the probiotics?

If you add bone broth(open farm has amazing bone broths with pumpkin), bone broth helps soothe the gut, so I recommend adding it to his bland diet if you want.

If he is hungry during the day, I would give him breakfast, lunch and dinner but smaller meals of course! šŸ™‚

For the kibbles recommendation;

-Carna 4 oven baked kibble(the easiest on the digestive system and it has pre and probiotics in it too). This is what people feed when they canā€™t feed home cooked or raw.

-Natures Logic kibble

-Acana kibble

-N&D kibble

Keep us updated
I sure will thank you very much
How long had he been liquid stools before he went on the antibiotics? (Or is that not possible to tell as was he this way when you swoped in yo rescue?)

How long has he been on the antibiotics?

The problem you start having when the bowels get inflamed is that they re-inflame themselves and you need to calm them down. Which Hills is he eating? It is a little interesting that the vet went to hills before suggesting a bland diet of just boiled chicken and rice or even a 24 hour fast (I suppose I am making an assumption here, and also a fast can cause stomach upset). I suppose whichever hills you are in is supposed to be very bland already?

If hills is new, it isnā€™t a cause of anythingā€¦ But, there is a lot of anti Hills (and purina and other big brand) sentiment on this forum so expect to hear that. Millie has has a couple bouts of straight liquid lasting for days or weeks. Antibiotics helped me with the worst one. She also never had perfect stool on RC, Orijen or Fromm. And had tear staining from the RC and Fromm. But has peen perfect for about a month now on Pro Plan Sensitive Skin (on the suggestion of a vet and a half dozen breeder handlers at a couple different shows weā€™ve been to). She also loves raw meat on a bone which she gets once in a great while, and I can say those times also produce a hard stool about 8-12 hours later. Again, though, the infection will be inflaming the gut so this isnā€™t a cure.

The Bovine Colostrum that Bulldog2001 always suggests is also a good idea for pre-breakfast. It helped Millieā€™s stools a bit before I switched to Pro Plan. Now sheā€™s on both and a probiotic.
How long had he been liquid stools before he went on the antibiotics? (Or is that not possible to tell as was he this way when you swoped in yo rescue?)

How long has he been on the antibiotics?

The problem you start having when the bowels get inflamed is that they re-inflame themselves and you need to calm them down. Which Hills is he eating? It is a little interesting that the vet went to hills before suggesting a bland diet of just boiled chicken and rice or even a 24 hour fast (I suppose I am making an assumption here, and also a fast can cause stomach upset). I suppose whichever hills you are in is supposed to be very bland already?

If hills is new, it isnā€™t a cause of anythingā€¦ But, there is a lot of anti Hills (and purina and other big brand) sentiment on this forum so expect to hear that. Millie has has a couple bouts of straight liquid lasting for days or weeks. Antibiotics helped me with the worst one. She also never had perfect stool on RC, Orijen or Fromm. And had tear staining from the RC and Fromm. But has peen perfect for about a month now on Pro Plan Sensitive Skin (on the suggestion of a vet and a half dozen breeder handlers at a couple different shows weā€™ve been to). She also loves raw meat on a bone which she gets once in a great while, and I can say those times also produce a hard stool about 8-12 hours later. Again, though, the infection will be inflaming the gut so this isnā€™t a cure.

The Bovine Colostrum that Bulldog2001 always suggests is also a good idea for pre-breakfast. It helped Millieā€™s stools a bit before I switched to Pro Plan. Now sheā€™s on both and a probiotic.
Is the Bovine Colostrum only sold through a website?

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