Sesame Street sure has changed since I was a kid!

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Well, I am actually older than Sesame street. :rolleyes: But things change so often. I remember when Disney films called people idiots and characters smoked, that is what I grew up with. I am about 15 years behind children shows now. I don't even know what is popular.
There seems to be a big controversy over what she is wearing and her boobies. I did not even notice until someone pointed it out!!!

I think I will stick with Bear in the Big Blue House. But even Bear can act very normal when it comes to Old Doc Hog, Jeramiah, or Lois. Sometimes he seems downright irritated by them!
I saw the video too and maybe its cause i am "younger" lol but it would have been catchy if the clothing was dumbed down a bit, a little to racey for my kidos
When I watched it, I really didn't think anything of it. The more I watched the more I thought it was probably what she was wearing.
I heard about this on the news, and was expecting to see something totally HORRIBLE! I really didn't think it was that bad. Everything's changed so much since my kids were little, most young Mom's I see at Wal-Mart are dressed about like she was. Nothing was flopping out, I doubt small children would be paying attention to her, anyway. Don't they watch Elmo?
....did anyone see the new Axe commercial? And that's on daytime TV. If you haven't, google it on youtube.
Havent really ever gotten into sesame street so I cant compare this but the first thing I did think was the boob factor when I saw the dress. Not that she was all out there or anything but still when it is geared for kids like 4~ish why would you not just wear something a little more covered up? And I am SO not a prude by any means either so I can imagine what other people thought about it who are more uptight.
I didn't think it was bad, and I doubt any 4 yr old will notice or think anything about the bare upper chest... I'm kinda worried about the up coming Pamela Anderson guest appearance though :p
I don't even have little ones but the first time I saw this, I thought the top was just too low cut for Sesame Street. It was a cute song and could've been done with a different outfit and been just as cute. Whoever styled that video should've known better - it's Sesame Street, fault on the side of conservatism. I've heard lots of my friends who are parents on Facebook say they thought it was maybe I am just conservative when it comes to these things?
I think its played out in the media to be a bigger deal than it should be but in general when you are dressing for a kids show WHY would that be the outfit you choose?
Technically,,,,it wasn't bare. The dress was a tank top style. The top half was nude colored...just like ice skaters wear.
Technically,,,,it wasn't bare. The dress was a tank top style. The top half was nude colored...just like ice skaters wear.

I didn't notice that until you mentioned it but it appears much more sheer than the ice skater's costumes and she has much larger breasts than most figure skaters.

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