newbie george and courage


New member
Sep 1, 2010
hello everyone, i'm george - bulldog lover from the philippines. meet my first and only bully, courage. hope to meet new friends from this site and learn more about the breed. :)


Wonderful to meet you! My father was in the Navy and I was born in Angeles City. I can never see my birth place because it is gone :(. Very nice to meet you and so glad you joined us!

Courage is a beauty!!
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Hi and welcome...That is such a fun name for a Bully and she's beautiful!
Welcome George!! You've joined such a wonderful bully site here! :) Can't wait to see pics && hear stories about Courage! Courage is beautiful!! Love that pic! :D
Hello and welcome to the site ................ pretty name - does it have a story behind it or do you just like the name Courage!! Just wondering ...
Welcome to you George and to Courage. I love the name Courage, and your picture. I hope you enjoy all the information you will find here.
Welcome, if you have any questions just ask, our members are extremely helpful. Nice bully :D
Welcome to the group. Courage is adorable. You found the right place for a bully parent. You will enjoy it here!!!!
Welcome George and Courage!! Very nice picture, love the pretty flowering bush Courage is laying behind. This is such a great site, glad you found it!!
Welcome George and Courage. I look forward to seeing more from you soon!
Hi George, Courage

Welcome !
I am Sjaak from the Netherlands and I have 1 bullie, named Bono.
Hope to see lot's of pics and read many stories about your bullie. :D

Wow [MENTION=938]SonoftheSea[/MENTION] that is some welcome! Bono has great taste!

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