Frontline not working?


New member
Aug 14, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Bulldog(s) Names
Ms. Piggy
I've used Frontline on my mastiffs for a few years now. I've never really had problems with fleas. Piggy came with her own tiny pets and within a couple of weeks EVERYONE has them.

I've done a little bit of online research and have found a lot of people are saying Frontline isn't working. The pet shop I pick up my frontline from also said they have had a lot of unhappy customers over the past year.

I've had to switch over to advantix today and they recommended a dose of Capstar which is supposed to kill everything on them in 24 hours.

Anyone else having frontline problems?

I treated the dogs today and I'm flea bombing the house tomorrow while I take all three of the kids to the park.
I dont use flea stuff since we dont get them often but my sil also just tried frontline for a change this year and she said the same thing, didnt work at all. Odd, they must have done something to their formula I guess.
This is good to know cuz that is what I use (when I use it). We also don't have a flea problem here- but we have had soooo much rain this year and I saw some FLEA DIRT on Molly's tummy so I need to get some! Although I still don't see any fleas on her, I am suspicious they are in her tail pocket cuz she keeps doing the tail pocket dance. But her tail pocket is clean. Hrmph.

Now I will get advantix instead! :up:

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