I am soooo frustrated!!!!!!!!!!

Gertie's Mom

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Community Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
SanTan Valley, Az.
Bulldog(s) Names
Gertie & Ida
I think I am the only member on here who is too dumb to figure out how to post pics. I did a small album, but the pics are the wrong size. :eek: I decided I was going to figure this out!! I HATE not being able to post pics of my girls, enter the photo contests, etc. Well, is anyone else having problems with photobucket? I've used it before, I even have an ancient account with them. But whenever I try to go on it, it takes a long time to come up and then it tells me "the web address you put in is unavailable". Seems everything is working against me! :mad:
I had trouble with Photo bucket then I realized that my comp cookies were to reject from third parties.... so I changed it and photo bucket worked again. I know your frustration. I hope you can figure it out soon. I want to see those babies.
I have no clue what cookies are. I can get the pics to my album from my computer. Can I then get them from the album to a post? I'll try shutterfly, maybe it won't do what photobucket is doing.
Okay, I was able to go in and create a shutterfly account. But is it as easy to get pics off there and on to this site? I see there's even a link to photobucket from here, but not to shutterfly.
Try this real quick.. Pretend like you are posting a comment here. Instead of hitting "post quick reply" choose the "go advanced".
From there, scroll down to "upload your image to imageshack"
Hit the browse button.
A window will pop up so you can select your location. For windows 7 they will usually be under Libraries...Pictures. Select your photo by double clicking it.
Then back to the image shack, click "host it"
From here..one of 2 things will happen.
1)photo will load..You copy and paste the "forum" code and paste in message or
2) it will say its too big and give you another window to upload from. YOu do the same as above for that.

Now, if you already know all this, maybe this will help others. Show me a photo in a post..then we will work on albums

[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION]
Ooops, I got as far as "host it". What do I do to copy and paste? I know how to copy and paste, but what's the forum "code"?
[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION]

The code is the mess of numbers and letters that will show the photo in your messages. It should be the 4th line down.

Direct Link
Widget code
forum code

Make sure the whole thing gets highlighted by right clicking and copy/paste into message.
When you click 'host it" it will take about 10 to 15 seconds to upload..
If this doesnt help you or it is too hard then what I do rather than use the photobucket uploader from the forum (it wont let me sign in to my account from here for some reason) is open a second window on your computer and go to photobucket with that. Then get the image code which should be the bottom link under the pics and copy and past it to the thread in the forum you want. Works everytime for me this way. ;)
If this doesnt help you or it is too hard then what I do rather than use the photobucket uploader from the forum (it wont let me sign in to my account from here for some reason) is open a second window on your computer and go to photobucket with that. Then get the image code which should be the bottom link under the pics and copy and past it to the thread in the forum you want. Works everytime for me this way. ;)

Maybe you have your computer set up not to allow 3rd party cookies? Ask your hubby :)
[MENTION=881]Gertie's Mom[/MENTION]

Right click your mouse over code, click select all. The code will be all blue. Right Click again, choose copy.

Go to the forums where you are going to reply, click "paste". The code will then paste to the forum.
[MENTION=2]desertskybulldogs[/MENTION] I will ask him, I just wrote the note in front of the computer so hopefully it is something as easy as that otherwise I am fine doing it my way too. Something must have changed cuz it did work before when you first put the link in there.
Okay, I'll try again. I am on a mission! I'm determined to figure this out! (As you can probably tell, I'm bad with the computer, none of this really makes sense to me. :eek:)

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