Hot Spots on English Bulldogs?


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Community Veteran
Jan 28, 2010
Tucson, Arizona
Bulldog(s) Names
The Home of the Desert Sky Pack
Last night I saw blood on Tidus's neck behind his ear. When I cleaned it, I noticed it was actually the skin under his fur was all swollen and bleeding and pussy. Is this a hot spot? I have never seen one before. What causes hot spots?

I will take a picture of it. I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and put a cone on him to keep him from itching it but it is still swollen, pussy and red-- and he wants to itch it sooooo bad his mouth is quivering! Did I read somewhere to put listerine on hot spots?

My poor wittle baby is miserable.... :(
OK here are some pics.

I searched Hot Spot but of course the pictures come up with crusty hairless photos, so is this a hot spot?

It seemed to come out of nowhere with no signs that it would happen????


poot thing looks like it itches him bad! sorry i dont know anything about hot spots. what if you tried putting something cool on it?
Kinda looks like one. You can take 1:1 apple cider vinegar and water and put it on the hot spot. There's also the soap...can't think of the name of it but it comes in a box and is powder form...old style soap. Put as much of that in water were it develops a paste and rub that in. Malaseb also works great if you can still find it.
I just gave him a bath and there is literally chunks of meat dangling. I have called my mobile vet, just waiting for a call back..... *sigh*
Everywhere that I have read Black Tea and Witch Hazel keeps coming up. Soak tea bags in hot water, then let cool apply bags to infected area. Do several times a day. Witch Hazel cools the itch.
I don't looks to me like something got at him behind the ear. It sounds like you made the right call to ask the vet. Let us know how it goes, poor fella.
Abby's hot spots are just real red and the hair sometimes is lost, no swelling or bleeding. I would worry that something bit him. Hope you find out soon, poor thing!
After a LONG talk with my vet about Tidus's issues, we decided that we need to do a deep ear canal search. See, ever since he was a small pup, he is always batting at his ears with his hind paws. I have brought this up with 2 other vets but they just want to mask his issues with pills for allergies and staples for his eyes.

I just cannot believe he has 'allergy' problems. He does not have ANY of the obvious signs of allergies, such as licking paws and itchy skin. He only has the "oooooo yeah get me right there" when I get near his ears. Then he got the eye ulcers, and now I am thinking these ulcers are caused by him rubbing himself against things to itch his EARS.

Now, about his ears. Clean. Not stinky. Why would he want to itch them??? I think the hot spot was brought on by him itching that area and then not stopping once he started. Who knows what germs were in his nails that made it what it is now.

So tomorrow, my vet is coming to the house to shave the area and treat it and do a deep ear canal exam on both ears. This is the only vet I trust in this town, although he cannot preform surgery he DOES seem to help find the bottom line.

This could also be an allergic reaction to the new food I put him on. But is it the chicken, or the grains? I thought I would try the Fromm 4 Star Chicken. But it has grains. But I also tried some new treats. Was it those? I am also starting to question fish for him. He never does well on the fish foods, and these are the grain free ones usually. I don't know and it is driving me crazy.

Also, some of Tidus's staples are now loose--- grrrr..... I told them to TAKE THEM OUT but they would not. They are doing him no good. His ulcers are gone, and I think these are just causing more of an irritation/problem with him. So now my mobile vet says he will just get them out for me.

I am so stressed right now, I hate to see my baby miserable :(
well lets just hope that the deep ear canal clean will make him better........ hopefully its not the new food!!
Ouch, I didn't see the pics big and up close like that.

I recently switched all of the dogs from TOTW Chicken to TOTW Fish. You are supposed to rotate flavors each month and the foster dog, Babette, has to be on a fished based diet because of her allergies. a day and a half later Piggie Pie has a rash all over his under belley, thighs, penis, and chest. When I thought about it, I remembered the reason why I hadn't brought home the fish in months---I had this same reaction the last time. It could be something other than the fish because I give them all the Omega 3 Salmon oil. I put him on Chicken again and the rash is clearing up.

Chubbie Chops always had a plethera of allergies in his ears. He never scratched at them like yours, however.

If he is still itchy scratchy, give him some benadryl.
The vet will arrive very soon. The stupid cone sits right on top of the spot!! So I am making him wear Molly's bathrobe. He is so mad about it at least he is leaving the area alone. Oh my I cannot tell you how bad it smells. It definitely stinks of sour blood and gooey puss.... we will most likely be shaving the area to help keep it dry. My poor sweet angel, I still am wondering what caused this!!! It came on so fast out of the blue..... and you can maybe see the staples that seem to be doing nothing but irritating him at the point, they are all loose and causing more little wounds around his eye. Check out the drool string too hee hee. As you can see, he is MISERABLE and this itches to him horribly. I sure hope it is not something else like mange.... :(


Yowtch! He looks really sad. Keep us updated, as I know you will...that looks really painful.

I don't think it's mange, that came on gradually and wasn't that bright and noticeable at first but involved more hair loss.

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