Hello, I am new here :)


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
Bulldog(s) Names
Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
My name is Jennifer and I am owned by a 4 year old bully and a 3 year old pug. I am married andhave a 16 month old daughter who keeps me pretty busy at the moment. This site looks really nice and easy to keep up with. I am excited to have found it. :)
Love that close up photo there! Welcome to our sites, any questions just ask!

for the welcomes. I am liking this forum a lot. :) Oh and the close-up was me just messing with my camera, wasnt easy to get a shot of him not licking and sniffing the lense. lol... Nosey bully.
Re: Thanks

I am Arnold From USA. I am also married and i have 2 child, they are student of 5th class. I am doing marketing job in a private company. Please share with me your comments and ideas.
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