Libra's pictures


New member
May 29, 2010
Bulldog(s) Names
Chesty, Cadence and baby Echo and Mello (Delta)
As every one knows, Libra is my daughter, and she loves her photography. She entered a contest through her work and has spend many hours working to get the right shots for each category. Tonight is her big night and she finds out how she did. I know my daughter and she is very good at what she does, I know she will be excided when she gets home. A big high five ( I know I am a little old fashioned) to Libra.:heart::heart::heart:
That is exciting!!! I agree- she is wonderful, and so is her photography. She is my bully buddy :)

Cannot wait to hear how it went!!!
Oh I hope it all goes good. I love looking at her photos. She does such a great job. Good vibes her way.
I bet she's going to win! She is such an amazing photographer with a creative eye! I Love Her photos! Good Luck Libra!! :D
Well.........................I placed 9 times. I pulled 3-1st places, 2-2nd places and 4-3rd places. The competition was fierce! Here are my first place winners....
Catagory: Humanity (I placed 1st and 2nd in this catagory)

Uploaded with
Catagory: Portrait-non family member

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Catagory: Point of View

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That is great, Congratulations. I love the photos. You do such a great job. Do yo do this professionally? If not, you should, it is a wonderful art.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! They are very very good photographs!
Thanks everybody. No, I don't do it professionally. I only picked up a camera and started shooting about 4 years ago. So I'm very new to this art. My biggest problem is lighting.

Does the protrait photo show up to anyone? I'm not seeing it.
The picture of the little boy in the cowboy hat is amazing! I love it!

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