Losing fur in wrinkle


Sep 16, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Bulldog(s) Names
The Stig Racecar Driver and (Sweet Angel) Punkin Brutus
Hi everyone,

Wanted to know if it's normal for our bullies to lose fur in the main wrinkles where the tear stains are. It's more so in Stig's left one than the one on the right. I think it started after we changed his antibiotics and added a pill to fight his mange, but not too sure though.

Thanks in advance for the input!
Honestly I don't know, but my guess would be no. Sometimes mine lose hair in their nose rope wrinkle, but not really on their eye/tear wrinkles.....
Chester is losing a little more fur right now..but I am wondering if he's shedding his summer coat in preparation for his winter coat? The wrinkles seem OK.
Havent noticed this with my boys either. When I wipe the nose rope little hairs usually come out but nothing noticeable. As for the tear folds I havent noticed at all. Hmm... maybe it is the meds?
lex hasnt lost hair when its really wet it sticks together which looks like he's lost some hair
I am guessing the mange is causing the hair loss.... Not the antibiotics. Just a guess.
I just may be because it's wet....just like when I bathe Orion.....all her spots show thru. When her tear stains are bad...it looks like she's lost hair.

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