He’s luck I have patience!


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Bulldog(s) Names
Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
I’m putting the recycling bins outside in the lane for pick up tomorrow. I did close the gate but didn’t latched it as it was a whole 3 seconds. I don’t know how he did it, little sh*t came running out, ran to the neighbour’s side and I’m there running after him n calling him to come here, fell on my knees cause of their uneven pad and Jake the idiot decided to stop n roll on his back. Like WTH.. blah blah blah is probably what he heard and decided “I better stop or she’ll kick my ***”. Try to convince a 55lb dog on its back to get up...lolll he did roll back on his belly but did want to get up. Ffs... He just didn’t want to get up whatsoever. I dragged him doing baby steps as I didn’t want to choke him either since he just had surgery a couple weeks ago. I even called him Duke. Must of had a flash back... Then we both took time out and he jumps on my side of the sofa, I tell him to get down. He sticks his tongue out like “I ain’t getting down”. Loll


Duke is body-hoping!!!! LMAO LMAO. LMAO

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My thoughts have been said!! Glad to see Jake will be keeping you on your toes ;)
BROTHERS !!!!! lololol
He looks like he is saying sorry to me!!!
Sorry Helene, but I am LMAO..........hope your knees are ok, BUT STILL.....LMAO
OMG!! That face:loveeyes::loveeyes::loveeyes: Hope your knees are ok:hug::hug:

I’m good thank you. Just each time I fall which is mostly cause when I’m walking dogs, I always seem to fall on the same damm knee. Lol. Btw I fall cause there’s icy sidewalks, dog meets cat, or runaway dog :w00t:
Those pictures are priceless! What a silly goof. Hope your knees came through okay.

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